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According to media reports,At the end of a private one XuXiang and access ChengDingHua conversation,Table conversation contents are those named li account sales secretly recorded and leak to other brokers and media.At the end of a conversation including 2 institutions will delivery,cement/The real estate may will collapse,If the economy can't have strong recovery in August,The A shares may collapse,Weak market value in medicine and wine plate, etc.
recently,The recording media exposure,The following is the recording content arrangement:
ChengDingHua:Bullish logic,I don't see valuations,See the destruction of logic.Probably the reason has two,One is,In October after the ipo has substantial stop,Market buying smaller;The second is,In October, the direction of the economy after the better,Recently various industries are better,Everyone on the whole economy up not in doubt.Economy in upward supply in less,So the market will rise.
Quotation to end,Is to destroy the two logic:March will destroy one,After march estimate financing and financing will be restored,No matter what form to restore,The market is bad.
XuXiang:New shares from October stopped,Why the stock market from December began to rise?
ChengDingHua:October cycle stock began to better,We didn't realize that.Conch cement(600585,guba)Companies such as October began to strengthen,Everybody believes that is held at eighteen,IPO will resume,By the end of November clearly know not be returned,In December, the market began to covering.
Cycle strands of stronger,Heavy card cement in December before have been low.
March one logic will destroy,Late February first wave will end,Amplitude not particularly big.Growth stock and theme investment primarily,The general cycle stock does not move,If the index depth adjustment,The real estate may move.Adjustment is also quite shallow adjustment,Adjustment is deep is the cement truck, etc.Active should be more small stock,Index is relatively safe,No new main.
XuXiang:Why is march?
ChengDingHua:From the result of management to understand,Is such.Securities regulatory commission chairman in good,The CBRC circ CSRC will have 2 President to change,But in who still don't know.GuoShuQing is in consideration of the column,So you still don't know whether he will adjust.The new prime minister after come up,Index estimated at around 2300-2400,IPO recovery conditions are mature.
XuXiang:Do you think it a wave?Recovery is true?
ChengDingHua:So far,So far to the second quarter,Direction is not the end.Consideration,After the end of the second quarter recovery is still strengthened,This is the key.Now everybody do not have enough evidence,Next year for the second quarter economic situation.Economists think that this year is weak recovery,7.8 8.2.From the interval,And expectations are not consistent.After the second quarter economic is not more than 8.2 to 7.8 the recession.If above 8.2 to recovery,This year will be the second wave quotation.Is expected to 5/June.
When the second wave,Direction would not be in cement/On iron and steel,Will go straight to the upstream,In coal/non-ferrous/Agricultural products/Real estate four aspects,And price related,Partial upstream.
Now coal non-ferrous is very bitter,Because the price is not moving,These industries will not have obvious change.Once the GDP more than 8.5,Global will see China's data or Fried resources price,Straight to upstream,Skip the middle and lower reaches,Four big industry will become the most cow four big industry.After the third quarter to the fourth quarter of the market will crash:The price level is higher,If the second quarter can see 8.6% growth,The fourth quarter CPI must be more than 3.5,The price will soon collapse.The situation and the year as like as two peas,A fast falling fast.If the fourth quarter CPI in 3.5 or 4 or above,14 years will breakdown 1950 points.Once upon a time of great economic elasticity,But now is a very highly indebted economies,All aspects are's tight.
If really is if the recovery,That this year's high in 2/In march.
XuXiang:Weak recovery and the difference between the strong recovery?
ChengDingHua:Economic growth more than 8.2,Higher than expected,8.5-9 is much faster than expected.If to 8.5-9,To go to about 2600 points.The second wave will be very fast and fierce,But then basically finished.
Before march,Reserve bank real estate,Plus medicine/TMT.Now is the time to waste,Index won't have too big change.The market is safer.If the economy then,So cement steel also won't go up again,Coal nonferrous will rise,But its price also have not risen.Late February,Everyone will decrease a storehouse,5/June is the decisive time.
If there is no strong recovery(99% forecast weak recovery and 1% can not predict recovery),5.6 month period shares will fall in including car/Steel cement.Asset allocation and back to medicine liquor,The bank will be slightly better.
XuXiang:Why liquor in the economy is not strong recovery time up?
ChengDingHua:Because now cheap,Quarter data,Can see that the impact of the plasticizer last year.If a great impact,3/April will fall,reaction.Economic recovery,Don't play liquor play???????
Medicine is long-term configuration theme,Any time can match as low.An aging population to decide the future thirty years.Index no good,To run medical,Is stable.Medicine is a necessity,There was no big risk.
In the second quarter of this year is not appear strong recovery,Main is this year if there is the economic investment?How big is the government investment,The new urbanization development and reform commission is compiled,March will be out.Even out,Went to a place,In the implementation process,Will deformation.
Nobody make clear real estate investment,Market forecast next forty - s growth.December real estate sales information display,Next year may not only forty - s growth.
These two pieces of variables is too big,Now can't predict,The best way is to observe and deal with,Fixed asset investment growth in March,21 level defined as weak recovery.Consumption and import and export need not see.In 3.4.5 fixed assets investment in the twenty - 21,Weak recovery can be determined.If in the 24-25,Can be considered a strong recovery.
"Don't think all recovery,Always look empty.
XuXiang:Urbanization will below expectations?
ChengDingHua:February decrease a storehouse,If less than expected,Positions have reduced also doesn't matter.Is afraid of is high expectations.
Strong economic recovery,Short-term great,But only one.
Now the market interest rate level in seven to eight,Everyone in the budget,Also money according to the seven or eight,Day is pain.No large-scale financial risk,No systemic risk.Inflation to 4-5,Shadow bank interest rates will rise to more than ten,As soon as control,Appear tightening,Enterprise will be unable to return money,Appear systemic fracture.At the current state,Shadow bank interest rates impact less than 11-12 words,Down after,There will be great risk.History is not the simple repetition.
XuXiang:Strong recovery and weak recovery difference?
ChengDingHua:Mainly reflects in the central investment and real estate investment.
The central investment:Rail into/The new urbanization.Railway approval already large scale,But the new urbanization also don't know.Development and reform commission is currently in the planning to urbanization,Will soon take advice,March will be issued.In the actual implementation process,Happen a lot of deformation,The local government only know investment,Other can't remember.
The new urbanization funds:Development and reform commission (NDRC) when in planning,Investment and financing system will tell you the money come from.If from the credit,The medium and long term credit accounts for next year than is very important.This year the credit scale small quantity,But the structure not,Partial bill.If next year 9 trillion credit midfielder credit pulled out 70-80,That is enough.
XuXiang:Will there be a bad debt?
ChengDingHua:Don't lend died,Lending will delay death.To solve this problem is very difficult.If the bank loan,The enterprise immediately form bad debt,And pv is very much like.In the first half of some enterprise production out of cash,Can cover does not include the cost of depreciation,But also in the production.Once the production will propose the liquidation,Apply for bankruptcy.A liquidation assets are sold,Are a dime a dozen.
Provincial highway group has the provincial government financial in pledge,A 14% interest rate,one-year,Borrow money to private.Although the provincial government finance can't pledge,But private still do.The bank won't lend.The interest rates and financial system of the collapse is tight,So this once appear, high inflation and deflation,Must the stock all empty.
XuXiang:At present how to configure point?
ChengDingHua:The bank/Real estate + growth stock.Risk is not big,The bank do not have the extra income,Real estate is still possible.1/2 months of sales data better than expected high probability.One thousand index downward,Want to rely on Banks to brace index.
Now do theme investment and growth of investment in prime time,There are two months.After the even months either upstream/Or medicine liquor.If you don't appear great risk,Chinese investors trading habits change.At this time of the year theme investment gem will come out,Is pure trading habits.
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