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When the college entrance examination to enter oneself for an examination,Lin Lin"University rankings",Often to students"Unable to find north".No discrepancy/Evaluation standard about/Results unreliable,Make the list for application"Refer to what",Even indulge in some college rankings,Into the development of blind area.

  1月29日,教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心发布了2012年学科评估结果。这次历时一年的“体检”,堪称对全国高校学科建设的一次“家底彻查”,为公众了解各校学科特色、理性报考专业,提供了一个新的视角和渠道。——编 者

On January 29th,The ministry of education of degree and graduate education development center issued 2012 subject evaluation results.This time last year"A medical",Is the discipline construction in colleges and universities across the country again"Provided for investigate",For the public to understand the schools subject characteristics/Reason to enter oneself for an examination professional,Provides a new visual Angle and channel.- Ed.


"This is a comprehensive diagnosis for colleges and universities,Countries in 985 colleges and universities over the years/To such a big investment in 211 colleges and universities,It is necessary to find out exactly how effective they are/Discipline construction level/Where is the efforts in the direction of the next."Assessment for this subject,Graduate school of tsinghua university, vice President of high policy interpretation.


According to introducing,This is the third time in 10 years in China science evaluation,The first two times in 2004 and 2008 respectively.The review,Covering the country's 391 colleges and universities and scientific institutions of 4235 subjects,The assessment results show that,In recent years, the national key construction investment and strengthen discipline construction effective school,Evaluation results in the top five disciplines,More than 75% are national key disciplines,"985 colleges and universities"Accounted for 73%,"211 colleges and universities"Accounted for 84%.


 鼓励高校 Encourage colleges and universities

  不比总量比内涵,做最好而非做最大 Than the total content,Do best rather than the largest


"The course assessment,Process is more important than the result."The ministry of education degree and graduate education development center director li reiterated.In his opinion,Through the evaluation index system,Meaning is to advocate rational health the development direction of a university.


The reporter understands,The discipline evaluation comprehensive reform the rank evaluation of general practice,Such as using a number of representative index instead of total index;Sets the cap on the number of scale index,Overcome the pure pursue scale tendency;In the"Than the total amount"and"Than the per capita"Found between"Than the quality"The equilibrium point."To do so,To send a message, emphasize quality various colleges and universities,Downplay the size."Li said.


In the past,In order to"SCI papers"The single index evaluation of academic paper practices to ridicule,But the evaluation for the first time"Quantitative and qualitative/Quantity and quality/Domestic and foreign"The combination of"Multi-dimensional academic evaluation"methods,The paper"He lead times"/"ESI highly cited papers"At the same time with high levels of journal articles published in the latest into evaluation index, etc.


Colleges and universities discipline characteristic,In the assessment component particularly heavy.Li said,To overcome the evaluation the convergence direction,The assessment points category/Subject set up index system,Level 1 subject setting characteristic index of characteristics,As for the arts/construction/Sports and other disciplines,, respectively, set up"The artistic creation level"/"Architectural design level"/"Student sports awards"Characteristic indexes such as.


The traditional way of talent evaluation,Also have a certain degree of reform,Pay more attention to learning to cultivate quality and combining the development quality evaluation after graduation."Such as the introduction of unit of choose and employ persons‘Students after graduation quality follow-up evaluation’,New students sent abroad/Ac indicator,PhD thesis first introduced the sampling condition indicators/Highlight the patent achievements transformation and application, etc."Have expert introduction,This evaluation also invited a large number of industries and business people and all eligible unit subject experts in the subject of social reputation to conduct a comprehensive evaluation,To advocate"Advocating innovation/Attaches great importance to the quality/Social participation"Scientific evaluation of the new model.


The reform and innovation,For eligible colleges and universities,Is a kind of spur."Evaluation index of into the construction of teaching material,This requires our teachers not to do research,Also with students.Again for instance,Assessment requires everyone out‘Magnum opus’,This is to encourage college strengthens the connotation development."Richard said chain,Before each school is size, for one thing,But now let all understand that colleges and universities,To do the best,Not to do most.


纠偏认识 Rectifying know

  淡化名次,让高校认清学科建设的优势与不足 Dilute spots,To identify the advantages and disadvantages of subject construction in colleges and universities


When the discipline assessment"list"Came out,Many people unavoidably will it with all kinds of society"University rankings"associated,Even as official"University rankings".


"A lot of evaluation in society at present,Master data is not complete,The target is not clear,With more market-oriented."The Chinese people's university President assistant/Wu Xiaoqiu think the executive vice President of graduate school,The review take participate in voluntarily/Don't pay fee."The most important thing is that,This is discipline ranking,Rather than the comprehensive evaluation of university ranking".He said,The difference is very big between disciplines,Can't mechanically get a index of colleges and universities to do a simple assessment and ranking.


Li introduced,The discipline evaluation including"Teaching staff and resources"/"Level of scientific research"/"Talent training quality"and"Academic reputation"4 first-level indicators,Index weight all be determined by the academic reputation survey participation of experts.


An evaluation results are accurate,Depends on the data acquisition and data verification,This is the most basic and most important work."The evaluation of data collection including‘Public data acquisition’With the‘Unit material submitted to the’Two parts.Degree center by the ministry of education/Ministry of science and technology/The national natural science foundation/About teaching refers to the committee/Society such as the official data source access to public data;By the contestant unit declaration for eligible subject data."Li said.


And after the data collection,The panel also strict verification of the data.Such as the,Spot check data on published academic papers, etc/Units provided data on screening, etc,And the unit is the part of the information provided within the scope of eligible units listed on the Internet,And for dissent for confirmation again.


As for the assessment,Is in accordance with the"Precise calculation/The clustering statistics"The principle of produce.That is the original score close together for a class,Makes the classification more scientific/More of the same kind of joint,To fade spots,Guide the pay more attention to the advantages and disadvantages of the subject construction of colleges and universities.The personage inside course of study says,The review in addition to help universities"Touch base"outside,But also to correct all"University rankings"The negative impact."This will be for the long-term development of higher education into positive energy."Wu Xiaoqiu said.


 引导学生 Guide the student to

  改变“门第偏见”,为理性报考提供学科参考 change"Caste prejudice",Provide academic reference for rational enter oneself for an examination


"Professional almost it doesn't matter,Into a good university is the most important thing."Such words,Believe that many people who have experienced the college entrance examination had heard,Guided by this concept,A lot of examinee is in when enter oneself for an examination"Caste prejudice",Lead to personal interest after admission, director of the professional does not match with selected.The reporter understands,In one well-known domestic universities,After the university admissions department investigation,Among the students in grade one,Professional does not match the rate as high as 25%.Only know how to guide students from the school"brand",Into a discipline"brand",Is a professional does not match the rate/Promote the efficiency and quality of higher education important content.


"Before college,Candidates for the level of a university and their professional development,Is a perceptual and fuzzy.The stand or fall of a school,Can be according to the word of mouth/Historical judgments of the school,But specific to the discipline of the true level,We have channels is difficult to learn."Some students complained,"We want to choose the most appropriate/Most interested in professional and discipline myself,But with no channel and basis."

  显然,这次涵盖391所高校和科研机构的“学科大排名”,给公众了解高校学科特色和水平,提供了一个相对权威、客观的渠道。“这也是本次学科评估的重要目的——服务社会,为广大学生选报学校、学科和社会人才流动提供参考。”李军说。(记者 赵婀娜)

clearly,The cover of 391 colleges and universities and research institutions"Discipline ranking of",To the public understand the discipline characteristic and level of colleges and universities,Provides a relative authority/Objective of the channels."This is also the subject evaluation the important purpose of the service of society,For the majority of students at the school/Discipline and social mobility to provide the reference."Li said.(The reporter zhao graceful)
