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浙江高考文科生突增5000 老师:毕业工作更百搭--亲稳舆论引导监测室
2013年浙江高考生 Zhejiang high examinee in 2013
文科突增5000人 Liberal arts jump of 5000 people
理科减了7700人 Science lost 7700 people
4年后找工作更百搭,成文科生增员主因 Four years later to find a job more joker,Into the school of arts living increase
Zhejiang education testing yesterday latest statistics in 2013 college entrance examination:The provincial common the university entrance exam this year examinee, 313000,Lower than last year, 2700 people,Liberal arts examinee about 110000 of them,5000 people than last year;Science, 203000,7700 people than last year.In addition,Higher vocational examinee 45000 post of the only action that study sheet,Nearly 1000 more than last year.
Zhejiang in 2013"Beyond the university entrance exam"For the first year,The total of 984"Trailing children"Enter oneself for an examination,One common the university entrance exam 417,Vocational college the only action that study sheet of 567 people.
Different students has increased,But this year, enrollment has increased.Undergraduate enrollment in colleges and universities in the province will be an increase of 1000,Specialized subject an increase of 400.Zhejiang university in the province of the annual target,Will also increase.
一个让人吃惊的比例 A surprising proportion
文科生增加约5% School of arts living increased about 5%
Liberal arts examinee this year, an increase of 5000,Sounded to senior teacher is an amazing number,Especially for will liberal arts flight director there,Stressed out.
"Increased by 5% a year,If arts enrollment plan does not increase,This year the school of arts living pressure."A hangzhou heavy high class 3 director,The school of arts living increase for this year is very surprised.He said,Liberal arts classes in our school,Same as last year or three class,But the total number has increased than last year.Hangzhou high school of arts living has increased,Some estimates of the number of high school of arts living the county to add more.He sighs,The school of arts living increase,The school of science living the damping,School of arts living way not go ah.
The teacher with several of the students,He found that the,Love history over the years/Politics or geography/More and more Chinese students do,And loved the physical/Students of chemistry,Is in decline."This choice of preference,It is related to the subject characteristics,The second is related to the relative social arts career after graduation,Such as a lawyer/The judge/edit/Corporate public relations staff, etc,You are familiar with,Highly esteemed,Science and engineering professional concern,Relatively weak."
Changhe senior high school principal Mao Weimin also agree with this point.He felt that other elements also have driven society,Such as civil servant(weibo)The test,Strategy is so far producing precious topic obviously more suitable for liberal arts majors, etc,When the candidates and their parents think of the future employment,There will be affected.
高中校长建议 High school principal recommendations
微调文理科招生计划 Fine-tuning of sciece enrollment plan
An education department expert analysis,Many science comprehensive colleges and universities/Liberal arts than average at about 3:1,Some partial arts colleges most professional now are liberal arts destinations,A few professional only liberal arts majors.So generally admitted students who sign up,The most appropriate proportion is about 30% of liberal arts,Science is about 70%.But now zhejiang liberal arts examinee,Has accounted for 35% of the total students.
Zhejiang liberal arts an on-line more than 7700 people last year,Science an on-line more than 33000 people,Liberal arts online less than 20% of the total.
“如果文理科招生计划比例不变动,文科考生所占比例不断提高,会拉低文科生的上线率。”长河高级中学校长毛伟民说,按今年文科生突增的情况,建议教育行政部门及时调整省内高校部分文理科招生比例。(本报通讯员 鲍夏超 本报记者 王玲瑛)
"If the liberal arts admission plan proportion does not change,Proportion of liberal arts examinee constantly improve,Will pull down the school of arts living of feeding rate."Long river, a senior high school principal Mao Weimin said,According to the school of arts living surge this year,Suggest the education administrative department adjust the percentage of admission for part of the liberal arts in colleges and universities in the province.(Our correspondent Wang Lingying bao Xia Chao our newspaper reporter)
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