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选专业“望文生义”? 填高考志愿需三思而后行--亲稳舆论引导监测室
根据市教育考试院昨天发布的2013年本市普通高校招生考生填报志愿表办法,Including batch in advance/Zero volunteer/A copy of the/2, the university entrance exam volunteer batches,First fill in time for May 14 to 19.
刚过去的这个周末,Many senior students and their parents are busy running college admissions counseling sessions.When it comes to this year's consultation,The dean of admissions many colleges and universities, there is a widespread feeling:And in previous years,Students and parents to parallel volunteer policy understanding,"Low-level problem"less,But provided professional volunteer performance when the heart is too hard.
有高校老师直言,The current parallel volunteer policy for students is a"good",But many parents and students did not understand him"Take advantage of".
还在追求“专业对口”,理念落伍了! Also in the pursuit of"Professional counterparts,",Idea behind The Times!
5月4日,Held jointly by Shanghai 23 universities of undergraduate course colleges and universities joint consultation in the college entrance examination in Shanghai university of science and military road campus,In this year"The largest/In most colleges and universities/Most of the enrollment and professional/Consulting parents most"Such records.On the same day,East China university of political science and law in changning campus admissions consulting activities.
华东政法大学学生处处长闵辉发现,Almost everyone to come to consult the parents you would like to ask a question:"What kind of work does the specifics?Good job??"Because law is often aimed at industry strong professional,Many parents are worried about:"One thousand civil service exam in the department of courts,What to do in the future?"clearly,Parents are concerned"Professional counterparts,",They haven't noticed,Many colleges and universities of undergraduate course education orientation has changed a lot of university are exploring in recent years"Deep foundation/Wide caliber"The talent training scheme,The specific"professional"Is being played down.Since last year,Shanghai university admissions scheme launched categories.This year,On the big still follow this plan,According to the categories of humanities social sciences/Economic management categories/Science technology categories to enter oneself for an examination,A sophomore to choose specific professional according to interest.Shanghai university of science and technology/Part of the Shanghai ocean university professional admissions also implements the categories.
为很多家长不知的是,Theory of pure degree of match between professional and employment,Many colleges and universities undergraduate counterpart rate at about 20% - 30%;On the other hand,本科毕业after考研/Such as choice has been given a further study abroad in increase year by year.Taking an example of HuaZheng,Graduates have six or seven into further study preferred.
闵辉建议,When the candidates and their parents are doing specific professional choice,Can consider to fill in some basic professional;Professional Settings too narrow,Or confined to a particular sector of a particular type of work,It is not recommended as the preferred.
选专业“望文生义”,不可取 Choose professional"That means",Not an option
在Shanghai university of science and technology的高校高考联合咨询会现场,The teacher found that many colleges and universities,Parents and students"That means""Listen to the wind is the rain"An obvious question,Prejudice and even for the industry"ignorance",Let many students missed a good professional.
在上海海洋大学的现场咨询点,A teacher of admissions told reporters,Her parents and students one of the first is the aquatic product class/Professional food etc. Characteristics.But some parents a listen to"The aquatic"The two words,Twist a head to go,"Undergraduate course graduation to breed fish,What's the point."Such understanding let teacher manages in distress situation.In fact,Aquaculture is not only depends on the university"fortune"The subject,Power at the national level disciplines ranked among the best,And graduates mainly engaged in the fisheries related technology services,Not personally to breed fish,Employment prospects are very broad.
“一本拼学校,二本拼专业”,不全对 "A spell school,2 spelling a professional",Not all right
现在不少家长相信填志愿"A spell school,2 spelling a professional",For this,College admissions teacher made clear:Not recommended.
一些高校老师分析,Is related to the ideas and parallel volunteer parents.Because the parallel volunteer enroll mode made artificially to colleges and universities"The 369"The layered, such as,Sometimes a college admissions examinee's highest and lowest points in between,Less than 20 points."This enrollment system to ensure the interests of the examinee,But many of the characteristics of the university of professional/Fist professional grade because the school problem,To find a good student."
一些成绩处于中游/But there are obvious interest preference,Should make full use of the parallel volunteer policy advantage,Down to the school"From those","Rather than blindly choose a look admit fractional line of high school,Rather than ask their interests and career aspirations,Rationally choose a suitable for their own characteristics."
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