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景山学校,可谓是中国改革开放30年间最具政治影响力和知名度的学校。1983年10月,伟人邓小平从教育发展的战略高度,为景山学校题词:“教育面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来。”从此,人们记住了“三个面向”,记住了景山学校。范禄燕担任景山学校校长已有15载,在这里,他带头实施“在‘三个面向’指引下的教育改革”,开展“九年一贯制”教育的实验,以使景山学校继承传统,并力图再创辉煌。近日,本报记者走进景山学校,与范禄燕校长进行了面对面专访。 Jingshan school,It is China's reform and opening up 30 years the most political influence and visibility of the school.In October 1983,From the education development of deng xiaoping's great strategic height,For jingshan school inscription:"Education should be geared to the needs of modernization,Facing the world,The future."From now on,People remember the"Three approaches",Remember the jingshan school.FanLuYan as jingshan school principals have 15 load,here,He lead the implementation"in‘Three approaches’Under the guidance of education reform",in"Nine construct"Education experiment,In order to make jingshan school inherits the traditional,And tried to make greater achievements.recently,Our reporter walked into the jingshan school,And the FanLuYan President face to face interview.


校长传记 The headmaster biography


FanLuYan,male,In February 1955 was born.Member of Chinese communist party,graduate,The current Beijing jingshan school principal/Vice secretary of the.Is the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization in the Asia Pacific region, deputy director of the contact center project;China's middle school students sports association volleyball club President/The Beijing high school education to vice President/The 13 dongcheng district people's congress.


He has won the outstanding principal dongcheng district/Beijing outstanding education workers/Beijing hundred jie the headmaster/Outstanding contribution intellectuals/the"Ginkgo biloba award"The outstanding contribution award and so on the title.


Jingshan school education, teaching reform ideas/theory/Experience set more than forty,The host of the primary school Chinese written jingshan school/Mathematics teaching material already in 2006 by the ministry of education curriculum and teaching material examination center approved for experimental teaching materials,In the nationwide promotion use.


教育新理念 Education new idea

  “三个面向”精髓是改革和发展 "Three approaches"Marrow is the reform and development


When talking about jingshan school when concept,FanLuYan first emphasis is on"Three approaches"The inheritance and insist on."Jingshan school is‘Three approaches’Beneficiaries of,This has been running a pointer."FanLuYan memories,In 1983, on the eve of National Day,Comrade deng xiaoping to jingshan school inscription:"Education should be geared to the needs of modernization,Facing the world,The future."this,To jingshan school indicated the new period of education reform direction.


"Three approaches"Is China's education reform and development of the strategic guidelines,Is jingshan school soul and flags."The school educational reform,Always in education science theory as guideline,In education science test as the foundation."FanLuYan said.


He said,"Three approaches"In the age of reform and opening up is a new proposition,"Three approaches"Is a mutual contact/Harmonious and unified whole."Three approaches"Is the true meaning of modernization,Education must be based on and promote socialist modernization.


Education facing the world,Is geared to the needs of the modernization in space development,Through the strengthening international communication and cooperation,Absorbing and digesting foreign advanced education ideas/Management method/technology,Good construction with Chinese characteristics/With the world's advanced level of modern education.


"‘Three approaches’Is the essence of the reform and development."Have a deep feeling FanLuYan said,Jingshan school for education reform and birth,Along with the education reform and development.To educational career,Jingshan school is the source of vitality and creativity.Jingshan school educational reform is the historical mission of the place and vitality.


FanLuYan is so understanding"Three approaches"Guiding ideology of the:Education should be geared to the needs of modernization.Education modernization by the restriction,Education development must be from China's socialist modernization construction of reality;In addition,The construction of modern education is restricted,Education must and China's socialist modernization to adapt,In order to better position modernization construction service.


Education should be geared to the needs of the world.Is to lend a country education in order to influence,In addition,Education is a country to the world/Affect the world and catch up with the world's advanced level of one of the main ways.


Education should be geared to the needs of the future.The future of the human being restricted the development of one country education plans and goals,In addition,Education is to realize basic means a bright future of mankind.When it comes to jingshan school strategy goal,FanLuYan emphasize,Must follow"Three approaches"The education thought and the state's education policy,Primary and secondary schools to explore talents training education law,The experience to/The theory/The teaching material/The teacher/The young talents,In order to improve the education quality,With Chinese characteristics for the development of education theory and education practice to contribute.


Jingshan school and the basic mode of running is"Three approaches"As a guide,"All-round development of ground,The development of personality education talent",To develop toward modernization/Towards the world/Towards the future,Have ideal/Have the morality/culture/To have the discipline talent young plant,For the development of students' life good solid foundation.


Jingshan school students,In addition to the national basic education requirements should reach the standard,The quality and the ability to have such characteristics:CARES about the country and the destiny of mankind,Have a great ambition and feelings,Have a sincere pure heart;A practical/For new ways of thinking,Is rich in creativity and imagination;Traditional culture accomplishment,Artistic appreciation ability or art specialty,Master of modern life for all the basic skills;A solid language foundation;Independent ability of self-study,Have a wide range of reading/Interest in knowledge;Have a strong body,Familiar with a two suitable for their own conditions of the sports.


FanLuYan think,Only quality development/Personality fully develop talent,Is able to really meet the future needs of society and the challenge of talent,Is truly satisfy"Three approaches"Talent requirements of the.


教育新改革 Education new reform

  带领老师们编写语数外教材 Lead teachers to write the number of language teaching


School education reform about the specific measures,FanLuYan summarizes seven aspects.


The first step is to constantly update education idea:Now the state education into big/To create the environment is good,To speed up the idea change to adapt to the new needs.For the development of the country,Reserve future talent.


The second,The school will change as soon as possible before a single teaching mode."The traditional teaching,Is a set of unified model for all students.Can't take care of the students' individual differences between."To change this kind of teaching mode,Let all types of children can get development.


The third,Jingshan school for students' personality development,Create space/Environment and course.


The fourth,Beijing is the high quality education resources intensively.Education means/Education equipment is the most advanced.Jingshan school like this school,The responsibility to advantage resources radiation to Beijing and the other schools.


The fifth,Implementation of the elastic consistent system,namely"Elementary school/Junior high school grade 1-9,five/Four section."According to the different characteristics of students,The elastic nine years always teaching.Such as school for those who have strong learning ability of students,Opened the initial/High school ZhiShengBan/Through class class type;According to students' different levels,In the different levels of learning class go class system.


The sixth,To construct the ability give priority to teaching system/curriculum.Jingshan school curriculum in,There are many other schools have no course,Such as sewing/Knitting class,Martial arts class,Physique lesson,Science class,calligraphy,Robot class,Defense classes, etc.


The seventh,Writing for the cultivation of students' autonomous learning materials.Jingshan school teaching reform began in the language/mathematics/English teaching.Chinese classes to learn other class is the basic course,Chinese teaching reform is the reform of general education foundation engineering.


In march of 1999,On behalf of the Beijing FanLuYan principal based education to participate in the national education work conference for the third time.He lose no time to seize the textbook reform this link,Led by teachers based on the national curriculum standard,From the teaching idea/Teaching material contents/Learning style/The aspects of teaching evaluation was summarized.


Take side write/Edge test/Edge to attend a lecture/Edge summary/Edge modification way,Began to write nine years of compulsory education curriculum[The 21st century primary school/Junior middle school Chinese/Mathematical experiment textbook],And in 2000 autumn began teaching reform and test.


In November 2005,Beijing jingshan school primary school Chinese written/Mathematics teaching material,Through the national ministry of education teaching project examined and approved,Approval for the new round curriculum reform the first experimental teaching materials,Once in the country 24 provinces/city/The autonomous region more than 600 schools use.meanwhile,Junior middle school Chinese/Mathematics textbooks for ten years to write and test.


"The reform of the teaching material and the test is the cause of pus,It is a hard education scientific research work.A set of teaching material success and promotion needs in a certain range/A number of schools in the test,It needs the wisdom of the collective,Need to practice exploration."FanLuYan regrets said.


Participate in new teaching material test of teachers,Upon completion of the heavy education teaching tasks at the same time,Also actively participate in discussion of the teaching material/Teaching communication training and teaching materials supporting data for the design of a series of work.


相关阅读:范禄燕:景山是条船 我愿做船上“大副” readings:FanLuYan:Jingshan is a ship I wish to be on board"Chief officer"
