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2010年6月,Shi did experiments in the lab.In recent days,Shi was elected foreign academician of the national academy of sciences.此前他曾落选In the国科学院academician.
对施一公当选美国院士“感到高兴”;施一公此前或因国籍问题落选中科院院士 Shi was elected member of the United States"happy";施一公此前或因国籍问题落选In the科院academician
争议 controversy
In recent days,清华大学生命科学学院院长施一公等三位In the国科学家当选了美国科学院外籍academician.施一公此前曾在In the国科学院academician评选过程In the落选,So cause Internet debate.
回应 In response to
In the科院有关负责人昨日表示,In the国科学院和美国科学院是两个独立的学术组织,Its members co-opted respectively carried out in accordance with the respective procedures and standards,The two are independent of each other,Not necessarily associated.
域外 outside
美国科学院外籍academician/In the国科学院academician周忠和表示,In the国社会给academician附加的东西太多.Foreign academician of the national academy of sciences don't have to pay the membership fee,But its members to make money,Money also want to out of the meeting,Member is just a kind of honor,You look very pale.
新京报讯 (记者金煜 郭少峰)针对曾落选中国科学院院士的施一公当选美国科学院外籍院士一事,中科院有关负责人昨日表示,对三位中国科学家当选美国科学院外籍院士感到高兴,两国院士评选并无必然关联。
新京报讯 (The reporter Jin Yu Guo Shaofeng)针对曾落选In the国科学院academician的Shi was elected foreign academician of the national academy of sciences一事,In the科院有关负责人昨日表示,对三位In the国科学家当选美国科学院外籍academicianhappy,The two countries academician selection is not necessarily linked.
中美院士评选相互独立 In the美academician评选相互独立
In recent days,清华大学生命科学学院院长施一公等三位In the国科学家当选美国科学院外籍academician.In the科院有关负责人昨日表示,对于In the国科学家当选美国科学院外籍academician"happy".
施一公此前曾在In the国科学院academician评选过程In the落选,So cause Internet debate.在In response to曾落选In the国academician却当选美国academician的controversy时,In the科院有关负责人称,In the国科学院和美国科学院是两个独立的学术组织,Its members co-opted respectively carried out in accordance with the respective procedures and standards,The two are independent of each other,Not necessarily associated."例如在In the国有许多被国际公认的杰出科学家,Nor is it a foreign member of the national academy of sciences."
该负责人说,In the科院academician增选工作整个过程都严格按照academician章程和增选细则进行."Member of each department by each department of all the member of the ballot after a communication audit and review meeting,And then confirmed/Subsequent link such as examination and approval and for the record.All personal and work institution should not and will not affect their process and result."
该负责人表示,In the科院长期以来一直把公平/公正的原则贯彻到academician增选过程之In the."We are still in the further research and deepen the improvement measures to perfect the academician system is put forward,有关工作也在不断推进之In the."该负责人还表示感谢社会各界对In the科院学部和academician增选工作的关注和支持,Welcome to supervise the social from all walks of life,Also called for the rational treatment of academician the honourable academic titles.
施一公成美双料院士 Shi to beauty double academicians
施一公In recent days先后当选为美国科学院和美国人文与科学学院的外籍academician,而在2011年In the科院academician评选In the,He and another in the life science community enjoys a high reputation of rao yi, dean of school of life science both lost.
有接近In the科院学部academician工作局的人士向新京报记者表示,After unsuccessfully in academician shi and rao,并非外界批评的In the国academician更看重对本国贡献的标准问题,Black-box scheduler does not exist in the problem,But because the nationality of the two problems.
该人士表示,After two people apply for academician,In the国国籍办理程序尚未完全,Academicians have refused to vote,So lead to lost.The source said,Shi nationality problem has been solved,他在新一轮academician增选In the很有可能被评上.
有In the科院内部人士对新京报记者表示,Academician system in our country at present there is a need to reform,But big changes in the need to comply with national level science and technology system reform.Member of the election mechanism,First of all to ensure that the existing system of perfect and fair election,Member of the selection process is concerned, there is no problem now.
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“院士在美国仅是一种荣誉” "Academician is only a kind of honor in the United States"
周忠和称美国院士开会自己掏钱 Zhou said the meeting member of the United States out of their own pockets
美国科学院外籍academician/In the国科学院academician周忠和表示,Each country member selection,Has both similarities and differences,And it will more or less affected by some accidental factors science.Such as a certain period of time may hope academicians more younger,At this time some older candidates may review.Different national conditions,There is no need to put together the academician selection of different countries.
周忠和强调,In the国社会给academician附加的东西太多.Of the national academy of sciences of the title of academician is pure glory,U.S. foreign academicians don't have to pay the membership fee,But its members to make money,Also want to pay for the meeting.In the United States,Academician without too much additional content,Just a kind of honor,So you look very pale.
周忠和坦言,In the国的academician制度有需要完善的地方,其In the一个方面就是推荐渠道.Too many channels now,Learn to/industry/Department of/Provinces can be recommended,This will make academicians have very high social attention,Also can produce a lot of controversy.
周忠和认为,院士评审多一些渠道出发点可能是为了更公平,或者考虑某些平衡,但实际效果上通常做不到;对院士候选人的公示制度,出发点是好的,但这种“大张旗鼓”的方式容易催生对“院士”的盲目崇拜,容易催生科学界的浮躁。美国在评审院士时也会考虑一些学术之外的东西,比如妇女、地区等,但这些都是次要因素,评选最终还是依靠院士投票。所以,院士评选可以尽量简化提名制度,减少行政影响,让科学家来掌握院士评选。新京报记者 金煜
周忠和认为,Academician review starting point may be more channels for more fair,Or consider some balance,But the actual effect usually can't do;Publicity system of academician candidates,The starting point is good,But this kind of"high-profile"Way too easily lead to"academician"The blind worship,Too easily lead to impetuous of the scientific community.The member of the review will consider something beyond the academic,Such as women's/Areas, etc.,But these are secondary factors,Eventually rely on members to vote.so,Academician system for nominating the selection can be simplified as much as possible,Reduce the impact,Allow scientists to master academician selection.The Beijing news reporter Jin Yu
In the国的academician不仅是荣誉,And has the policy advisory function,Plays an assistant decision-making role.At this stage,Academician system is necessary,It is helpful to balance the government bureaucracy,By experts to participate in decision making,Correct in terms of government decision-making/The role of secondary.Member of our country is not to remember the titans,Do not emphasis on the first line of research,But to judge the decision/Subject direction.From this function,On the academician system something additional is needed,We can't put the academician system down.In the科院科技政策研究所研究员王铮
施一公之前落选In the国科学院academician只是个案,Don't tell this is a common problem.When shi selection has just returned from abroad,This may have some influence on his list,But as for academician selection system,I feel is perfect.把In the国的academician评选和美国的academician评选进行比较很荒唐,Is not the same as the state of the two countries,We of the academician system and the selection to make for a few years,Can't step is idealized,In fact most of those academicians are domestic leading scientists,On the domestic scientific research supporting role.In the科院academician,Department of physics, tsinghua university professor Xue Jikun
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