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中新网5月3日电 据审计署网站消息,审计署今日公布了1185个县农村中小学布局调整情况专项审计调查结果。公告显示,部分地区也出现了片面地将办学规模和学校数量作为调整的主要依据,搞简单“撤并”或“一刀切”,一定程度上影响相关政策的实施效果。
中新网5月3日电 据审计署网站消息,Audit office today announced the 1185 counties in rural primary and secondary school layout adjustment is special audit investigation results.Announcement shows that,Parts have been unilaterally adjust scale and schools as the main basis,Make a simple"removal"or"One size fits all",To some extent influence the implementation of the policy effect.
公告还指出了本次The main problem of the audit survey found:(a)In parts of the school distance increase obviously,Some students go to school take too long.((2))Part of the school bus is equipped with and supervision does not reach the designated position,Increased risk of traffic safety.(three)部分学校boarding设施建设滞after/The poor,Management and insufficient service ability.(four)Part of the students' family education expenditure burden,School number increased.(five)Some local students to concentrate in county town of the school,The emergence of a new education resources nervous.
1185个县农村中小学布局调整情况专项审计调查结果 1185 counties in rural primary and secondary school layout adjustment is special audit investigation results
2012年5月至8月,审计署组织对27个省(自治区、直辖市,以下统称省)所辖的1185个县(市、旗,以下统称县)2006年以来义务教育阶段农村中小学布局调整情况进行了审计调查,重点调查了25 127所学校(其中,初中、小学分别为6910所和18 217所,寄宿制、非寄宿制学校各有12 533所和12 594所)、涉及在校学生1705.28万人,分别占这些县学校总数、在校学生总数的13%和25%,实地走访走读、寄宿、辍学等学生81.99万人。审计调查结果征求了地方政府及教育部的意见,并采纳了其合理意见。现将审计调查结果公告如下:
2012年5月至8月,The group audit on 27 provinces(The autonomous region/Municipalities directly under the central government,Hereinafter generally referred to as the province)Over 1185 counties(The city/The flag,Hereinafter generally referred to as the county)Since 2006 the layout adjustment of rural primary and secondary schools of compulsory education stage audit survey,Focus on a survey of 25 127 schools(Among them,Junior high school/Respectively, 6910 and 18, 217 primary schools,boarding/The boarding schools have 12 533 and 12 594)/17.0528 million students have been involved,Accounting for the total number of county school respectively/13% and 25% of the total number of students in school,Field visit day/boarding/With 819900 students drop out of school, etc.Audit findings to solicit the views of the local government and the ministry of education,And adopt the reasonable Suggestions.Now the audit results announcement as below:
a/Basic situation
为推进基础教育健康发展,The state council promulgated in 2001[Decisions about the basic education reform and development]Put forward,To adjust measures to local conditions layout adjustment of rural compulsory education school,Clearly people's government at the county level shall take main responsibility for local rural compulsory education,Pay special attention to the planning of middle and primary schools/Adjust the layout/Construction and management;In view of the problems arising from the layout adjustment work,In 2006 the ministry of education issued notice,Request to primary and secondary school layout adjustment into the local education development plan as a whole/Err on the side of the implementation.Look from the audit investigation,And education departments of local governments at various levels shall conscientiously implement national deployment and requirements,Strengthen the layout planning and organization management of primary and secondary schools,Actively promote the layout adjustment work,Achieve positive results.
(a)Through the primary and secondary school layout adjustment,To improve the scale and efficiency.From 2006 to 2011,The audit investigation of 1185 county junior high school/The school-age population decreased by 19% and 19% respectively,Removal and scattered layout/Insufficient enrollment/96000 teachers strength weak schools(Among them:11300 change to teach children),New and renovated facilities are relatively complete, 12200 schools,Further integration of the education resources,Places the number of students increased by 17%,To improve the scale and efficiency.
((2))Through the primary and secondary school layout adjustment,Promote the quality of the teaching staff structure and optimization.Since 2006,1185 counties of this audit survey combined with primary and secondary school layout adjustment,Overall arrangement and adjust teachers 972000 people,And organize 204400 teachers to be a teacher in rural towns/4.7646 million rural teachers to above county schools and professional training.By the end of 2011,The county school full-time teachers, on average, 35% more than in 2006,Bachelor degree or above, 1 times more teachers,Senior primary school and elementary school teachers of above title increased by more than 19%,Junior high school/, respectively, of elementary school student/teacher ratio by 18% and 10%,Better meet"A family tutor"Teaching requirements.
(three)Through the primary and secondary school layout adjustment,Improve the standardization of school-running level and teaching quality.Around the layout adjustment as an opportunity to promote the standardization of primary and secondary schools/The standardized construction,And thus the teaching quality and learning effect.From 2006 to 2011,The audit investigation in 1185 counties,There are 419 counties of primary and middle schools music/Special teaching instruments and equipment such as sports and arts success rate increased by more than 10%;More than 350 counties of class one, grade"Compound class"Decreased by more than half;Each county elementary school graduates "language/Mathematics subject academic proficiency test language proficiency and junior high school graduates/mathematics/Foreign language proficiency entrance examination increases by about 3% on average.
(2)/The main problem of the audit survey found
Look from the audit investigation,Around the basic can according to the elementary school near the entrance/The principle of junior high school relatively concentrated,Planning layout and adjustment of the school,Work progress are overall specifications,But also appeared in some parts of one-sided adjust scale and schools as the main basis,Make a simple"removal"or"One size fits all",To some extent influence the implementation of the policy effect.
(a)In parts of the school distance increase obviously,Some students go to school take too long.
审计调查的1185个县中,2006年至2011年,有833个(占70%)县的学校平均服务半径有所增大,其中:初中、小学的服务半径增幅分别为26%、43%,平均达到8.34公里、4.23公里;特别是西部地区270个县的初中、小学服务半径增幅分别为47%、59%,平均达到14.35公里和6.09公里。重点抽查25 127个学校的1257.63万名走读生中,有49.31万名(占4%)上学单程要徒步3公里以上,其中10.03万名要徒步5公里以上,且主要集中在山区或丘陵地区,上学路途消耗体力大,导致学习和在校活动时间相应减少。
审计调查的1185个县中,From 2006 to 2011,There are 833(Accounted for 70%)County school average service radius is increased,Among them:Junior high school/Primary service radius increases 26%/43%,An average of 8.34 km/4.23 kilometers;Especially in the western region of 270 county junior high school/Primary service radius increases 47%/59%,An average of 14.35 km and 6.09 km.Key spot 25 127 school in the 12.5763 million range,There are 493100(Accounted for 4%)One-way to go to school on foot more than 3 km,100300 of the more than 5 kilometers on foot,Mainly in mountainous or hilly areas,To consume energy,Lead to less time corresponding learning and activities in school.
((2))Part of the school bus is equipped with and supervision does not reach the designated position,Increased risk of traffic safety.
审计重点调查1185个县的25 127所学校中,至2011年底,有288个县(占调查总数的24%)的1702所学校(占调查总数7%)配置了校车,一定程度缓解了上学路程远的困难。但是,这些学校配置的全部9639辆校车中,有747辆(占8%)年检不合格,449辆(占5%)驾证不相符,3377辆(占35%)未配备专职管理人员,2149辆(占22%)未配备逃生锤等安全设备。同时,上述学校中还有41.26万名学生(占12%)自行包租社会车辆上学,由于监管难度大,这些车辆往往车况差且超载严重,交通事故时有发生,随机抽查的2944辆包租车辆中有997辆(占34%)存在超载问题。
审计重点调查1185个县的25 127所学校中,By the end of 2011,There are 288 counties(24% of the total number of investigation)Of the 1702 schools(7% of total survey)The school bus is configured on,To some extent alleviate the difficult journey far go to school.but,These schools configuration in all 9639 of the school bus,Has 747 vehicles(Accounted for 8%)Annual inspection is unqualified,449 cars(Accounted for 5%)Driving license is not consistent,3377 cars(Accounted for 35%)Not equipped with full-time management personnel,2149 cars(Accounted for 22%)Not equipped with safety equipment such as escape hammer.At the same time,There are 412600 students in the school(Accounted for 12%)On its own charter social vehicles to go to school,Due to regulatory is difficult,These car often poor shape and are overloaded,Traffic accidents occur frequently,In the random sample of 2944 charter vehicles 997 vehicles(Accounted for 34%)There is overload.
(three)部分学校boarding设施建设滞after/The poor,Management and insufficient service ability.
2011年,此次审计重点调查的学校共有553.91万名学生提出了寄宿需求,但这些学校的宿舍仅能容纳462.64万人(占84%)寄宿。部分学校宿舍还存在空间拥挤、条件简陋以及管理服务能力不足等问题,抽查的12 533所寄宿制学校中,有919个县的4515所学校(占36%)生均宿舍面积未达到国家规定的3平方米标准,涉及寄宿生185.56万人;538个县的1601所学校(占13%)存在“大通铺”或两人一床等现象;878个县的4990所学校(占40%)的学生宿舍楼内未配备厕所等设施;还有8113所学校(占64%)无学生宿舍管理人员或由授课教师兼任,780所学校(占6%)在周边3公里以内无医疗机构的情况下也未配备专职医护人员。此外,有919个县的5655所小学(占45%)还有49.41万名一至三年级低龄学生寄宿,不仅不利于其身心健康发展,也容易引发安全事故。
2011年,Investigation of the key school a total of 5.5391 million students lodging demand are put forward,But the school's dormitory only can hold 4.6264 million people(Accounted for 84%)boarding.Part of the school dormitory crowded there is space/Primitive conditions and management problems such as insufficient service ability,Spot check of 12 533 boarding schools,There are 919 counties, 4515 schools(Accounted for 36%)Embrace the dormitory area of 3 square meters that do not meet the provisions of the state standard,1.8556 million people involved in boarders;538 counties in 1601 schools(Accounted for 13%)There is"Big TongPu"Or both the phenomenon such as a bed;878 counties in 4990 schools(Accounted for 40%)Students in the dormitory building is equipped with toilet facilities;There are about 8113 schools(Accounted for 64%)No student dormitory management personnel or taught by part-time teachers,780 schools(Accounted for 6%)Within 3 km around without medical institutions is not equipped with full-time staff.In addition,There are 919 counties, 5655 primary schools(Accounted for 45%)There are 494100 grades one to three young students,Not only bad for their health of body and mind development,It is easy to cause safety accidents.
(four)Part of the students' family education expenditure burden,School number increased.
Adjust the layout带来部分农村地区学生上学路途变远,The traffic/Boarding education expenditure increase, etc.Audit visit 72000 commuters riding to school school transportation spending per capita 839 yuan,390 yuan more than before the layout adjustment,His family annual income including transportation accounts for more than 10% of the 12500 people;Visit the boarder, 199900 school year to expend 1658 yuan per capita,Including room and board spending accounts for more than 30% of its annual family income of 33600 people;32800 questionnaires.then visit parents with students per capita costs 8046 yuan,36% of its annual family income.Affected by school distance and heavy burden,Some areas students drop out of school practical toll too(Mainly concentrated in the junior high school),Key to verify the 52 counties of 1155 schools,School number from 2006 in 3963 to 2011 in 8352,Increased by 1.1 times.
(five)Some local students to concentrate in county town of the school,The emergence of a new education resources nervous.
由于a些地区在Adjust the layout过程中片面追求县镇集中办学规模,The existing school students a lot to the county town concentrated,Cause the school classroom education resources such as hard to meet the need.From random condition,There are 1774 counties and towns where schools(Accounted for 12%)There are squeezing out music/art/Experiments such as special classrooms to be used for other teaching problems,There are 2140 county schools(Accounted for 65%)The students of class 75100 size more than 50 people stipulated by the state,One of 654 schools in 23600 to 23600 more than large class,Even more than 352 men in 352.
In addition,The survey also found of audit,Some close schools asset disposal is difficult,Disposal income insufficient standard use.By the end of 2011,In 1183 counties of close 84200 schools since 2006,There are 40600(Accounted for 48%)Because property right ownership is complex/Outstanding campus buildings asset disposal remote location, etc;2.203 billion yuan income has disposed of campus buildings,There are 804 million yuan(Accounted for 37%)Actually used to make up for the villages and towns defray such as insufficient funds, or office building.
2012年9月,To regulate and improve rural primary and secondary school layout adjustment work,[General office of the state council about specification the opinions of the rural compulsory education school layout adjustment]Clearly put forward,Ensuring that school-age children or adolescents neighborhood school is the legal responsibility of government,Streamline procedures and strict specification school behavior.27 provinces and the relevant county attaches great importance to the audit found problems,We will conscientiously implement the state council requirements of the layout adjustment of rural compulsory education school standards,Positive changes.In heilongjiang province/Yunnan province to develop a plan of rectification,Put forward rectification opinions to problems one by one/Rectification within a time limit;guizhou/In provinces such as hubei strengthened on the layout adjustment of rural primary and secondary schools of scientific research,Formulated the scientific guidance on promoting the adjustment of the layout;jilin/Guangxi provinces to arrange transportation allowance/Strengthen governance illegal operating vehicles/To speed up the school bus the measure such as licensing,Trying to solve the countryside student transportation difficulties;shanxi/Sichuan provinces such as combining with the actual,Will partially dismantling the rural school running a school;Positive disposition close around the school,Integration of all kinds of construction funds,Accelerate the obligation education standardization school and boarding school construction.
附:审计调查的1185个县分布情况 Attached to the:Audit survey 1185 counties of the distribution
东部地区(Eight provinces and 357 counties):48 counties in hebei province/38 counties in liaoning province/48 counties of jiangsu province/50 counties in zhejiang province/58 counties in fujian province/50 counties in shandong province/50 county of guangdong province/15 counties of hainan province.
中部地区(Eight provinces and 382 counties):47 county, Shanxi Province/40 counties of jilin province/50 counties in heilongjiang province/46 counties in anhui province/50 counties in jiangxi province/54 counties of henan province/45 counties in hubei province/50 county of hunan province.
西部地区(11 provinces and 446 counties):47 county, Inner Mongolia autonomous region/49 counties of guangxi zhuang autonomous region/19 counties in chongqing/49 county of sichuan province/49 counties in guizhou province/50 counties of yunnan province/50 counties in shaanxi province/46 counties in gansu province/30 counties in qinghai province/13 counties of ningxia hui autonomous region/44 county of xinjiang uygur autonomous region.
(Source: China news network)
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