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调查称63.5%受访者望重新择业 待遇问题系主因--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

日前,CCTV financial channel[China central television (CCTV) economic life survey(2012-2013)]According to,Who think they are not happy,32% of people want to choose their own careers.zhaopin[Spring 2013 workplace intelligence report]Also show that,After the Spring Festival job-hopping intention year-on-year growth of around 35% of applicants for the job.Whether vocational ideal affect people's quality of life,How many people really happy with your career?
In recent days,中国青年报社会In the survey心通过民意中国网and搜狐网,According to a survey of 1591 people,42.7% of the respondents are not satisfied with your current career,63.5% of respondents hope to choose a career.
73.5%的人感觉职业不理想是因为待遇达不到理想水平 73.5% of people feel professional not ideal because the salary can not reach ideal level
重新择业的背后,Is people's dissatisfaction with the current job.In the survey,To 42.7% of respondents are not satisfied with your current career,19.4% of them are not satisfied.33.3% of people said.Only 24.0% of people satisfied.
毕业于北京某大学的张晓鸥步入职场将近两年,Worked in customer service/Online community management/design/copy,The unit from the game company to media companies,From the pr firm to real estate company.For today's work,He is feeling"So make do"."Unit to the salary is not high,Specific job doesn't suit me.Cannot guarantee the stable life,Can't realize own value,Only consider continue to move."
山东菏泽的孙先生已人到中年,Sit for nearly 20 years in the unit accounting office.But for his own work,他却and刚毕业不久的张晓鸥有相似的心情."Do a not interested in plain work and income,Efficiency is very low,It's a drain of time feeling."
为什么有的人感觉职业不理想?73.5% of people think that is the current treatment can not reach ideal level,36.9% of people think that is engaged in the industry is not appropriate,37.2%的人表示是个人缺乏明确的职业方向and规划.
向阳生涯管理咨询集团职业规划师王虹,People summarized as three kinds of the cause of the professional status:Is engaged in the professional is not right,Professional psychology has a problem,Personal development is limited.She told reporters,自己接触的咨询者想重新择业主要出于前Two kinds of原因."The current domestic professional education is also imperfect,Because of the lack of fully aware of its own and external environment in the workplace,Although some people want to work again,But don't know want to do.Because others not straighten workplace attitude,Insisted on looking for a complete handy work,Or to try the new platform as a means of finding high-paying jobs."
调查According to,The only concern of compensation is no longer working.61.3% of people hoping to be able to let his new job position or a higher treatment better,59.7%的人希望新工作能让自己平衡工作and生活,52.3% of people who want the new job is more suitable for themselves,There are 39.0% of the people hope that the new unit management level is better.
84.7%的人坦言重新选择职业不容易 84.7% of people admitted to choose a career is not easy
In the survey,90.3% of respondents feel the professional is not ideal for personal well-being.
虽然超六成受访者希望重新择业,But 84.7% of the respondents admitted to choose a career is not easy.Respondents said to choosing a career is mainly have the following concerns or obstacles:"The greater the age,In working harder"(66.7%),"Abandon the existing professional accumulate some pity"(50.8%),"May break the existing stable life"(48.5%),"Have professional obstacles,May need to learn"(48.2%).
"Can do their ideal job, of course, is a good thing."Mr Sun says,He was envious of young people still have a chance to choose career,In this age,Want to consider family,To choosing a career will become more and more difficult,Finally can only remain intact.
张晓鸥说,Even though he will soon find a job is not suitable for yourself,But don't know what do you want to be what,This is one of the largest problems. He is now choosing a.
"Attaching importance to and correct for career planning is very important."Wang Hong think,Want to work need to diagnose their reasons of disaffection,其次要积极了解外部的职场环境and机遇.In addition,They also need to make sense of their own character/Interest in the/values/demand,Comprehensive education background/knowledge/experience/Resources such as market value,To correct position.
调查According to,In the face of career is not ideal,63.5% of people will try to do a good job,To adapt to the environment,43.4% of the people is living matter,Deal with STH,37.8% of people will be a positive charge,To prepare for career in ideal,16.8% of people choose to continue to try a new unit,Look for opportunities.
王虹提醒,Workers should have a dedicated heart."Even if you don't like my job,But with a unit's salary,Should be taken seriously work.If you take a perfunctory attitude,Even slander spread information unit,Showed a strong negative energy,Could affect the individual brand establish in the workplace."
"Now, universities are gradually introducing the content of the vocational education,But most of the theory,A lot of social experience of vocational education teachers in the workplace is not enough."Wang Hong said,For professional education,Schools should attach importance to both,Also need to do it.If the teacher co., LTD,Can be introduced by means of part-time teachers career planning professional body support,Let the students really benefit.
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