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兰州幼儿集体食物中毒系假消息 或有关经济纠纷--亲稳网络舆情监测室


幼儿园园长称此事与经济纠纷有关 The kindergarten said the matter related to the economic disputes

  新华社兰州4月30日专电(记者 黄文新 王博)记者从兰州市食品药品监督管理局获悉,经相关部门查证,4月28日网传“兰州九洲城幼儿园幼儿因食用霉变食物致发烧腹泻”一事消息不实,该幼儿园并未出现群体性食物中毒事件。

The xinhua news agency兰州4月30日专电(The reporter Huang Wenxin wang)The reporter learns from lanzhou city food and drug administration,By the related department to verify,On April 28, net transmission"Lanzhou city jiuzhou kindergarten children eat food mildew causes fever, diarrhea"The news is not real,There was no mass food poisoning, and the kindergarten.


On April 28,,A weibo said"Lanzhou city jiuzhou city kindergarten parents banner petition this morning,The children in the kindergarten had gone mouldy foods cause fever diarrhea",With more than 30 parents gathered jiuzhou city pictures of petition for banners at the gate of kindergarten.


After receiving reports,Lanzhou education/health/The food and drug regulators to investigate immediately.In jiuzhou city kindergarten,Investigators from the diet this week,And kindergarten canteen for the on-site inspection,Found that parents reflect kindergarten procurement of food raw materials except the yams with mild sprout,Did not find other food safety problems.


Investigation team also focus on April 28, 71 children not in health were investigated.Not in young children in the park that day,In addition to the recent some children due to a cold/Upper respiratory tract infection, and parents take children go out tourism, and other reasons not to the outside of the garden,Only 1 case of young children have a fever diarrhea phenomenon and has 4 days not to park.On April 28, 276 children in the park are not appear unwell phenomenon,Can rule out the possibility of children's mass food poisoning.


for"Petition photos",On April 28, gathered at the gate of the kindergarten jiuzhou city home ChangSunYan said,Their children did not appear the symptoms of fever, diarrhea.After someone posted in the group is said to be the kindergarten pictures of food,After they look angry and worry,Thus gathered in the kindergarten for claim.Parent survey results to relevant departments approved also.


The team said,Current kindergarten director think this matter should be related to its and the original shareholders of economic disputes.
