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About traditional Chinese medicine,People often think of balance of Yin and Yang/The five elements such as phase grams of ancient Chinese philosophy.But what is the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine?What is Yin and Yang five elements?How to reinforce each other?Maybe a lot of people do not understand.recently,Famous master of eastern philosophy/Beijing university institute of religion LouYuLie honorary President of the professor to accept[Economic reference to]Reporter's interview,From philosophy and Chinese cultural layer in the face of the traditional Chinese medicine in this paper has made a detailed.LouYuLie think,The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine combined with philosophy/religious/Art culture,Philosophy is the wisdom of practice,Is a kind of"Circle the study of",Set health/cure/Recovery at an organic whole.But in the modern western medicine thinking structure,The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in our country have change,Gradually lost intact.Top priority,The development of traditional Chinese medicine need to wake up people's cultural subject consciousness,A change from the root up.


中医是对中国哲学智慧的实践 The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is the practice of wisdom in Chinese philosophy


reporter:You are study philosophy of experts,In traditional Chinese medicine to promote.In your opinion,The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and philosophy between what relation?


LouYuLie:Chinese philosophy and traditional Chinese medicine are closely interlinked,Can say,The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is the practice of Chinese philosophy and the idea of Chinese culture.The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is best reflects the practice of Chinese philosophy,It has a complete set of perfect theory and the whole theory frame.Chinese emphasize harmony between man and nature/Telepathy between/Overall correlation/Dynamic balance/Conform to the nature/Neutralization for use/Growth of Yin and Yang/The five elements such as born g concept,These are the Chinese philosophy and even the most fundamental idea of Chinese culture.In Chinese philosophy,The universe is a whole,Things and things are of the individual parts of a whole,Each part is related/undetachable,No relationship is not isolated individuals,And the relationship between the whole and relative,Is mutual contain the push each other,Then the use of Chinese philosophy in terms of concept,Is the Yin and Yang phase system/Five line phase grams,This truth can be applied in various aspects including the maintenance of our life.Our internal organs of the body relative to the five elements is between the reinforce each other,The human body balance of Yin and Yang is health,The imbalance of Yin and Yang to be something wrong with the.The theory of Yin and Yang,In fact is the use of the unity of opposites between things/Complementary to the law of judgment and analysis of physiological condition/Pathological condition,Then the corresponding treatment.


[Economic reference to]:These theories in many people's opinion is very difficult,Is not clear.For instance,The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in the meridian,In fact can't find.


LouYuLie:In fact can say clear.For instance, in accordance with the Yin and Yang of the five elements theory,Liver belong to what,Stomach what belongs to,As seems to have no according to,This is because you didn't take life as a basic anatomy.So I put forward a point of view,Namely vipassana anatomical.vipassana,Is China's Buddhism terms,Used to sit inside the entrails and the relationship between qi and blood.Now the western medicine is body anatomy in the body,What kind of organs are to see clearly,But do not represent living body is this situation.Why to say meridian can't find?Meridian is the flow of qi and blood,Only in the living body can manifest to,In the body could not find.This is our own life science,It would have its own set of scientific theory.


I pay attention to the western medicine now has three big change,In fact is the concept of traditional Chinese medicine.The first focus from a life of the disease into focus on life and people.In the past we have excessive attention to the disease,Disease is looking for more,Medicine more and more,The result is not obvious.Don't pay attention to the people who are sick,Just to look for trouble,Is the upside down,It is more important.This change in the traditional Chinese medicine contains very important concept,The people as a whole rather than just look at local.


The second is to emphasize preventive medicine more important than medical treatment,Health is an important than cure.[Yellow emperor. Element asked]About the"Mortal is,Don't disease in already disease and disease in not ill",so,The theory of traditional Chinese medicine is not to implement to cure this point,But to implement to heal people,Has died of disease preventive treatment of disease.


The third is to arouse the people their own self healing ability,Rather than rely on outside force such as medication and surgery to solve the problem.Now the western rise a lot of homeopathy and natural therapy,Basically all is to use the concept of traditional Chinese medicine,If try not to use but with the physical actions such as massage/Massage and acupuncture, etc,Try to find disease and not stay on the surface of the disease symptoms.


中医乃生生之学 The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is the study of circle


reporter:Before you often speak a word,call"Sick to the,Often have to traditional Chinese medicine",How to understand the?


LouYuLie:This is[History of the han dynasty. Category. FangJi slightly]Inside words,By the party mentioned in this part,"Sick to the,Often have to traditional Chinese medicine".The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is not here to cure,Is to preserve one's health/To people,The first is to treat people,The second is preventive treatment of disease.Qing dynasty QianDaZhao also noted,"Do not take medicine for the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine".here"Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine"Is now in the sense of traditional Chinese medicine,But China's traditional concept of traditional Chinese medicine,Is the medical/Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine/One of the medicine"Heal countries on,Heal people,Heal disease under",Heal disease before the,Will heal disease,Heal already disease under.The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is the middle of the road,Is to keep the doctrine of the mean peaceful state.We preserve one's health is also asked for a middle of the road,Zhongzheng is peace.


[Economic reference to]:In your opinion,The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine more time to practice some idea,Not only is the treatment?


LouYuLie:Recently this period of time,I speak a theory,That is the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is a traditional Chinese culture"Circle the study of".After a"born",Is life,Front a"born"Is a verb,To strengthen the behind"born",That is, how to can continue to life,Let people live a more healthy for long.


About the orientation of traditional Chinese medicine,In traditional Chinese culture has been defined as a"Circle with the",Life is to maintain a healthy and good tools and methods.in[Han · category · FangJi slightly]Mentioned in,"FangJi person,All of the circle has also".Including the party that medical classics, a lot of things is to live a better life is a kind of method and means.have"Circle with the",There will be"Circle of easy",Many ancient books in China also described the circle of the truth,Including and raw/Your life/health/health/Keep fit.Must first respect for life/Value life,How to better maintain our life,Need to preserve one's health/Defend your life,To govern our lives.Circle the learning is based on your life/And the idea of birth on,Then through the keep fit/health/Health method to achieve"All born".What is"All born"?[Lu shi chun qiu]It puts forward,"Six desires are to its meaning",Is all born.


Now more focus on the treatment of Chinese medicine,We need to let the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine range some more extensive,Don't limited to the treatment,Will bring health/Treatment and related arguments are clear.China's preserve one's health is unique in the world.So need to construct a circle to the study,The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to improve the theoretical level.The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is not purely a medical disease,But has the rich humanities culture connotation,Including philosophy/art/Religion, a comprehensive humanistic biotics,Is a door of life wisdom and life art learning.


现在的中医已经变异 Now the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine has variation


reporter:You mentioned that Chinese medicine is mostly ancient Chinese medicine,In your opinion,Now the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine?


LouYuLie:Is not so alike.We are now Chinese medicine has been western medicine the alienation,The theory of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine means to close,Has a lot of problems.


First of all in concept,For a long time,For traditional Chinese medicine/Philosophy and even Chinese culture,We all have a prejudice,Think China has no philosophy/No medical/There is no scientific,For a long time are backward.But in fact,The generation of this kind of prejudice,Is a lot of people in the western cultural patterns or characteristics as a standard to measure our doctor of traditional Chinese medicine/Philosophy and science.In fact the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine has a system which has its own theory,We need to understand.

  在诊疗手段上,“望闻问切”已经很少用了,中医治病更多的是吃药,与《黄帝内经》中的内容相反,目前中医治疗,针灸推拿只占了十分之二三,十分之七八都是开药;在具体治疗中,会有大量标准化方剂和西医诊疗办法,比如抽血化验、C T和手术等等。现在我们的很多医生都不会看病了,只会看化验单。

In the diagnosis and treatment measures,"Look, listen, question and"Has rarely used,The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine cure more is to take medicine,and[Yellow emperor]Contrary to the contents of the,At present the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine treatment,Acupuncture and massage only accounted for two over ten,Ten points are eight prescribe;In the specific treatment,There is a large number of standardization formula and western medicine diagnosis and treatment measures,Such as blood tests/C T and operation and so on.Now a lot of our doctor would have to see the doctor,Will only see paper.


Medical ethics is a big problem.The past Chinese medicine medical ethics is to dissolve more moral are for family relationships,exquisite"Healers parents heart","Expand the love of the old,The young we young people and the young",The relationship between doctors and patients more like a family relationship.It looks more like a personal advocate,But the fact is that contains the most selfless,Because the family is not return.If the medical ethics use modern doctor-patient relationship,Now the doctor-patient relationship also can't so nervous.


There is about the social division of labor,The necessary division of labor is progress,Too much of the division of labor is a step forward or a step back,Research remains to be.In traditional Chinese medicine inside,exquisite"Look, listen, question and",Feel the pulse is the most basic skills,But now many of the traditional Chinese medicine won't even feel the pulse.Even the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine doctor claimed to do not know Chinese traditional medicine,Will only prescribe,Only know the name of the medicine.The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is actually fuzzy there are clear,For medicinal materials,The origin/CaiYao time/Processing time and means and so on are very exquisite,A slight mistake can lead to treatment with deviation.But now,Some do not know how to CaiYao,The CaiYao don't know pharmaceutical,Wild became farmed,The efficiency of the drug is suspect,Not to mention the many fake medicines.Each link is out of the question,Our doctor of traditional Chinese medicine has been the alienation,This is very sad.


发展中医要唤醒我们的中国文化主体意识 The development of traditional Chinese medicine to wake up our Chinese culture subject consciousness


reporter:The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine there is so many questions,Does it also has the ability to influence the world?


LouYuLie:Also can.Although we Chinese medicine many are out of shape,But actually it in foreign development is good,Foreigners also have certain discrimination ability.We Chinese people don't believe that the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine,It's a big problem.But the problem just in turn,Chinese people don't believe that the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine,Westerners believe that the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine may be more.Data show,Now China foreign students to study abroad,About 50% of the traditional Chinese medicine is to learn.So it's not,Our future can only"Export turns sale in domestic market"the.Because the Chinese artists in nearly years of thought too serious,If it is a foreigner said,He is very easy to believe,Chinese ancestors said he did not believe it,So can only use this kind of psychology,The core idea of the traditional Chinese medicine with modern way to express themselves,Such as natural therapy/Homeopathy and psychological therapy,Such as pay attention to prevent,Such as respect for life,By some means,These ideas explain clearly,The traditional idea of traditional Chinese medicine do some transformation,Use of modern means of service.I think the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine will move towards the world,But do not be eager to hope for success,Slowly to,Need solid work.


I think the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to go to the world,From the root to the change,The most main is two aspects to efforts,One is thought,The second is the education.


The first thing is to wake up our Chinese culture subject consciousness.We are not not science/Philosophy and medical,Not to western culture thought to structure the Chinese culture.The difference between Chinese and western culture is actually a type of difference.And this type of difference,Just is made between different cultures communicate and complementary to have the possibility.so,We need to return to their own cultural subject,According to their own cultural characteristics to build/The theoretical system of our own culture,And not with western culture according to the summary of the theory to study our culture,This is very urgent.Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and so,Can't use western values and way of thinking to study traditional Chinese medicine.Chinese and western culture and way of thinking is not the same,If stubbornly together,To the end can only be out of shape culture.

  其次,需要改革中医教育。如今包括教中医和学中医的人对中医都没有一个正确的认识和把握,这是最根本的问题。我们的教学,包括中医学校的教学,都在拿西方的那种理念去解构我们传统的理念,存在“科学迷信”,中医很多观念都被曲解了。中国很多老百姓,甚至包括一些学中医的人,都已经不相信中医了。实际上,关于中医教育,唐代医圣孙思邈在《大医精诚》里讲的很清楚,作为一名中医,除了学习《黄帝内经》等专业书籍之外,还需要学习孔孟、老庄的思想,还有佛经,甚至还要学风水相面,现在的中医教育需要与传统文化相结合。(记者 李静 实习生 王颖慧)

secondly,The need for reform in education of traditional Chinese medicine.Now including teach traditional Chinese medicine and to learn Chinese medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to have a correct understanding and grasp,This is the most fundamental problems.Our teaching,Including the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine school teaching,In western philosophy and the deconstruction of our traditional idea,exist"Science superstition",The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine a lot of ideas are distorted.Many people in China,Even some people learn the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine,Have not believe that the traditional Chinese medicine.In fact,About the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine education,The tang dynasty YiSheng sun simiao in[Big medical sincere]The point very clear,As a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine,In addition to learning[Yellow emperor]Besides professional books,Still need to study of Confucius/Zhuangzi thoughts,There are buddhist scriptures,Even to study water face reading,Now Chinese medicine education need combined with the traditional culture.(Reporter li WangYingHui interns)
