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大学生村官上任头一年 月薪最高4500元--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
Released this city college students village official salary adjustment scheme -- -
本报讯 3月4日,新一轮大学生村官选聘开始报名。昨日,市人力社保局公布大学生村官待遇的调整方案。按照方案,大学生村官的待遇中首次明确奖金部分,并与考核进行挂钩。本科学历的村官第一年的月收入最高可达4500元,较之以往的2000元翻了一番有余。据悉,该方案已经自去年7月开始实施。
Report from our correspondent on March 4,A new round of college student village official start the hiring registration.yesterday,In human social security bureau announced adjustment scheme of college student village official treatment.According to the plan,College students village officials in the treatment of specific bonus part,And linked to the testing.本科学历的村官第一年的月收入The highest可达4500元,2000 yuan more than doubled than in the past.It is understood,The scheme has been implemented since last July.
《助跑80后》20130123 大按照新的方案,大学生村官的待遇由基本工资、考核奖金、社保以及公积金等组成。基本工资部分,本科学历第一年每人每月由2000元调整至2500元,而与旧的发放标准按年头月递增500元不同,新的方案规定第二、三年每人每月3000元,续聘后每人每月3500元。同时,对旧有的“按照地域和学历的不同,可参照此标准适当上下浮动”也进行了明确,专科学历照本科下调200元,研究生学历照本科增加200元,并取消了地域的差异。
According to the new plan,College student village official treatment by the basic salary/Evaluation bonus/Social insurance and housing fund, etc.Basic salaries,Bachelor's degree first year changed from 2000 yuan to 2500 yuan per person, per month,With the issuance of the old standard according to different increasing year month 500 yuan,The new scheme regulations/Three years 3000 yuan per person, per month,Renewed after each 3500 yuan a month.At the same time,To the old"According to the different geographical and education,Can refer to this standard appropriate floating up and down"Also made clear,According to undergraduate specialist qualifications cut of 200 yuan,Graduate degree according to the increase of 200 yuan,And cancel the regional differences.
It is worth mentioning,The new scheme explicitly puts forward the concept of assessment and bonus,The first time that bonuses linked to assessment.At the end of each month,To examine the by the villages and towns of all college students village officials.The inspection was divided into good/competent/Basically competent/Incompetence four class,Among them考核为优秀档次的不高于在岗总人数的20%,Calculated at 8000 people total,That is not more than 1600 people,Will submit evaluation bonus per month 2000 yuan;The inspection personnel for good grades,Submit assessment bonus per month 1200 yuan;And evaluation as the basic competent and incompetent,No bonuses.According to this calculation,本科学历的大学生村官第一年的月收入The highest为4500元/The minimum is 2500 yuan.
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