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二月河:如今这么大国力 应编纂现代版四库全书--亲稳舆论引导监测室

以史说今 In history said today
盛世修文,应编纂现代版《四库全书》 盛世修文,Modern version should be compiled[ku]
Er yue he said,In the past,I the yongle emperor, why[yongle],Kangxi to[Kangxi dictionary]/Emperor qianlong make[ku]Don't understand,Now look at,They are all very clever politician.
盛世修文.Er yue he think,Today we such a big power/Financial resources,Can focus on a group of people of insight and experts,The excavation for our own cultural resources,The philosophy of/History and politics/The social sciences/religious/民风民俗, etc.文化分成板块进行研究,Can make a batch of cultural projects,Similar to like[ku]/[yongle],You also can make a large number of authoritative culture/Masters of culture.
"This to improve our country's cultural awareness,Enhance our country's cultural self-confidence,Enhance our Chinese national culture in the world due status and glory,Advantage is self-evident."Er yue he said.
以戏说实 以戏说实
创新匮乏,旧作品改改就敢拿出来 创新匮乏,Change will dare to take out the old works
去年热播的[Zhen 嬛 preach],Er yue he said,He didn't focus on.
在他看来,Television is filled with repetition.
"like[Batman Zhang Ga]/[Railway guerrillas], etc.,Is a few decades ago,But now it is remake appear on the screen."Er yue he said,We now have poor adaptation adaptation will dare to put the past things prosper from it sold for scrap,seismic/Became a little.
He said,Literature is the mother of art,If there is no innovation literature,Why is there something new stage to screen.
现在的年轻人过的都是圣诞节/Valentine's day/April fool's day,The Internet is eroding the original motivation of xing to literature,These things are subtly changing our culture accumulation.Er yue he said,We should think more,How to discover our own culture,This is not say who called for the problem to be solved.
以正压邪 Positive pressure to evil
戾气太重,有人“文凭高了,素质低了” 戾气太重,someone"The high degree,The quality is low"
长春杀婴案刺痛了国人的心,Er yue he also regret about this.He said,Nowadays, some people lost the basic moral bottom line.He thinks that,Now many diploma in improving,Quality on the decline.
在他看来,now,Inherent in the traditional virtue in China lost,And not establish new moral ethics to support now/Cultural ideas,Let the commodity economy brings the money worship/Pure substance,Corrosion and disseminated the soul of our nation.
Er yue he said,Between the person and the mutual wariness/Right not to,A bit of a friction,Immediately a spark,And even conflict,This is social rage.
消除社会戾气不在一朝一夕,Need to be family/The school/Social three aspects of education,Let people heart some more tolerance,A little more understanding,A little more patience,"This is our every citizen shall have the responsibility."
你幸福吗 Are you happy?
弱势群体的幸福感,决定社会前途 弱势群体的happiness感,Decided to future of society
谈及连续当选三届全国人大代表的感受,Er yue he said,For more talking for vulnerable groups,Should have his eyes on the helpless/At the bottom of society people.
Er yue he said,Now you are asking"Are you happy??""happiness"Is a very broad topic,In general theory of"happiness"It is very difficult to,but,Vulnerable groups of happiness determines the future of the society as a whole.
他还建议国家和政府应减免文化产品的税务,从而降低书籍, etc.文化产品的售价,That more and more people afford books,Let the poor children have toy to play,Enjoy the achievement of cultural development.
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