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"是哪里出了The problem,Let the children took things too hard?"
[The child,You shouldn't walk from Hohhot parent of a student suicide watch at the beginning of school social education idea erroneous zone]On January 22, after publication in the newspaper headlines position,Trigger a wide audience warm attention.
"Really tired",Journalists to report on the issues when the hearing is the phrase most frequently.The student say tired,Parents said tired,The teacher/Principals said tired.
教育本该是阳光的事业/Happy career,Right now,,Our education is developed"Tired disease"?
“只看分数,不看成长,暴露家庭教育极端功利化” "Look only at the score,Don't grow up,Exposure to extreme utilitarian education family"
郭怀恩是一位初三学生的家长,He said,平时我forThe child施加的压力也非常大.Now, after all, entrance employment competition is fierce.High scores,Can into a good school,After can be in a good unit,There is a high income.Children on holiday now,Is make up a missed lesson,Good for an examination next year to set aside more general review of the sprint time.
记者调查了解到,A lot of parents is to target the college entrance examination into the good university/Graduate to find a good job of utilitarian goals education child.
家长王刚说,In order to their children to study,In addition to the coaching job,Don't watch TV at home,Dare not to speak loudly,Will pick up/Cook a meal,Some parents still rent a house with,Especially from the county seat of children reading in Hohhot,Some civil servant's mother,Please come to Hohhot 3 years long separation with,Until the child to go to university,They didn't unload one thousand jins burden.From high school,Family life is around children learn,Little fun,In retrospect,,Really tired.
内蒙古师范大学教科所王友亮教授说,The essence of education is to teach knowledge and skills/Thought emotion/Social etiquette,是培育人的成长and发展.Now our parents,瞄准的是中考and高考的分数,"Children learn in addition to do nothing,As long as good to do anything",Overlooked the ideology and moral character is more important/The innovation ability/The development of physical quality.Look only at the score,Don't grow up,Extreme utilitarian exposed the family education.The honest code of honor education child,Do ordinary laborer glory as well,家长and社会必须有这样的平常心.Children under a lot of pressure right now,The main reason is that parents demand too high,Some parents constantly let the child to attend class,Don't want to let the child lose on the starting line,It actually did a lot of psychological pressure on children.To score as the only standard to the child's performance is good or bad,It is a big mistake.
“教育中弥漫的是分数、升学率,而不是道德、做人” "Education in the score/Graduation rates,而Is not a道德/To be"
家长抱怨累,In fact the most tired is one of China's children."Heavy bag than people",Have much helplessness in the fun.
今年初三的王泽成绩中游,He said,In this city,Only a sanitation worker got up earlier than us.We in the sea every day,Teacher training us how to get good grades,Again and again,Never tired.On the weekend/Also want to go to the all kinds of cram school holidays,Adults have play time now,The time you go to sleep,Instead, we have no.There are times when,I really want to give up.I feel that learning is not happy.
内蒙古农业大学附属中学的王葳是数学The teacher,She said,Assessment of school teacher now,Depending on the class.In order to improve the child,Basic knowledge about later on,Will speak to expand,Because only problem can open with others.Some problems to dozens of times students can understand.Work too much,Two classes a day more than 120 copies,After correcting exhausted, so to speak.
如此的累,Is the attribute of education?Now China's education have a unified format,Unification proposition,Unification of the test paper,Unification of the standard,In order to standard,for学生进行艰苦的磨练.To search for scientific knowledge,Learn to do a sage,Should have full of curiosity and sublime,But the exam-oriented education alienation., deputy director of professional committee of China education philosophy/Dr Pedagogy/Inner Mongolia normal university professor LiuWenXia analysis,Education for examination subject alienation/Entrance of the tool,A slave to the score;Diffuse is mark in education environment/Graduation rates,而Is not a道德/To be/life/wisdom;教育主体均以拼体力and时间,Sacrifice needed rest/娱乐and交往,With an unusual competition.这是教育本质的迷失andwisdom缺失.
"Is society out of the parent school education idea erroneous zone."LiuWenXia is urgently called for.
(记者 高 平 光明网记者 侯 兵)
(High press flat kwangmyong reporter hou bing)
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