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八个月大女婴患病腹胀如鼓 年轻爸爸欲捐肝救人--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

八个月大女婴患病腹胀如鼓 年轻爸爸欲捐肝救人




"Small XuanXuan beaming with big eyes,Face suffused with a glow,Is blunt oneself giggle a lot……"The picture,Appeared in 24 - year - old mother, lina countless times in the dream.


而在现实中,Small XuanXuan now 8 months old,Lying in bed,Quite a large belly,The pain will follow,She had congenital biliary atresia.At present,She is in Shanghai,26 - year - old father Fang Shunyuan ready to donate liver to save his daughter.


刚一出生就成了"Monster doll"


2012年6月,Small XuanXuan under YunXiaoXian river township village new born in ordinary families.She's coming,Give Fang Shunyuan/Lina couple brought a surprise.


好景不长,Just little XuanXuan full moon,Don't laugh,Will only cry."Baby looks very yellow,Your navel is stick out.At that time we thought the baby had jaundice."New mothers, lina did not experience,Sent to the local hospital for treatment for more than half a month,Still didn't improve.


看着小萱萱的肚子一天天肿大,Party lina ratio who all bad,As long as a see daughter cry,Her tears stream down."How many times,I dreamed that baby healthy/White white fat appear in front of me,Shouted at me laugh?."Fang said Lena.


四处打听 终于盼来治疗希望 Ask around eventually hope to treat


看着女儿痛得大哭,The couple love dearly unceasingly,Will eventually be small XuanXuan to xiamen first hospital inspection.Diagnosis for:Small XuanXuan had congenital biliary atresia.


祸不单行,In the same month,Small XuanXuan great-grandfather was diagnosed with esophageal cancer,Surgery spent all his savings at home,Ten days after died of exhaustion.


面对一贫如洗的家,The couple still don't give up,Encourage each other,Everywhere, consult a doctor,For all kinds of folk prescription,But little XuanXuan disease is still no change.


一次偶然的机会,Lina in online to see a small XuanXuan with similar children heal,She saw the hope.She immediately contacted the parents,And find a agency for help.At the end of February,The couple borrowed 30000 yuan,With XuanXuan to Shanghai.


◆为给萱萱治病,家里已经负债不少 Treating XuanXuan mixer for,At home has many debt


为救女儿 “80后”父亲准备捐肝 To save his daughter "After 80"Father ready to donate liver


小萱萱随父母到上海一家医院接受治疗.At this time,Her illness."She has cirrhosis of the liver,If you don't for a liver transplant,The lives of children."The doctor advised the couple.


听到这儿,Fang Shunyuan word,Do the inspection,Prepare a variety of materials.As lina said,"To save his daughter,What we do is worth it".


"This a few days,Every day spent 1000 multivariate,In my pocket now $ten thousand.The husband always said,Everything will be ok."Await the outcome of matching at the same time,The couple encouraged each other.


方莉娜摇着三块钱买来的拨浪鼓,The crying little XuanXuan will quiet down."My baby is really strong,相信她会好since来的."Fang said Lena.


微评 Micro assessment


背负重债/Go to Shanghai/Liver donors save female……In order to my daughter,Fang Shunyuan/Party lina the young parents,顶着常人难以忍受的痛苦and煎熬,And encourage each other,touching.

  父爱如山,母爱如水,这句朴实的言语,诠释出世界上最伟大的爱。愿小萱萱早日康复!(东南网-海峡导报 记者 惠玲 韩丰 文/图)

父爱如山,A mother's love like water,The simple words,In the world the greatest love of all.Small XuanXuan recover at an early date!(Net - strait southeast herald reporter HuiLing Han Feng article/photo)
