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温家宝:5年来高校毕业生就业2800万 就业稳定--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
人大开幕日:Young people touch"The Chinese dream"
十二届全国人大一次会议the开幕式上,Representatives of young photo far saw premier wen jiabao,Think of the days and nights after the wenchuan earthquake.It is really to many young people by their moment of fate closely linked with the state,"Hear the national anthem will shed tears",Zigong city, sichuan province town Ma Qiu village the CunZhuRen recalled.
陈燕说,In this five years,Her around dangerous house demolition,Garbage disposal is a landing.A large number of owners and social funds to enter the village,Kind of vegetables, flowers and plants/To breed fish,Opened a farmhouse.
1989年生the朝鲜族姑娘严楠,Is the staff of national language translation group.Today she is dressed in Korean dress,An early came to the great hall of the people.
她注意到the是总理报告中the就业数字:"This 5 years spent special employment funds over 197.3 billion yuan,To realize the employment of university graduates 28 million people,Urban employment difficult personnel employment of 8.3 million people,Maintain the employment situation is generally stable."
"Many of my contemporaries are facing the pressure of employment,In society after 80/After 90 there are some prejudices and misunderstandings,Hope that society can give us more show ego platform."YanNan said.
作为无锡人民医院the一位胸外科主任,Chen Jingyu representative is always thinking of his patients.When asked about the next five years,He thought for a moment,Said is only a wish:"Let the doctor get the respect of the patient."Because they can't get respect,He saw some medical universities of college students and even gave up my major.
与这些个体期待汇成巨流/Weaving together"The Chinese dream"the,And the government work report"Our motherland rich and strong"The concern of.
全国人大代表刘奇葆在今天下午the代表团会议上讲了一个故事.In August 2011,Visit the U.S. vice President Joe biden arrived in more than three years after an earthquake in sichuan province.Sichuan provincial party committee secretary LiuJiBao accompanied biden's then a line to visit the dujiangyan post-disaster reconstruction.当年the震中映秀The same焕然一新,So LiuJiBao ask the ministry of personnel:"Why not let Joe biden to yingxiu looked at?"
回答出乎他the意料:"Because good yingxiu reconstruction."
刘奇葆不理解:"The American brought a large news team,Let them look at the speed of the Chinese people,Not quite good??"
后来他才知道,The consideration is the opposite."Because if the American media slapped a while,Go back to a fire,The U.S. government is passive.Hurricane disaster in the city because they 6 years ago,By that time still no good reconstruction."
列席政协会议the海外侨胞张纯这样说道:"Overseas Chinese have a heart of China,Are proud of our motherland.National rejuvenation is our Chinese dream."
大会堂the台阶上,Youth delegates from shaanxi Sun Wei wearing a big red,Attracted a group of photographers"Their long gun".She noticed the Suggestions to this year's government work report:"Determined to resolve the vital relationship between the interests of the atmosphere/water/土壤, etc.突出the环habitat污染问题,改善环habitat质量,维护人民health,Use practical action to let people see the hope."
"My Chinese dream is more blue day,Water is more clear,Mountains greener,The bird more."The tourism image ambassador said with a smile.
全国人大代表/Guizhou university President zheng qiang,Looking forward to the Chinese dream"Also in the west".At present the gap between eastern and western education made him feel,China also needs to be more fair education to achieve the dream."To bring young people to the west/Stay in the west,少不了好the高, etc.教育."Zheng qiang said,"The Chinese dream is to make China's young people have a dream."
"The Chinese dream is in my heart,The country can be rich and strong (powerful),People can peace,Eat comfort food,Peace of mind of milk to drink,The children have a book to read,Orphans have lived!When this all is near us,More and more confident,The Chinese dream you will be able to achieve it."The CPPCC national committee/Famous singer han hong said aloud before the great hall of the people.
能有服务于两会的机会,让年轻的朝鲜语翻译严楠很兴奋。“我的中国梦,就是青年人能和国家一起成长,实现自身的价值。”她说。(记者 庄庆鸿 樊江涛 王怡波 李松涛)
能有服务于两会the机会,Let young Korean translator YanNan excited."My Chinese dream,Is the young people can grow up with the country,Realize own value."She said.(The reporter ZhuangQingHong FanJiangTao Wang Yibo Li Songtao)
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