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非典十年访钟南山:加强公益性 回复医生救人正气--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

非典十年访钟南山:加强公益性 回复医生救人正气


Light blue isolation clothing/Thick cotton masks/Glasses cast behind bright staring at the head of the patient monitor...Ten years ago,The first affiliated hospital of guangzhou medical college in intensive care,Our correspondent of the lens will be stopped at the historical moment,Picture leading role,Is very high risk rescue infectious SARS patients were zhong nanshan of.

非典十年访钟南山:加强公益性 回复医生救人正气


Light blue isolation clothing/Thick cotton masks/Glasses cast behind bright staring at the head of the patient monitor...Ten years ago,The first affiliated hospital of guangzhou medical college in intensive care,Our correspondent of the lens will be stopped at the historical moment,Picture leading role,Is very high risk rescue infectious SARS patients were zhong nanshan of.

非典十年访钟南山:加强公益性 回复医生救人正气


On April 30, 2003,[Guangzhou daily]fight"SARS"QunYingPu published to the zhong nanshan interview reports.

非典十年访钟南山:加强公益性 回复医生救人正气

本报的评论“百姓知情、天下太平”,迅速平息了当时盲目抢购风潮,稳定了人心。 Our review of"People familiar with the/The peace in the world",Quickly subsided when blind panic buying agitation,Stable heart.

谈当年的 “病原体之争” 谈非典后遗症 谈医患关系 谈养生…… Talk about the "Pathogens for" Talk about SARS sequela about doctor-patient relationship about keeping in good health...

抗击非典胜利十周年特别报道一 The tenth anniversary of the victory in the fight against SARS a special report


Introductory words


In 2003,,A sudden/Across the global SARS(Infectious atypical pneumonia),Make the world it is the colour change,Also makes our country into an unprecedented public health crisis.The ministry of health statistics show,By the end of the,SARS cases 7755 people,Take 730 fresh life.In the struggle against disease on the battlefield,Guangdong and supported the first face,'s social mobilization,Took out a public satisfaction to the resistance to the record.


Ten years after,Look back the thrilling resistance to the war,We put the line of sight to have triggered the public attention characters and events,Try to from their memories and reflection to find resistance than a service to our national heritage.


Among them,Some struggle against disease in the first line,The research work of the policy;Some relatives healing the wounded and rescuing the dying,Unfortunately killed;Someone infected after dozens of people spreading,Physically by and;Some command an army,Change to a dangerous situation.After SARS,Each character's fate be changed.


Change and social.To fight against SARS as an opportunity,China's public health emergency mechanism was rebuilt,To deal with and then the bird flu/A flow and made great contribution to disease.During the battle against SARS exposed in the process of the social management and public service"Short board",Get the government's reflection,And to a certain extent, contributed to the new concept in progress.

非典留给世人的谜团尚未全部破解。它从何而来?为何扩散如此迅速,却很快匿迹?和成人备受重创相比,儿童病例为何数量少、症状轻且几无死亡病例?下一场“非典”何时会到来?政府和公众是否已做好准备?本报从即日起推出“抗击非典胜利十周年特别报道”系列,或许能让您找到答案。 (任珊珊)

SARS left to the world has not yet been mystery all cracked.It come from?Why spread so quickly,But quickly disappearing?And adults are compared to hit,Why do children cases less number/Symptoms a few light and no deaths?next"SARS"Will come when?The government and the public is ready?The launch from now on"The tenth anniversary of the victory in the fight against SARS special report"series,May let you find the answer. (As shan)


2003 years of SARS,a"The sick people to come to me"'s ambitious,And twice for science and to the truth,Let people remember the name of zhong nanshan.Ten years have passed,And the name of zhong nanshan connected,In addition to resistance to the hero,And the Chinese medical association/The National People's Congress/Political consultative conference (CPPCC)......A series of title and the duties given by the society,And he in the medical scientific research tireless pursuit,At the age of 77, he is like a perpetual motion machine,Not at work,Is the way to work.


Zhong nanshan an interview,In a word - difficult.As early as in more than a month ago,Reporter to his secretary YaoFang,Get the answer is:Before the Spring Festival of the schedule has been full.However, in this weekend,Reporter accident dialed zhong nanshan cell phone,In the face of the reporter earnestly request,Academician finally agreed to squeeze out 15 minutes of your valuable time a phone interview.however,And ten years ago,Zhong nanshan still is a temperament middleman,Break the ice with reporters he speaking,A chat is a hour.


Text/reporter LiHeng

谈现状 Talk about present situation

关注问题除了医学 In addition to medical attention problems

还有环境食品安全 The environment and food safety


Even without the SARS in 2003,Guangzhou is no stranger to zhong nanshan.But it is the SARS,One night he pushed in front of the whole of China.the"campaign"In him for,Perhaps is the life is the most memorable one"hurdles".


Time back to on December 22, 2002,Zhong nanshan in the first affiliated hospital of guangzhou medical college received one from guangdong heyuan strange pneumonia patients,Use a variety of antibiotics are not effective.Two days later,Heyuan treatment the patient's eight medical personnel all infected.This is the first case of zhong nanshan contact with SARS patients,Years of practice medicine experience told him,This is a very remarkable special infectious diseases.


2003 years after the Spring Festival,SARS cases increase,In guangdong.On February 3,,Annual grade,Zhong nanshan was dangerous,Guangdong province as SARS medical aid group leader.He offered to the guangdong provincial health bureau:"The sick people to come to me!"


"I am not fear death,Just by your body good."Said zhong nanshan.That year,He is 67 years old.


reporter(Hereinafter referred to as the "remember):2003"SARS"Let the whole of China to remember the name of zhong nanshan,This experience to your future this 10 years of work and life produced what kind of impact?


Zhong nanshan(Hereinafter referred to as the clock):work,The first is before I have been committed to the respiratory diseases,Such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD)/Asthma and lung cancer research,But after SARS,I and my team focused on social acute infectious disease research,From ten years ago the SARS/Bird flu,To a few years ago"Swine flu"(A flow),We want to make clear these acute infectious disease is how to lung damage,At present, we undertake a country"937 project",Is the research of this aspect.


meanwhile,This ten years I also served as a lot of social position,For example from 2005 ~ 2010 years as President of the Chinese medical association,For me it is a new field,Need to learn.and,These ten years,I concern will no longer stay in medicine,And the sustainable development of the environment/Food safety/Drug quality/the.


remember:So many things,How do you busy here?


clock:I love to I have a"Minimum requirements",The weekend is to stay in guangzhou,But in fact if I at home and at work,Or back to the hospital people.These ten years,Guangzhou medical college guangzhou institute of respiratory diseases were a lot of difficult case all over the country,Some cases of complex and rare degree,Even I have never seen.Now I have quite a lot of time into these cases to the consultation and investigation,Sometimes even to organization foreign experts discussed together,This for me and call the inquiry is a new challenge,But I am very enjoy this kind of challenge.

谈医患关系 About doctor-patient relationship

加强医疗的公益性 To strengthen the public health

回复医生救人正气 Reply to the doctor save upright


Familiar with the person all know zhong nanshan,There are two things a week he is unshakable will insist on,One is the grand rounds on Wednesday,The second is the expert outpatient service on Thursday afternoon.Zhong nanshan for it,In the numerous weight of identity,The most let him enjoy,Or do the doctor.


After SARS,Zhong nanshan, when being interviewed by the media said,SARS the campaign let the doctor finally off"White Wolf"image,To become the people of the mind"angels",Hope the harmonious doctor-patient relationship can continue.


however,In recent years the increasingly tense doctor-patient relationship seems to tell the world,Zhong nanshan this desire has not fulfilled.


remember:SARS let China doctor-patient relationship into a relatively harmonious stage.But in recent years,The doctor-patient relationship to nervous again,"Wound healing"/"Kill medical"incidents,How do you look at this phenomenon,China is the doctor-patient relationship must be in the face of tragedy to rebuild?


clock:Maybe yes,Because only in the face of disaster people to see the doctor's essence and the mainstream of this group.Because disaster involves the test of life and death,To compete,To pay the price,Like wenchuan earthquake,When a medical team all over the country,Many medical personnel rob to sign up,Sometimes the essence of man often in distress can shows before.In fact,Cause the doctor-patient relationship nervous reason is not only in the doctor or the patient.


reporter:Then lead to the doctor-patient relationship is so nervous profound reason in where?


clock:First of all,What is the main body of the reform was the object of medical reform,Most doctors what is good or bad,The issue has no one to answer clearly.And China's health care system in after market,Good is a competition,The medical quality had the very big promotion.But bad is,Medical weakened public welfare/Government investment to reduce,The patient to see a doctor to own,These factors to the doctors and patients to the opposite.


Of course,In recent years China's health care coverage are also gradually expand,Statistics show,The Chinese people's medical burden ten years ago is more than 50%,At present it is 33%,progress,But it was not enough.According to my understanding to the data,Chinese medical investment in 2012, 5.5% of the total amount of GDP,This proportion has had great progress,But with developing countries than the lowest 6%,Are still very backward.


secondly,The public is lack of awareness of medical particularity.Medical treatment is not like ordinary commodity trading is equivalent exchange,Not to say that I spent much money we will be able to change to much.I'm working decades,Have seen too many too many patients,Especially in the ICU patients,Spent hundreds of thousands of,Finally can't save live.


finally,Is the communication between medical problems.I'm in the guangzhou institute of respiratory disease ICU,Not critically ill patients will not to come here,Take a hundreds of thousands of finally can't save back also see a lot,But as far as I know,But never a patient family member so to make.why,Because the medical staff at least every day to arrange a hour and family communication,Visible between the doctor-patient communication is very important.


As a doctor,I to the current doctor-patient relationship is not pessimistic,Instead I know a lot of the doctor or the career filled with pride and sense of achievement.But I most like to see is the strengthening of public health,To reduce hospital drug addition and other economic benefits depend on,So the doctor can from ourselves,Reply to cure the sickness to save the healthy.

谈 “病原体之争” Talk about "Pathogens for"

要还老友一个公道 Friends is a reasonable


In February, 2003 and day,SARS spread in guangdong.The Beijing news,In guangdong send two cases of specimen slices,Find the typical chlamydia.then,China announced disease research center:"Cause the cause of guangdong SARS basic find out",Suggest using antibiotic treatment.


Zhong nanshan after that shook his head,Antibiotic treatment he had,Confirmed invalid.


the,Guangdong called zhong nanshan, experts at the meeting,Zhong nanshan truth at the meeting:"The culprit behind SARS not chlamydia,But virus."That day he tough attitude,Multiple made it clear that,To oppose the use of antibiotics.


After two months,Again zhong nanshan"Insist on your".With the spread of the disease,From some"Authority channel"voice,Says the epidemic has been effectively controlled.At a news conference,Against the authority is pressure,Zhong nanshan this door"artillery"Finally opened cavity:"There is no control!Now pathogenic don't know,How to prevent not clear,How to treat also have no good method,The illness is still in infection,How can you say control?"


For the truth to twice,Zhong nanshan to become"The truth"and"conscience"The pronoun of.Today, however, bring up this period of ten years has been widely praise"anecdotes",But zhong nanshan"Have words to say".

“非典病原体是衣原体”并非完全是瞎话 "SARS pathogen is chlamydia"Are not completely lie


remember:Ten years ago after SARS,because"Pathogens for"and"Epidemic has not control"problem,You to resist pressure"Telling the truth".The facts prove,You are right.Now return overdo to see,What is faith support you keep doing this?


clock:Ten years,for"Pathogens for"This problem I want to through the guangzhou daily to the public clearly.


the"Pathogens for"After coming out,Many people think that"SARS pathogen is chlamydia"This conclusion the scientist said"lie".In fact is not the case.The scientist is my good friend,He is a scholar very rigorous virologists,He is really in the SARS deaths autopsy was found in the presence of chlamydia,This is a fact,not"blather".


But strictly speaking,It only part of the facts,Because we are in the clinical treatment in accordance with the most classic/The most orthodox chlamydia infection method to treat SARS cases,Nothing works,So the fact is not comprehensive.Chlamydia should be one of the cause of death of SARS,Not the cause of the disease.But it's a pity,When the results without and clinical/Infectious disease etc combined more closely,To further/A more comprehensive research,Soon be media reports came out.The scientist in the ten years under a lot of pressure,I think I must have put the things clear.


As for"What disease did control"it,The situation is some place as soon as possible to eliminate the public panic,But this is not the case.So what do you ask faith support me,That is science must according to the truth!


remember:Ten years have passed,China deal with public health emergencies have the ability to improve or change?


clock:There has been a great improvement in.The first is the state of disease prevention and control investment increase greatly,The second is the information public channel more clear and transparent,The third is the establishment of emergency plan.In 2009 the global outbreak of influenza a is the best example.At that time,The first case is made up of Mexico,Our country in the face of foreign epidemic quickly established"Outside plugging input,Blowout diffusion"Prevention and control strategy of the,A series of prevention and control plan soon from the central has been transfer to the place.Especially the vaccine production,A flow epidemic situation from 2009 started in May,Our country on September will produce a vaccine,In October, listed,For more than 100 million people provide the vaccination,The mechanism and the speed is not all over the world.In this case, we played a battle,Stand the test of a new type of infectious diseases.


Of course,At present our country to deal with public health emergencies and some weak place,The most prominent is the disease information coverage and report,Individual areas of reported cases and deaths was not accurate enough,This with some local officials worry that these figures will affect your achievements about.

谈养生 Talk about health

健康是个易碎的玻璃球 Health is a fragile glass ball


Zhong nanshan like sports,Body has always been great,In his lecture in the PPT,Sometimes reveals a picture - swimming pool a strong muscle he can match fitness Sir.but,After SARS in this decade,His body has also been constantly out"PIP",According to media finishing material,In 2005, he got a myocardial obstruction,Surgery with support;In 2007 there was atrial fibrillation;In 2008,,He got thyroiditis,Just two months lost 10 jins;In 2009, and he made sinus surgery.


All this,are"SARS"After the busy life and left him by-products.


For health and job choice,He's had a vivid imagery:Work is like a ball,Fall will bounce back up again;Health is like a hollow glass ball,Fall is crushed.


remember:You have been a lot of people have in mind"Health idol",The topic for health,You for you have any good Suggestions?


clock:Over the years I have health problems really let me realized profoundly to,Health is a fragile glass ball.so,Now I to own request strictly the than before,Cherish this"Glass ball",Such as I used to like eating meat and Fried things,Don't like to eat vegetables,But since after heart problems,Now I will push myself every meal to eat more vegetables.


There is movement,In my health in the dictionary,Several decades have left two words - exercise.I am in BeiYiDa at school,Practice is track and field,I believe that good health is the foundation laid down from that time.Although now I have left the athletic field,But play/running/Swimming...I what all play.Even if busy,As long as there is ten minutes,I will take the time to exercise,Such as a run at home,My running machine is in the bed of the bedroom.

谈非典后遗症 About SARS sequela

激素是把双刃剑 用得适当是关键 Hormone is double-edged sword used properly is the key


During the SARS,Put forward by zhong nanshan"Three early three reasonable"Treatment for the guangdong area makes the whole world the lowest mortality of SARS,Life a lot of people.However in this plan,About the use of the hormone has been controversial.In some areas,In recent years, appear even because the use of hormones cause of avascular necrosis of the SARS patient sued the hospital things.


remember:During the SARS,The use of hormone saved many patients,But individual areas in reference to this method for treatment of time but that many patients with avascular necrosis of the left the sequela,The network and the society there are many questions about the voice,How do you see?


clock:About the problem of hormone use,There is a premise tend to be a lot of people ignored,That is"reasonable".When we summarize the treatment experience is"Three early three reasonable".Hormone is a double-edged sword,So use time is very stressed must grasp"Three right"principle:Appropriate patient/Right time/Suitable dose.But some places in the use of hormone time indiscriminately went up,Not in the right time to use,At the same time also not sure the right dose,For example we had suggested dosage per kilogram of body weight is 2 ~ 4 milligrams,With 2 ~ 3 weeks,But in some places but dose than this big 10 ~ 15 times,So that in 30% of the femoral head necrosis.In fact,We were summarized method later published in the international authoritative medical journal,And obtained"Reduce the mortality of SARS,Shorter hospital stay"sure,And from our guangdong area summarized data to see,The proportion of avascular necrosis of only 2.4%,This is a very low number.
