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非典孤儿十年后考上大学 数百好人爱心接力(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室

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   非典孤儿十年后考上大学 数百好人爱心接力(图)杰仔去医院看望黄雁洲爷爷 Jie son went to the hospital to visit HuangYanZhou grandpa。

非典孤儿十年后考上大学 数百好人爱心接力(图)

泛黄的名片记录着帮助杰仔的好人。 Yellow card records to help the good people of wang jie。

“黄爷爷,我来给您报喜了!今年高考我考了560分,高出二A线15分!”前日,18岁的杰仔提着水果来到广州第一人民医院,看望一直牵挂他的黄雁洲爷爷。一进门,爷孙俩激动地抱在一起。 “Yellow grandpa,I come to give you good news!This year the university entrance exam I took an examination of 560 minutes,Line A 15 points higher than the second!”some,18 years old, Jessie carrying fruit came to guangzhou first people's hospital,Visit has been worried about his HuangYanZhou grandpa。A door,The ye sun both excited to embrace together。

  杰仔是一名孤儿。2003年2月,“非典”肆虐中国,广州是重灾区,杰仔的妈妈广州市妇婴医院护士韦小玲与丈夫相继染上“非典”去世。那时杰仔8岁,只能与年迈体衰的爷爷奶奶相依为命。 Wang jie is an orphan。February 2003,“SARS”Ravaged China's,Guangzhou is hard-hit,Jie son mother guangzhou hospital nurse WeiXiaoLing penetration and her husband have caught“SARS”died。Wang jie 8 years old at that time,Only weak elderly grandmother grandpa depended on each other。

  近10年,一个“非典孤儿”成长为准大学生,这背后是数百个互不相识的人的爱心大接力。其中就有现年83岁的黄雁洲。他是广州市中级人民法院一名退休老法官,一直关心杰仔。 Nearly 10 years,a“SARS orphans”College students' growth shall prevail,This is behind hundreds of strangers to the love of the big relay。Among them the 83-year-old HuangYanZhou。He is guangzhou intermediate people's court a retired old judges,Has been concerned about wang jie。

  杰仔家里珍藏着一本枣红色的名片夹。一提起这个,杰仔的爷爷就泛着泪光,他告诉记者:“如果不是一群好心人这么多年无私的帮助,杰仔怎么能有今天?” Jie son home is still a purplish red card organizer。About the,Wang jie of grandpa will be a tearful functional,He told reporters:“If not a group of good intention so many years of selfless help,Jie, how can have today?”

  南方日报记者 雷雨 雷辉 赵琦玉 赖竞超 戎明昌 Southern daily reporter LeiHui ZhaoQiYu LaiJing super RongMingChang thunderstorm

  一群不是亲人的亲人 A group of is not their relatives loved ones

  近10年来,无论是看电影、逛公园、还是召开游园会,广州中院一群老法官总是围着一个小孩转 Nearly 10 years,Both movies、To the park、Or a garden party,Guangzhou then a group of old judges always around a child to turn

  近10年来,这是一个经常出现的温暖场景:无论是看电影,逛公园,还是召开游园会,一群老法官总是围着一个小孩转。小孩并不是他们的孙子,但他们的感情胜似爷孙。这个小孩就是“非典孤儿”杰仔。 Nearly 10 years,This is a frequent warm scene:Both movies,To the park,Or a garden party,A group of old judges always around a child to turn。The child was not their grandson,But their relationship is worth the ye sun。The child is“SARS orphans”Wang jie。

  2003年,广州市中院刚刚成立了关心下一代工作委员会,老法官们在报纸上看到“非典孤儿”杰仔的不幸遭遇后就坐不住了!他们马上“锁定”杰仔为关爱对象,第一时间筹集1.8万余元善款送到杰仔家中。从此,这些老法官们与杰仔结下了不解之缘,十年如一日,帮助杰仔成长、成才。 2003 years,Guangzhou then just founded care about the next generation of working committee,Old judges I read in the newspaper“SARS orphans”Wang jie sit through after unhappy!At once they“lock”Wang jie for love object,The first time more than 18000 yuan to raise money to jie son home。From then on,These old the judges and jie son has the indissoluble bond,Ten years as one day,Help jie son grow、success。

  “我们关工委负责人换了好几任,但对杰仔的关爱像接力赛一样在坚持。”广州市中院关工委副主任费红华说,每年年初确定关工委的年度工作计划,总不忘把资助杰仔写上。时任关工委副主任李小燕说,关工委换届了,杰仔也是交接工作的重点之一。每年春节,老人们召开春茗茶话会、游园会,都会叫上杰仔。 “We closes working committee chief changed quite a few post,But for the care of the relay race like wang jie in persistence。”Guangzhou then closes working committee assistant director FeiGongHua said,At the beginning of every year to determine the annual work plan closes working committee,Total does not forget the funding jie son write。Then closes working committee assistant director LiXiaoYan said,Closes working committee shift the,Wang jie is one of the focal points of transition。Every year Spring Festival,Old people ChunMing held tea party、Garden party,Will call on wang jie。

  对待这个小家伙,广州中院关工委上上下下都像对待自家孩子一样。费红华的儿子今年中考,于是在他的房间挂了一幅字“驭龙夺锦”。想到杰仔今年高考,便也送了一幅给他。她想为杰仔买一部手机,挑选时却左右犯了难:买功能齐全的,担心他玩游戏,影响学习;买便宜的,又担心伤其自尊。最终,她买了一部普通手机送给杰仔,特别告诉他:“我儿子也是用的这一款。” With this little guy,Guangzhou then closes working committee up and down all his children as treat。The son of FeiGongHua mid-term exam this year,So in his room to hang a picture of words“Yu dragon DuoJin”。Think of jie son this year the university entrance exam,He also send a picture to him。She want to buy a mobile phone for wang jie,When choosing, but made difficult around:Buy complete function,Worry he play games,Impact study;Buy cheap,Also worried that hurt their self-esteem。finally,She bought a normal cell phone to jie monsters,Special told him:“My son is also used this one。”

  为了将关心照顾杰仔的事做实做细,关工委特地委派黄雁洲为联络员。黄雁洲把杰仔看作亲孙子,经常登门看望他,或打电话了解学习情况。黄雁洲和老伴经常请杰仔到家里做客,带他一起喝早茶。他还特意把自己的孙子叫回来,陪杰仔一起学习、玩耍。 To turn caring take care of the young jerry do fine,Specially appointed for liaison HuangYanZhou closes working committee。The HuangYanZhou wang jie as close a grandson,Often see his house,Or call to learn about the study。HuangYanZhou and wife often please jie son to home,Together with his his morning tea。He also specially put her grandson called back,Accompany jie son study together、play。

  每逢杰仔人生的重要时刻,关工委总会为他加油鼓劲。中考前,正值杰仔15岁生日,老人们赶到杰仔家中,将生日慰问金亲自送到他手中,杰仔深受鼓舞,最终取得好成绩,进入理想中的广州西关外国语学校。 When wang jie important moments of life,Closes working committee will exert himself rooting for him。Before the mid-term exam,When wang jie 15 years old birthday,Old people to jie son home,Will the condolatory gold personally delivered to his hand birthday,Jie son very inspiring,Eventually get good grades,Enter the ideal from xiguan foreign language school。

  “亲爱的杰仔:见信好!在你努力学习,为考上理想大学埋头苦读之际,我们关工委全体人员向你表示亲切的问候和诚挚的祝福!……我们相信,在你的勤奋努力、顽强拼搏下,已经为即将来临的高考做好了充分的准备;一分耕耘一分收获,大学大门一定会向你敞开!……”今年4月18日,正在紧张复习的杰仔收到一封发自广州市中院关工委的信。看着一句句鼓励的话,杰仔一言不发,心头涌过一阵暖流。 “Dear wang jie:See letter!In you study hard,Ideal for admitted to the university of studying so hard,All the staff to you we closes working committee cordial greetings and sincere wishes!……We believe that,In your hard work、Under the struggle,For the upcoming the university entrance exam has made adequate preparation;No pain no gain,University gate will be open to you!……”April 18,,Are nervous of jie son received a review from guangzhou then closes working committee letter。Look at YiGouGou encouragement,Jie son say,Pour across a warm heart。

  一次长达十年的接力 Once a decade of relay

  义工何志宝连续8年坚持每个周末为杰仔辅导3小时英语 HeZhiBao volunteers for eight years every weekend for wang jie to coaching 3 hours English

  今年高考,杰仔考了560分,其中,满分150分的英语考了124分。杰仔能考出这样的成绩,杰仔的爷爷说与一位叫何志宝的义工密不可分。 This year the university entrance exam,Jie son took an examination of 560 minutes,Among them,A full mark in the English exam 150 points to 124 points。Wang jie can get such good results,Jie son grandfather said and a call HeZhiBao volunteers are inseparable。

  2005年,杰仔上小学五年级,家中开始来了一位“何老师”。曾就读广东外语外贸大学、在外企工作的何志宝,在报纸上得知情况后,就下决心做一名义工,帮助杰仔。 2005 years,Jie son elementary school grade five,Home to start to a“What the teacher”。Guangdong university of foreign studies had been studying、In a job HeZhiBao,In the newspaper after that,Just to be a volunteer,Help wang jie。

  从那时起,一直到今年高考前,整整8年时间,他坚持每周末都花3个小时,义务上门为杰仔辅导英语,每学期还给杰仔100元买书,除非出差,从未间断。在何志宝的辅导下,英语一直是杰仔从小到大最擅长的科目,初中时每次英语都能考班上第一。 From then on,Until this year the university entrance exam before,For eight years,He insisted on every weekend spend three hours,Obligation for wang jie door with English,Each semester to wang jie 100 yuan to buy the book,Unless on business,uninterrupted。In HeZhiBao under the guidance of,English is wang jie since the best subject,Junior high school each English can take an examination of the first in the class。

  “8年来,他从未在我们这里吃过一餐饭,送什么东西都不要,还给我们钱,这样的好人去哪里找?”杰仔的爷爷和奶奶说,高考前最担心的就是杰仔的英语,“要是考不好,就对不起何老师!” “Eight years,He had never in our had a meal here,Send what things don't,Back to us money,Such a good man where to find?”Jie son grandpa and grandma said,Before the university entrance exam is most worried about the wang jie of English,“If test not good,What the teacher was sorry!”

  杰仔8岁时,父母的生命被非典恶魔吞噬;但从8岁一直到18岁,却有很多人给了他父母般的关爱。 Jie son at the age of eight,The life of the parents were SARS demon swallowed;But from eight years old until the age of 18,But many people gave his parents of love。

  高考后第二天,杰仔生日。有位李阿姨来到杰仔家中,带他去酒家吃饭过生日,还买了一个大蛋糕。 After the university entrance exam the next day,Jie son birthday。A lee aunt came to jie son home,Take him to the restaurant to eat for my birthday,Also bought a big cake。

  今年6月27日,高考放榜翌日,开始填报志愿,这是至关重要的大事!可年过八十的爷爷奶奶行走都很不便,哪里能给杰仔一丁半点意见?这天,全省高考咨询会在琶洲展馆举行,近5万市民同时涌向这里,将偌大的展馆挤得水泄不通。烈日当空,人山人海,只见李阿姨带着杰仔,一手拿着分数条,一手抱着一沓厚厚的资料,挨个摊位地问。再三权衡利弊,才为杰仔圈定了志愿填报方案:第一志愿,广东药学院,可以冲一把;第二志愿,广东警官学院,十拿九稳;第三志愿,广东外语外贸大学南国商学院,可以保底…… June 27,,FangBang the university entrance exam,Began to fill volunteer,This is very important event!But after eighty grandparents walking very inconvenience,Where can YiDing wang jie to a advice?The day,The college entrance examination in pazhou exhibition hall seminar held,Nearly 50000 people and gathering here,Will the entire exhibition hall was jammed。Sun in the sky,People mountain people sea,See lee aunt with wang jie,Skill take article scores,Hand holding a stack thick material,Turn to ask the booth。Repeatedly weigh the pros and cons,Just as wang jie can fill the voluntary scheme:The first volunteer,Guangdong college of pharmacy,Can develop a;The second volunteer,Guangdong police academy,In the bag;The third volunteer,Guangdong university of foreign studies austral business school,Can BaoDe……

  “他们夫妇都是有心人啊!”让杰仔的爷爷感念不已的是,9年前,广州白马信息产业集团有限公司董事长韩先生、李阿姨夫妇知道杰仔的故事后一直像爸爸妈妈一样关心着杰仔。逢年过节,韩先生、李阿姨都惦记着杰仔和爷爷,还常请杰仔到家中吃饭、小住,和自己的小孩玩成一片。 “The couple are willing heart ah!”Let jie son grandpa Joe coughlin is unceasingly,Nine years ago,Guangzhou white horse information industry group Co., LTD. The chairman Mr Han、Lee aunt couple know the story of wang jie has been like mummy and daddy concerned about wang jie。holiday,Mr Han、Lee aunt lived with jie son and grandpa,Often, home to eat please jie、stay,And their children play into one。

  “非典”那年“六一”,公司属下的白马工作室仅用三天三夜就推出《杰仔的故事》一书。书的扉页上写着:夜深了,天还在下雨。孩子,你乖乖地睡吧。我们要替你守着,永远守着,在你头上,有一块无雨的天。 “SARS”That year“June 1”,The company, a subsidiary of white horse studio in only three days and three nights released《The story of wang jie》book。Writing on the title page of the book:It was late at night,It was raining。children,You going to sleep。We will keep it for you,Always keep the,In your head,Have a piece of the days of rain。

  “与其说我们给了他很多,不如说他给了我们很多。我看到他,就会想,没有什么困难是克服不了的。我们看到他,就会看到这个社会充满希望,让我们相信,真善美才是这个社会的主流。”李阿姨说。 “Not so much we gave him a lot,As he gave us a lot。I saw him,Will want to,Nothing is difficult to overcome。We see him,You will see this society full of hope,To make us believe that,Is this the mainstream of society beauty。”Lee aunt said。
