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男生嫉妒同学家庭条件比自己好 用砖头砸死分尸--亲稳网络舆情监控室
同学之情谊,This is the life a fortune.however,Because they can not correctly treat both into the rich and the poor reality,Psychological balance was broken spur of the moment of mood,The original envy distortion for jealousy,And resentment,This is a motive of college students,Let the case attorney from crying,And a reminder that we need to think seriously about.
见大学同学家庭条件不错,And in the work unit,Treatment is better,Income is low/Life pressure big Li Zuoyin some jealousy,And resentment,Ended up with old friend bricks to old...
4月25,,Li Zuoyin for murder, was executed.At a time when,He was under 24 years old.The happening of the tragedy,To bring two families the injury is difficult to erase.yesterday,The city's procuratorate prosecution at five branch long Li Xueshan says:"Just because students family conditions and work a little better than they are,Li Zuoyin went to students's life,His motive is to thinking."
报警 Call the police
儿子六天没回家疑遭害 Six days son didn't come home in doubt hurt
2011年5月20日,An old man to the west peng jiulongpo district bureau of city public security bureau police station said,After his son of 14 a month away from home has not return,Suspect has been killed.
老人称,Son of a certain in June 2010, graduated from chongqing university,Work in a business entity.Case there is a good friend called Li Zuoyin,Liang Pingren,And of a certain age,In the west peng some group work.The old man through case students learn,Besides, a play on the morning of 15th to Li Zuoyin residence,However Li Zuoyin denied this,Said of one hasn't been to there.
儿子这么多天没有回家,The old man worried,And had a bad feeling vaguely,So to the police.
破案 Solve crimes
警方在现场发现有血迹 The police found at the scene with blood
第二天,Municipal public security bureau of jiulongpo district bureau put on record.On the same day,Civilian police to ask the Li Zuoyin accommodation situation,Carries on the investigation,Found there was blood,Hence determine Li Zuoyin suspected major crime,Back to the public security organs immediately review.
在大量的证据下,Li Zuoyin kill to its condition and dismembered/Dumped confessed.
震惊 Shocked by the
同学条件好他心理失衡 T: good condition his mental imbalance
据李作银交待,The morning of May 15,,Besides, some make a phone call to ask where is he,He said in rental house install broadband.then,Conditions to Li Zuoyin renting the room,With li mou notebook computer surfing the Internet,Because after the tired,To Li Zuoyin bed.
李作银坐在床边,See conditions a fell asleep,Feel a lot of places than condition a,Besides, a good family condition,And in the work unit,Li Zuoyin heart is envy and jealousy.Look at yourself,Income is low,Life pressure big,Feel no future,Decided to kill condition a.then,Li Zuoyin will condition one killed,And dismembered/dumped.
6月22日,Li Zuoyin was arrested.In April 2012,Li Zuoyin city five then sentenced to death.今年4月25,,Li Zuoyin was executed,When he was under 24 years old.Li Zuoyin parents wussy cultivators,They didn't think at all,Was once proud son is the murderer.Moreover some parents grieve,Very sad and sad.Li Zuoyin jealous of homicide,Let the two families to collapse.The prosecutor
他自尊心强且易受伤害 He high self-esteem and vulnerable
谈及这个案件,City attorney five sorting prosecution at long Li Xueshan said very sorry:Just because the students had a better than his,Is the life of others,It's too incredible.In theory,Li Zuoyin as a college student/Young people with higher education,Should not do such things,But he is to let all people surprised,"This is due to his mental health,Have a dark side,But without the normal channel to vent and comfort,Old friend finally lead to psychological distortion and killed".Li Xueshan think,Society needs professional talents,At the same time more in need of mental health.
承办此案的The prosecutor徐旭认为,Li Zuoyin character has two sides,At ordinary times more sunshine,A good relationship with your classmates,But the solitude is very of inferiority,Is unwilling to accept students help,Self-esteem is easy to be hurt,Ponder this extreme case.
心理专家 Psychological experts
很多人从小有攀比心理 Many people have peer since childhood
不及时正确引导后患大 Not timely and correctly guide future trouble
这起悲剧的发生,In the Chinese psychological association/Psychological counseling experts Chen Zhilin appears,Because this case the defendant Li Zuoyin psychology to bear ability is too weak,self-centered,Do not know how to correctly handle interpersonal relationships.
"In this case,Li Zuoyin from envy to inferiority,And then produce the radical words and deeds,Largely instead of by education",Chen zhenlin,Nowadays, some teenagers,Since the childhood is at home"Little emperors"/"The little princess",And spoilt,Grew up to like"Up with the joneses""/Vanity is strong,Do not know to cooperate with others/Get along with, etc.,Then slowly become the common fault of these people.Once their condition to reach or unable to meet their own vanity,Is easy to produce radical ideas,"Li Zuoyin is such a typical case,I think,(Kill people)The happening of the tragedy,Is inevitable,Rather than by chance".
对此,陈志林建议家长们:从小要给孩子树立正确的榜样,不要动不动就拿自己的孩子去跟其他孩子进行比较,不要让孩子养成攀比的习惯,要正确引导孩子,树立正确的价值观,正确认识自己各方面的能力,养成积极健康的心态,这非常重要。同时,作为学校也应加强这方面的教育。商报记者 田瑞江 陈保发
对此,Chen Zhilin suggest parents:Since the childhood to set up the correct model to the child,Don't always take their children to compare with other kids,Don't let the children get into the habit of comparison,To correctly guide the children,Set up the correct values,Correct understanding of their various aspects ability,Develop positive and healthy attitude,This is very important.At the same time,As the school also should strengthen the education in this field.Commercial daily reporter Tian Ruijiang Chen Baofa
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