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曾军,辽宁辽阳人.中国美术家协会辽宁省美术家协会会员,紫罗兰油画学会会员、油画家,结业于鲁迅美术学院油画系、毕业于辽宁教育学院艺术系。 Ceng Jun,Liaoning liaoyang. Member of Chinese artists association of liaoning province artists association,Violet painting association/painter,Graduation in the lu xun academy of fine arts oil painting department/毕业于辽宁education学院艺术系.
我从一九七七年国家恢复高考开始带美术高考学生,To start formally organized in 83 for the fine arts college entrance examination practice class,Has been done in 2005,Because of body reason and stop running,Well held the twenty-third year of fine arts college entrance examination class,Can be said to be feeling quite a lot,Is fulfilled the dream of more than two hundred young people's fine arts college entrance examination,And years passed in a twinkling of an eye,During this period,I concentrate on oil painting creation,No longer in the fine arts college entrance examination,Just heard there"issue"A lot of.
艺考如今内幕纷杂 打掉牙没法说 Art test inside distracting knocked out teeth are now can't say
最近,Revealed in a provincial TV news"Art exam mess"The insider,And is multifarious,To strive for wealth, is true,And that it was all over the country have this phenomenon,Is very worrying,I didn't know that today's art college entrance examination turned out to be such a state.
去年,One of my relatives children study spent tens of thousands of dollars to the provincial capital to participate in art college entrance examination,Last but also was admitted to a jinzhou college of fine arts,Is really irritated enough,but,Then again,The child's academic performance is poor,If you are not in a discipline to solve a college degree,On the other subjects went out,As a result,Can only be knocked out teeth to the stomach pharynx,Bite the bullet to spend a lot of money"Curve of salvation"strategy,Mix a good art college diploma to find a job.
恢复高考几十年中,College entrance examination training fees from six dollars a month of the year to thousands of yuan in the first month,Plus the black market can get their stead BaoJiao package,Pay fee is eighty thousand yuan,Really let me old painter gaping in this first class,My early class teaching,Are mostly children of poor families to learn art,Also good prospect is fond of art,Base is also very good,The class hour drive are reluctant to go home,Begged can I studio in the draw for a while,Can say is his by right was admitted to a good student of fine arts colleges and universities.
文革时的艺考生都成为栋梁 关系良好 When the cultural revolution art examinee beams have become a good relationship
文革后,Originally there is only one or two in our province fine arts school recruitment of students,Competition is very fierce,In spite of this,I teach the excellent student still can achieve the entrance,now,They DongLiangZhiCai to the motherland after graduation,Play a role in various cultural front,I often because they couldn't take the six yuan tuition lenient,Sometimes some sketch using the paper and stationery such as rubber,For many years,Is the teachers and students and friends with them,In so many years,Has been maintained a good touch with them.
今天的艺术高考竟然成了乱象纷生的大杂院,It's like kissing.When I was on train to get into art college students,Because I had to learn art,No youngteacher at any repay to me,I always have some guilty,Later I became an art teacher,Teaching the students is also sincerely to me,The kindness of entertain wild hope does not care about somebody else,now,Art college entrance examination has become a certain person to seek fortune of bad means,It is very hateful.I hope can to clean up clean up by the state education commission,Don't let the original holy hall of art so malodorous.
当年在鲁美学习期间,I had a chance to get to know a lot of great painter who is famous all over the country,rutan/Ren Mengzhang/Sun chao deng domestic famous painter,They didn't gave me the impression of a some painters such as now,To meet or talk,Everywhere to show off the painting how worth,Or put himself in an exhibition and a people to pose for pictures on the Internet,To prove their status is not equal,And my teacher is like a shy girl,Often when it comes to its successful and modest and prudent,Really make me admire.I still can't forget.At the end of the day,It should be said that money to make,Don't hype don't packing,No one buy your bill,Who let the painting can be sold now?It is no wonder that ah,As the saying goes,;Current hero,This time what can make a hero?By now,A generation of real are doddering old artists,About painting,They had to spend their twilight years.
如今画家多是混日子 难辨真伪 Now more than painter is along being fooled
now某些靠炒作混日子的画家却是如日中天,Anyway, today didn't mind those mighty art students when leonardo Da Vinci and qi baishi,Can mix a degree is fulfilled,The art market is also varied,Identification of authenticity is also very difficult,Is the pit that become prosperous first rich collectors,Spent the day price""Contemporary painting"Still can add value?If no takers to hype,With medium when the bubble burst,The date is squealed.
昨天,Tennis gold flower li did not get it won a grand slam singles title,Feel some regret,however,Is a fair game,Is also strength against real results,This is the fair competition in sports,Lost is lost,No one will will reverse black and white for some reason,All the contestants will take orally,There is absolutely no certain art class that kind of nonsense/Reverse black and white/Take a strange phenomenon,Someone call for purify the environment,If this environment really can purify is no easy task,Can only be totally,Not to go is enough.Narcissistic day although had a more austere,In the heart is calm enough.Hair a new works,Let the sanctity of the pure maiden model for art/Fairness do pray.
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