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留学中介缺监管 留学生称高价中介费太“坑爹”--亲稳网络舆情监测室
本报记者 王依然
本报记者 王依然
留学中介,诚信几何?暗流涌处看波折,细分辨,猫腻何其多! 留学中介,Integrity of geometry?Undercurrent chung in the twists and turns,Fine resolution,How many are suspicious!
In recent days,Media revealed the chongqing one family go abroad is not successful,Agents refused to a refund,8000 yuan news intermediary want for 6 years,Once again, the credibility of the intermediary industry and into the spotlight as never before.People have to start asking,How frequently tens of thousands of yuan of the high commission calculated?In recent days,Our reporter was carried out on the intermediary market of jinan"A baseline",Check high commission the pool how deep.
留学生: 留学生:
“指山卖磨”造玄虚 万元中介费太“水” "Refers to the mountain to sell grinding"Therefore ten thousand yuan intermediary too"water"
"Also is to go to South Korea,I spent more than 20000,My friend spent 8000 yuan only,And enjoy the service content is the same."Speaking of the things,Come back from South Korea to study abroad little hen still feel this price difference"Very pit dad".
2006年8月,Small virtuous and jinan through ten address family mediation agreements to prepare to go abroad.In the next few months,She according to the agency account to prepare the material,YiTangTang various formalities to travel between various schools and departments.After all materials,Small virtuous and accepted language assault training in the mediation,Study abroad to Korea water city in March 2007."Looking back now,In addition to help me send it when I go abroad intermediary material,Seems to have nothing to do,Even the application and self introduction is written by myself,Mediation of those who live their DIY also completely can be done.It also charged me 89000 intermediary,I don't know the money in what place."Small Yin told reporters.
而让她更为恼火的是,In South Korea after the discovery,In the mediation language training course to learn the things need to learn,While the training is as high as 10000 yuan."Intermediary teacher is Korean, please,Say Korean,In fact, the northeast taste with pure Korean.Speak with an accent,Communication is very difficult,Starting from the pronunciation correct,Spent a lot of energy.More than 10000 language training is really white blind."Not only that,At the end of the language courses,When applying for school specialized courses,Small virtuous and met a new problem before intermediary promised after a school on the school(Foreign students face at South Korea open language training class),Can straight into the school's undergraduate course,But it doesn't deliver.
"Finish my language school,To apply for the school or on your own.Spend so much commission,Had finished we send it out if the mediation,Finally what are doing,Feeling is the fool."In an interview,Reporter found that,Like small hen study abroad experience.
留学中介: 留学中介:
枉背虚名有苦衷 成本计算“伤不起” 枉背虚名有苦衷 成本计算"Can't afford to injury"
几万元的中介费究竟都containsthe哪些内容?Industry sources told reporters,Study abroad intermediary service content typically cover the test before applying/Choose the school/Document production/"The school/Contact the school/Visa materials/Visa counselling and outside services(Pick up and accommodation arrangements), etc.方面.
但在受访中Reporter found that,Some agents compromised in study abroad programs,Agreement only responsible for school and visa application,If the parents and students do not understand is easy to fall for it,签订不平, etc.条约,So that the service project shrink trigger disputes.
记者在济南留学中介市场上the解到,At present study abroad intermediary market has been broken,And there are growing.Each intermediary intermediary fees charged for study in the same country standard is not consistent,But the formal intermediary fee is not too big difference.Such as southeast Asia/瑞士, etc.国在1.2万元起,Britain in Europe/method/德, etc.国约1.3万元~1.8万元左右;Australia/New Zealand is about 1 ~ 20000 yuan;Canada is about 1.5 ~ 20000 yuan;美国约1.9万~4万元不, etc..
据市物价局相关人员介绍,Study abroad intermediary fee belongs to market behavior,There is no unified standard.Is a professional behavior and study abroad intermediary activities,It is difficult to measure the charge standard,Reasonable fee category.
For this,Many agents have their own difficulties.Jinan some normative agency officials said,Study abroad intermediary fees is not as it looks"A windfall"/"No cost",But in fact,Agents required to run the daily spending is very big also.
济南某留学服务公司资深留学专家王鹏给记者算the笔账,Because the agents specialized,General requirement for employees also have high requirements,Currently in jinan market advisers are not proficient in foreign language. Most of the agents,Is a study in background.Qualified consultants pay no more than 4000 yuan a month is very difficult to keep people.And as a white-collar worker,As a lawyer/Doctors should belong to the normal situation with higher income.As a formal study abroad intermediary company,In accordance with the relevant provisions of the province on the office space area/Job number is specified,So study abroad intermediary companies are generally renting commercial office buildings,The rent is also very expensive.Combined with the advertising costs/An international call/Courier/海外学校实际考察, etc.项费用算下来也是相当的庞大.
灰色地带: 灰色地带:
学费佣金暗流涌 或有或无天知晓 学费A commission暗流涌 或有或无天知晓
但也有业内人士透露,Intermediary market because no government regulation,There are many dark corner.
一位曾在北京某留学中介驻济办事处的留学顾问透露,Some agents will from ielts/托福, etc.外语培训机构收购报名者信息,Make a phone call to promote study abroad programs.For those bad grades of language,Eager to go abroad to students,These agents will recommend some famous university,And the application is not so good schools"keen"the."These students only care about whether to go out,And don't care about school rankings,Mediation is the springboard will tell them the school,Go abroad is free to apply for other schools in the future.So many students simply superstition and cooperative relations between agents and the school."The personage inside course of study tells a reporter,Students admitted to,A certain percentage of school students tuition fees will be returned to the students who study abroad intermediary,As a reward or recognition"A commission".
据the解,Tuition fees are not all state schools,Such as the United States university,Especially in a famous university,Basic no commission policy,But some comprehensive ranking,Especially those who are not very formal"pheasant"At the university,Will be returned to attract students study abroad intermediary by commission.Like Britain, and Australia and industrialized countries of international education,Colleges and universities pay commission basic is open.As Germany/The French/Austria such public education system,Without tuition fees would be virtually no commission on this statement.
网内网外: 网内网外:
乱花渐欲迷人眼 远近高低各不同 乱花渐欲迷人眼 远近高低各不同
相关人士透露,Study abroad intermediary market is the cheapest and most often are not"By spectrum".
记者调查the一些"Study abroad for"Study abroad intermediary personnel,Found them more dependent on the network propaganda,Such as taobao/58 city/赶集网, etc.这些网站,At low prices to attract customers,Write papers and materials/申请学校收费在800~1000元不, etc..Flyover district signed by miss xu was engaged in study to write papers and materials on the Internet.She said,Background to study abroad,Good at write all kinds of documents,Passing rate of 100%,Only 1000 yuan,Other translation business and other charges.According to the personage inside course of study,Like this any qualified individual behavior is not desirable.If apply for failure,Will miss the best time to apply for,And there is a problem unable to resort to legal rights.
还有不少中介,一方面通过取消学校实地考察, etc.环节来压缩成本,On the one hand, deserved raise prices to expand the profit space."Some countries invest cost is really high,Especially the problem of high rate of visa refusal,After the student visa,Agents cannot receive fees,So in the service commission pricing is higher,Who wouldn't want to make some money.But without fieldwork this link,Students went abroad after various disputes can occur easily,The legitimate rights and interests can not be guaranteed."
记者在济南某高校内设的留学项目基地看到,The base of friendship and cooperation with overseas schools and colleges for signature,The slogan 100% played the visa package,向学生收取8000-10000不, etc.的"Apply for the school fees",And the other so-called charge 12000 yuan of above"Language preparatory"training.Intermediary fee is far too high,The so-called language training is the another important way to grab the profits.To reporter concern,It is not the case in the intermediary market,Also became more and more the more would follow suit.
正本清源: radical:
希望政府作主导 规范市场是其时 希望政府作主导 规范市场是其时
记者the解到,At present, the study abroad intermediary institutions in shandong province has more than 200,The good and bad are intermingled phenomenon is very serious,and"Black intermediary"With the.And relevant government departments for their market behavior,And the lack of standard practice of the unified standards.These issue,Has disrupted the study abroad intermediary market order,Influence the healthy and orderly development of study abroad intermediary industry.For this,Some study abroad intermediary agencies are worried.
在采访过程中,Many study abroad intermediary institutions and parents offered some cures for disease.On the one hand the government to strengthen market oversight,Such as the,Make the mediation content specification/Service guidelines and standards,Strengthening institution qualification administration and law enforcement,严厉查处不method行为, etc., etc.,In order to standardize study abroad intermediary market leading role into full play;On the other hand our province was set up to study industry association as soon as possible,Strengthen industry self-discipline,Improving the quality of intermediary services,Protect the benign competition;三是充分发挥消费者协会, etc.组织作用,Strengthen supervision and social supervision,To protect consumers' legitimate rights and interests.
专家支招扎 Experts recommend Mr.
查验资格 认定书 营业执照缺一不可 查验资格 认定书 营业执照缺一不可
山东省教育厅国际交流与合作处处长刘永波表示,Through the intermediary to deal with at one's own expenses study abroad application,Should be to check if it is issued by the ministry of education"At one's own expenses study abroad intermediary qualification differentiates",And issued by the local administration for industry and commerce allows it to develop business of at one's own expenses study abroad intermediary business license,Check its core qualification.At the same time,Check to see if the mediation and intends to apply for colleges and universities signed a letter of intent for cooperation or agreement,And whether the agreement of cooperation letter of intent or reported to the local province/The autonomous region/Municipalities directly under the education administrative department to confirm.Signed to go abroad
留学服务合At the same time,In addition to writing the core content of interests with the parties concerned in the contract,Should also pay attention to the signature of the contract whether study abroad intermediary institution name instead"Qualification differentiates,"In the name of the match.When the payment,For valid invoice or receipt stamped with enterprise financial special seal,In order to avoid unnecessary loss.If the mediation harm the interests of students,To the mediation report belongs to the education department/complaints.
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