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亲子矛盾 八成问题出在爸妈身上心理咨询师给家长布置“春节作业”:和孩子谈谈心 Parent-child conflict problem eighty percent psychological consultant gave parents on parents"Work during the Spring Festival":And the children talk


春节来临,In this originally should be the most happy day,Than the city's psychological hotline and health hotline is ringing constantly.The children want to talk?What adult heart pain?Anxiety is, as always, to study and work/For family conflicts frustrating/As tangled feelings heart palpitations?today,This newspaper launched"Health hotline new Courier"Series of reports.As the reporter,Behind the scenes of readers will be from a hotline,Insight given the people and things.


今天是小年夜,Psychological consultant floor when you can finally breathe a sigh of relief,Sleep to nature to wake,She is responsible for the supervision of east China normal university counseling studio hotline,All the year round with no rest,Can only rest for a few days.Review a busy year,Most building clearly can't let go,Be heard too much"You don't understand me,I don't understand you"Parent-child stories;As an expert of psychology consultant,She want to say is a word:The Spring Festival holiday,Please, at ordinary times busy parents fill parent-child classes.


弃表象仔细寻根源 Abandon image carefully to find root cause


初中生小柯,Enter the grade 3,Performance is still in the bottom of the class,Parents are anxious,But always can't figure out how to make"lazy""Don't beg aspirant"Son has changed.Then mom found a psychological consultant,Let mother surprise,The first deputy consultant"The prescription"Is a diet to keep fit,This just let mom realized,The son of small weak than their peers,It has been some years of learning"Run out of puff".


一向努力用功的四年级女孩袁媛,Make notes carefully in class,Home also GongGongZhengZheng retype it again,But grades didn't her to work hard is proportional to the,Good parents worry,Often complain about,She even gave up the study results,The reason is simple:Just don't work hard,Parents say she is stupid……


华东师大心理咨询工作室常年对外提供心理咨询服务.Last year 1136 consultation case,有关亲子education的占296个,Quantity, ranked second in all kinds of cases,And ranked first marriage emotional case,又有一部分缘起于亲子education的矛盾冲突.Is an interesting phenomenon:当家庭education或亲子关系发生问题时,Most parents think is out of order,But consultants ZhuiGenXunYuan,Found that at least 80% above is the cause of the parents.


拼孩子集体无意识 Children collective unconscious


说起"No."The son of,Middle-aged mother LiuGong gushing,Suddenly lists six he refused to seriously study the"Persistent ailment",Consultant questions gently:"Can you tell me,You spend much time reading every day?"LiuGong disagree,She said she worked so hard to earn money for the family,Son you should good good study,The child bad grades,Let her in front of others no face very much.


楼明明分析说,Popular in our society"Spell dad",But in real life,Many parents are"Spell the child",They are often one for training"Let others envy"The children do their best,Even sacrifice themselves.The consequences of such a collective unconscious,家长在亲子education中貌似关心孩子,It focused on their feelings,And so it is difficult to truly stand in the child's perspective.


抓机会沟通获成长 Grasp the opportunity to communicate for growth


每个孩子都Not the same,True love should calm down and parents of the children,Find their children"Not the same",To effectively establishing good parent-child relationship.Floor, yao said,A good parent-child relationship,可说是所有家庭education的先决条件,The winter holiday in Spring Festival,Is one of the best time to optimize the parent-child relationship.Understand the children/Sincerely talk with your child,This is a parent should complete"Work during the Spring Festival".

  楼明明建议,沟通首先要充分相信孩子,解决问题或制定改善计划,两代人也应该“互相学习、共同成长”。有时候,家长适时地认个错、道个歉,不仅不会“弱化”家长的权威,还会赢得孩子更多尊重。(记者 宋铮)

楼明明建议,Communication should fully believe that child in the first place,Solve a problem or improve plan,Should be two generations"Learn from each other/Grow up together".sometimes,The parents acknowledge it duly/An apology,Not only does not"Weaken the"The authority of the parents,Will win more respect.(The reporter song zheng)
