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搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:教育培训机构在最近几年如雨后春笋般出现,准入门槛偏低也是个不争的事实。您认为在师资培养方面,教育机构应该做出怎样的突破和改变?京翰教育在这方面是如何做的?
Education training institutions have sprung up in recent years,Low barriers to entry is an indisputable fact.What do you think in terms of teacher training,Education institutions should make how to breakthrough and change?Jing si education in this aspect is how to do?
赵晓林(安博京翰教育研究院院长): Zhao Xiaolin(John ember Beijing education institute director):1对1教学模式,最难统一的是教材。教育培训机构已经过去了两个阶段,第一个阶段称为“农耕文明”,几个很有名气的老师,然后一起搭个班子,就开始租用公立校的教室,就开始授课,靠名气、经验招来很多学生。它的教材可以是集体备课,也有可以个性化老师的风格,但是一般经过集体备课,那种班组课教材很容易统一的。
1 to 1 teaching mode,The hardest is unified teaching materials.Education training institutions have passed two stages,The first stage is called"Agricultural civilization",Several very famous teacher,And then put together a team,Began renting public school classrooms,Start teaching,By fame/Caused a lot of student experience.It can be a collective lesson preparation,Also can be personalized teacher's style,But generally through collective lesson preparation,The team class teaching material easy to unity.
But is not the same as the teaching material of 1 to 1.I put the learning and thought, as the representative of the second phase,I call it"Industrial civilization",Learning and thought in teaching material of farmland,And a teacher's production line,Standard teachers a lot,And the lack of has the style of the teacher.
1 on 1 coaching is difficult to use uniform standard of teachers and teaching materials to give the child professor.But I think there is a way to solve this problem,In the process of teachers' teaching,Children the advantage of stronger,Resulting in the reinforcing disadvantage,All modular,What students needed counselling,Through the seminar,Special tutoring.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:在互联网时代,教育培训行业无论是在战略布局上亦或内涵提升上都蕴含着互联网元素。您对互联网时代的教育培训行业发展有何看法?京翰教育在这方面是如何做的?
In the Internet age,Education and training industry both in strategic layout or content element contains the Internet promotion.You on the Internet what do you think education and training industry development of The Times?Jing si education in this aspect is how to do?
赵晓林(安博京翰教育研究院院长): Zhao Xiaolin(John ember Beijing education institute director):所有的教育机构,如果要做强做大,漠视新技术平台是肯定不行的。互联网它的功能强大,它与人们的生活,尤其我们青少年的生活几乎融到了一起。若漠视互联网也就会忽视了青少年成长中重要的影响因素,京翰教育现在正在准备开展这一方面的,初期和其他网站做一些合作,比如和微课网等做一些合作,最终我们要独立做出项目。
All education institutions,If you want to do big and stronger,Ignore is certainly not a new technology platform.The Internet it's powerful,It to people's life,Especially we teenagers life almost melt together.If disregard the Internet will have neglected the important influence factors in adolescence,Jing si education is now ready to develop this aspect,Early do some cooperation and other sites,Do some work such as lesson and micro nets, etc,Eventually we're going to make a project independently.
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Zhao Xiaolin:The advanced management mode is the development of the jing si life source
Zhao Xiaolin:From sales to guide the transformation of the teaching and research service
Zhao Xiaolin:1 on 1 coaching module teaching is after the industrial civilization
赵晓林:体现价值 抱“肉食者谋之又何间焉”之态
Zhao Xiaolin:Value, embrace"Meat eaters between him and any how"The state of
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