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中国胸透使用率超英国300倍 辐射大或成致癌祸根--亲稳舆论引导监测室
According to the sound of China[News late peak]reports,Your child in the medical or physical examination will often do a chest X-ray yao?If your answer is yes,The next time will pay more attention to the.The expert reminds,Children suspected pulmonary infection or not diagnosed until the disease need perspective.
In fact,"A chest X-ray"Is the medical examination commonly used auxiliary diagnosis method,China's utilization rate as high as 61%,But in the United States/Japan most developed countries have been eliminated,Have expert clew,X-rays should not become children of medical routine inspection project.
A chest X-ray is the medical examination commonly used auxiliary diagnosis method,It through the X-ray imaging techniques help in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases at the same time,Radiation to human body will cause all kinds of harm.therefore,Qingdao since 200and and restrict the use of part of the hospital"Chest X-ray inspection".
Qingdao children's hospital doctor mentioned,X-rays can't completely cancel,Can the dynamic observation patient illness,Such as some swallowed or inhaled foreign body and so on emergency patient must choose a chest X-ray observation.
The doctor:X-rays can't completely cancel,The reason is that some diseases can only in the perspective of cases found,For instance bronchial foreign body,For instance the digestive tract of contrast,So must dynamic observation,Must choose perspective.
Qingdao HaiCi hospital doctors say,The hospital in a routine screening program is not advised on a chest X-ray project.
The doctor:In infants and young children and pregnant women,Try not to a chest X-ray inspection,Because of the time in a chest X-ray film to contact ray amount of time to grow,A chest X-ray inspection need a minute or so,And you in 0.2 to 0.5 seconds,Time shorter.
Shandong province wang mentioned,Daughter elementary school due to cold also had a chest X-ray inspection,Schools in medical organizations also have a chest X-ray project.
wang:A chest X-ray like daughter is in primary school grade three or four,and/9 years old.I also consulting colleagues,But they don't know,But the doctor asked what to do.
Shandong yantai health supervision of the expert to remind,A chest X-ray of radiation can cause part of the body cell damage,These damaged cells if can't repair itself,Will the remaining in the,like"Time bomb",In the low immunity or promote cancer factors exist,Start crazy copy into cancer lesions.So a chest X-ray can't be young children's medical examination of routine inspection project.
At present,Individual place as a student of chest X-ray examination"Reserve program",However such frequent accept radiation may be buried carcinogenic an apple of discord.A chest X-ray/shooting/CT and radioactive check number do more time to grow more,The greater the probability that trigger cancer.
A chest X-ray of radiation quantity is equivalent to ten times X light shooting,The United States/Most of the developed countries such as Japan has eliminated a chest X-ray inspection.In the use of a few countries,British use frequency is only 0.2%,While China is as high as 61.and%.
It is important to note that,A chest X-ray and chest X-ray is not the same.Usually say of chest radiography is chest X-ray projection,The future most tests are use it to replace a chest X-ray.A chest X-ray of radiation quantity is equivalent to ten times X light shooting,Now the United States/Japan most countries are already eliminated a chest X-ray inspection.One of the few countries in the use of,British use frequency is only 0.2%,While China is as high as 61.and%.Beijing university people's hospital radiology department director HongNan is introduced,Chest X-ray is the conventional detection project,And a chest X-ray is not,At present Beijing 3 armour hospital most have been cancelled a chest X-ray inspection.
HongNan:Perspective is to let you turn around,Give you a result,No film called perspective,The advantages of chest radiography is his resolution is higher,And patients eat little ray dose,So such things and see clear then and record,Each patient can take the film to other hospital consultation,Later you can review and make a contrast,So at present various hospitals to carry out is not according to the chest x-rays.
Popular image speaking,Patients in a dark room and this is a chest X-ray,This project has been cancelled by many hospitals,Instead as chest radiography,Let the patient is standing in a white transparent feature film before the suction tone,This is the regular check-up of project requirements.X-rays cheap,Many places a about as long as more than ten dollars,And sternum is in need of more than one hundred pieces,Even if a chest X-ray sternum than disposable contact less radiation,But Beijing university people's hospital radiology department director HongNan Suggestions,The following the crowd don't you did.
HongNan:The first is the child,Such as 12 to 14 years old the following child,Generally can not do or try not to,But have to depend on his illness,If you don't do look not to come out the illness that will have to do.There is pregnant women,Generally we suggest that the first three months of best can not do not do,For the first three months on the surrounding environment is very sensitive,And fetal didn't forming,At this time perspective words may cause fetal malformation development.(Reporter CheLi)
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