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昨天下午,Zhejiang delegation to the second team for consideration.The National People's Congress/Oakes Zheng Jianjiang group chairman, told a story
来北京开两会前,I found an employee accident in wander.Go to work time,Everyone else is at work in earnest,He was reading the teaching book of civil service exam.
我没There are当面批评员工,But the in the mind very not taste.
In order to retain talent,Companies spent a great effort.Take the working conditions,Is not I,Oakes employee's office,Both packaging and facilities,Can is a five star.I can't figure out,Why did he have to take an examination of civil servants?The hearts of the private enterprises want to retain staff,How so difficult?
年薪涨到十多万,民企员工还是想考公务员 Salary of up to more than ten,Corporation employees want to take an examination of civil servants
他话音刚落,Wanfeng OTT holding group chairman Chen Ailian representative immediately pick up words:"Zheng total,The group is from a manufacturing line,Just the two of us?You just said,Really say in my heart.Your story,I also met.Even if you don't say,I would say."
奉化滕头村党委书记/宁波滕头集团董事长傅企平代表也深There are共鸣.
"You know??In order to retain talent,Companies constantly give employees a wage increase."Fu Qiping held out his hand,Made a gesture is creeping up,"我们这里There are些员工,Annual salary is up to more than 10, ten thousand yuan,But still care,Want to go.Talk to them to,Why are all the same:Want to be a civil servant,Or into the business unit."
几位老总表示,Modern enterprise competition,Is talent competition,But private enterprises should face"poaching",Again want to face the employee who caused the loss,真是There are说不完的苦.
省人社厅厅长:公务员的待遇太高了 People club bureau of province:Civil servants' pay is too high
对于员工"Take an examination of the male"The cause of the,Corporate representatives summed up the three points:It is a civil servant salary is high;2 it is stable;3 it is easy.
出人意料的是,This summary has been attending the provincial party committee, vice minister of organization/Province human resources and social security bureau of Wu Shunjiang representative's approval,"Bosses of words,Personally, I quite agree with."
吴顺江把座位挪了挪,Zheng Jianjiang turned face up,列举了一组数According to the2013年,The entire province widely shunned totals about 10000 people,But always enter oneself for an examination the number has reached about 360000 people,On average, the enrollment/registration for 1 36.One of the hottest jobs,Nearly 2000 people a.
"Wooden bridge to describe with a hammering,A little too much."Wu Shunjiang said,"Take an examination of the male"Behind the hot,The huge gap of choose and employ persons is enterprises, especially private enterprises,The primary cause of these problems,Is civil servants' pay is too high.
一位代表接过话题说,In a foreign country,Many blue-collar workers earn more than civil servants,But at home,Most blue collar is not only work hard,Salary is far less than the civil service,"What's more,公务员的工作是基本There are保障的,Enterprise employees unemployment risk are much larger.Asymmetric compensation system,Nature lead to talent flow deviation."
>建议 >advice
打破“金饭碗”,公务员也拿绩效工资 break"Iron rice bowl",With merit pay civil servants
经过激烈的讨论,ZheJiangTuan representatives of civil servants' selection and compensation system was put forward three Suggestions:
第一,Civil servants also take"Merit pay".
There are代表advice,Income of civil servants,应该根According to the其过去一段时间的工作情况,As well as the achievements,And should not be held"Iron rice bowl",With a"Iron wages".
第二,Change the way of civil service,Increase practical ability test.
代表们认为,In the civil service exam,Written test scores is a top priority.Spend months or even years"Death to read",Admitted to civil servants is also not in the minority.but,After examinee to civil service jobs,How many ability to play,It is a question.so,The representatives suggest,Increase on the investigation to the examinee practical ability in the civil service exam.
第三,"Take an examination of the male"before,要先There are基层工作经验.
The representatives suggest,Might as well set hard and fast rules,Before an examinee enter oneself for an examination in the civil service,Must first exercise at the grassroots level for a period of time.Here at the grass-roots level,Can is the enterprise,Can also be a village/Streets are closely associated with the place.Once become a civil servant,There are了基层工作经验,They also can better based on grassroots/Service to the people.
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