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新西兰奥克兰移民猛增 民众担心成亚洲城--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网3月11日电 据新西兰中华新闻网援引新西兰英文先驱报消息,新西兰Grey Power(“灰色力量”组织,新西兰民间团体)一名资深成员Bill Rayner表示,他希望奥克兰议会能够采取相关措施,限制移民的增长速度,以保护本地居民的利益。

中新网3月11日电 据新西兰中华新闻网援引新西兰英文先驱报消息,New Zealand Grey Power("Grey power"organization,Civil society organizations in New Zealand)A senior member Bill Rayner said,He hopes to Auckland council can take relevant measures,Limit the growth of immigration,In order to protect the interests of local residents.

  日前,Bill Rayner正筹划向奥克兰市议会提议,他认为,随着越来越多的海外移民涌入奥克兰,使多民族的融合问题不断显现,曾经传统的生活方式及社区关系已发生了极大的改变 。他希望市议会能够对此认真考虑,并为奥克兰这一超级城市的民族问题设立论坛,就此广泛征询大家的意见。当Bill Rayner接受了当地媒体采访时说,他所提出的议案并不是反对移民,而是害怕如此迅猛的移民速度会将奥克兰彻底演变成一所“亚洲城市”,而后迅速“侵蚀”整个新西兰。Bill Rayner是1845年入住新西兰的原住民后裔,他担心在现今如此大规模的移民冲击下,新西兰的传统文化将被不断稀释甚至消亡。

日前,Bill Rayner are planning proposal to Auckland council,He thinks that,As more and more overseas immigrants into Auckland,Make the multi-ethnic integration problems appeared constantly,Once the traditional way of life and community relations have undergone great changes .He wants the city council to seriously consider this,And as Auckland as the super city set up a BBS ethnic problems,This widely consult everybody's opinion.When Bill Rayner did an interview with the local media,His proposed legislation is not opposed to immigrants,But afraid of Auckland, so rapid migration velocity will evolve into a completely"Asian cities",And then quickly"erosion"The whole of New Zealand.Bill Rayner is 1845 in New Zealand of aboriginal descent,He fears that in today's such a large impact of immigration,The traditional culture of New Zealand will be continuously diluted or even die.

  Bill Rayner的这一颇有种族歧视意味的言论,立即引来各方的争议之声。Gery Power全国主席Roy Reid表示,Bill Rayner提案的部分内容,是存在种族歧视的意思。Roy Reid还表示,新西兰越来越成为一个多民族的国家,这里将会融入越来越多世界各地的移民,我们需要学会如何在这样的多民族社会里生活。”

Bill Rayner的这一颇有种族歧视意味的言论,Voices of parties to the dispute immediately.Gery Power national chairman Roy Reid said,Part of Bill Rayner proposal,Is there racial discrimination.Roy Reid said,New Zealand has increasingly become a multi-ethnic country,Here will be integrated into more and more immigrants from all over the world,We need to learn how to live in such a multi-ethnic society."

  Bill Rayner对于各方的批评之声,感到非常愤怒。他坚称,奥克兰市议会应采取一些措施来控制外族移民的增长速度,而不应麻木接受这个事实。

Bill Rayner对于各方的批评之声,Feel very angry.He insisted that the,Auckland council should take some measures to control the growth rate of foreign immigrants,And accept the fact that should not be numb.


据奥克兰市议会统计,Oakland Asian population by 2021,Will make up 30% of the total population,In 1991, that number is only 5.5%,Only 19% in 2006.
