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11名女大学生应聘当保姆 测试:铺被两人0分--亲稳网络舆情监测室

擦柜子,漏掉边角是不合格的。 Wipe cabinet,Miss edge horn is not qualified。 “停,你已经不及格了!”原来,拿取洗干净的碗,是绝不能把手扣在碗内的。 “stop,You have not to pass the exam!”The original,Take washed the dishes,Is never to put his hand clasp in the bowl。 铺床叠被,看似简单,细节却容易被忽略。 Make the bed of,Looks be like simple,Details are easy to be ignored。
  洗碗谁不会?女大学生洗碗会洗出什么效果?昨日,是11名女大学生集体到重庆至品家庭管理服务有限公司应聘保姆报到的第一天,家政培训师孟照友现场进行了岗前测试:铺被子、擦书柜、洗碗……别小看这些日常的家务活,却难倒了大学生们。其中,2名女大学生在洗碗环节都得了0分。不少女大学生感叹:“没想到当一名保姆这么难,原来自己不会做家务。” Washing the dishes who won't?Female college students to wash the dishes will wash out what effect?yesterday,Is 11 female college students to chongqing to product family collective management service Co., LTD. For the first day of the report nanny,Home economics trainers MengZhaoYou spot post test:Quilt shop、Wipe bookcase、Washing the dishes……Don't look down upon these daily chores,But stumped college students。Among them,Two female college students in washing the dishes link all got zero。Many female college students exclamation:“Didn't expect when a nanny is so difficult,Their original won't do the housework。”


第一项:铺被子 The first:Quilt shop


现场表现:将被子堆成团放一边 Site performance:Will the quilt pile of dough aside


The first play of the demonstration of female college students is xiao huang,She stood in the left side of the bed,First the quilt pile into a ball on the side,When change the sheets directly will old sheets torn off。Then spread new sheets,Sheet shook out after,Around the bed sheet will be leveled,To put a pillow,Finally the quilt spread out。


The second demonstration is YuZhongLin,The same will quilt out first,Standing in the bed side spread sheets,Even after the sheets and put a pillow。Finally shook out to pave the quilt,The quilt turn over the side out。


The last of the WenChunXia is up。She make the bed faster than the other two faster,To stand in the bed side spread sheets,To put a pillow place,Will three folding quilt,Spread out the quilt turn over the side。


专家点评:她们根本不懂铺被子 Experts comment on:They don't understand the quilt shop


“They don't understand the quilt shop。”Home economics trainers MengZhaoYou ie freely said,The first two girl's performance is 0 points,And the last WenChunXia can call 70 points。


MengZhaoYou said,Shaw huang bed stand in the bed side,On both sides of the length of the sheet for out,The quilt to also have no flanging exposed。YuZhongLin is better than the one,But the bed stand at the side of the bed,Sheet for out on both sides of the length is also different,The quilt formed a group。WenChunXia on both sides is different from the length of the sheet for out,And standing position is wrong。The pillow is also the place,But she is the advantage of her three folding quilt will put,So the two men than before in quilt pile of put together,Good operation more。


正确做法:先把枕头被子等挪开 The correct approach:First the pillow quilts and other removed


MengZhaoYou said,The right way to spread the quilt is:First turn on the pillow、Back cushion and from bed quilt removed,Again the sheet replaced。If don't change the sheets,To need to be paved sheets,Brush the top with the bed sheet dust、Scurfy, brush clean。Quilt shop when,People standing at the end of the bed,Fold the quilt rolled into the tube,Open the quilt fanatics can move forward。


感言:在家铺床就是这样铺 speech:The bed is such shop at home


Shaw huang:And often at home doing the housework,The bed is paved with this house,Didn't expect the bed still so many requirements,Thought is very simple thing。


YuZhongLin:From the home is often do the housework,Such is life habit,So it is the bed at home,In the school also learned to make the bed of some of the procedures。


WenChunXia:I have got married,The baby is three months,In the home is also doing housework,The bed is so of the shop at home。


第二项:擦书柜 The second:Wipe bookcase


现场表现:从底部轻柔缓慢地擦 Site performance:Gently wipe slowly from the bottom


Shaw huang from the drawer wipe up,Began to wipe the bookcase a drawer。See first she very carefully wipe the outside of the cabinet,Then open the cabinet,From the bottom of the cabinet began to wipe,Action is soft slowly。


Week also wiped from inside to outside,The last to wipe out the bottom drawer and the outside。


The third play the demonstration is XuQiuYi,Wipe the cabinet interior,Also carefully wipe the cupboard door of the glass。


专家点评:动作太慢像是在找宝 Experts comment on:Like looking for treasure was slow


“The first rubbed like looking for treasure。”MengZhaoYou said,Shaw huang was slow,No along while brushing,And when the west wipe east of it,There is no place to cause a lot to wipe。And XuQiuYi is ignored the cabinet door and borders。Two people rub law all failed。


And wipe a week in place,She came to the attention of the drawer wipe a bottom,Generally there no one thought of。But because of the wrong wipe technique,Between the bottom of the cabinet didn't wipe,So got 70 points。


正确做法:左侧顶部右侧靠墙 The correct approach:The left top right by the wall


MengZhaoYou said,There's actually a cabinet wipe the order,Brushed first on the left side of the cabinet,Then wipe down the top cabinet,To the right,The last is wipe cabinet rely on a wall to place,Then wipe the bottom of the cabinet,Wipe the inside edge of the brush after door,Posts in。


Through the,Need to change a piece of vail of cupboard door wipe glass。Then will cupboard door closed,Wipe the door outside edge and the woodwork。Also check the following key posts if the clean。And when the flat brush exquisite vertical,Faster and strong,Such ability rubbed clean。


感言:平常的习惯就是这样 speech:The usual habit is so


Shaw huang:Not to notice so careful place,Do a bit float to the surface,In the home to do the housework not so much exquisite。


week:Can 70 points because wiped under drawer,Also is the usual habit is so,Didn't think so many。


第三项:洗碗 The third:Washing the dishes


现场表现:洗了洗碗盆和洗碗池 Site performance:Wash bowl tub and XiWanChi


All the female university students said do housework at home。Wash the dishes such a simple life,They looked in natural isn't。First play washing the dishes is DengYan,She took an empty bowl,Some at a loss。Leng along while began to water into the basin、Pour the essence that wash clean。


For fear of wash not clean,DengYan wash to be extremely careful,Each wash bowl nearly half minutes。When cleaning plate,First she ran a bowl,Suddenly remind of haven't blunt chopsticks,And then quickly picked up the chopsticks rushed up。


When compared to the DengYan tension crude,WenChunXia appears much more skilled。She thoughtfully brush each bowl,Also scrubbed the washing the dishes basin and XiWanChi。WenChunXia skilled action,See other female college students straight nod,Many girls said:“She is absolutely full marks。”


专家点评:都没有在洗碗前洗手 Experts comment on:All have no in their hands before wash the dishes


“Two is zero!”Trainers MengZhaoYou word,Let the scene has been sent out a sound surprised。They wash the bowls so clean,Why have 0 points?


MengZhaoYou said,They wash the dishes in the process of making at least four errors:One is not in their hands before wash the dishes,2 it is all have no bubble plate,Directly open wash;3 it is washed the dishes,In a bowl with the hand clasp;Four is not washed chopsticks tail;Five is washing the dishes after not wipe the tap。


正确做法:洗手泡碗清洗倒扣 The correct approach:Hand washing bubble bowl clean city


1、Wash your hands before brush a bowl。Hands were bacteria,Wash the dishes should be clean before hand。


2、Open before wash bowl chopsticks bubble,Bowls and plates have commonly grease,Need to a dip,To wash clean。


3、Wash the bowls after,Should the bowl pour placed,It is safer。


4、Wash clean bowl,Palm application and hold the bottom,People used to put his hand clasp in a bowl,This will cause the second pollution。


5、Wash chopsticks can't only wash chopsticks head,Should put chopsticks tail and clean。


6、After washing a bowl,The XiWanChi etc should be swabbed clean,Faucet should also brush together。


感言:看似简单 操作蛮复杂 speech:Looks be like simple operation quite complicated


DengYan:The seemingly simple things,Didn't expect operate up pretty complicated。Usually at home and I wash the dishes,But no such exquisite,Through this training learning a lot,It will take time to go after school。

  文春霞:我在家做家务还挺好的,手脚很快。真没想到还有这么多的细节需要注意,以前根本就没想过这些细节。(重庆晚报记者 罗静 见习记者 陈思 实习生 胡维 记者 贺怀湘)

WenChunXia:I do the housework at home is good,Thumbs and soon。I didn't know that there are so many details to attention,Wouldn't otherwise think about these details。(Chongqing evening news reporter LuoJing trainee reporters HuWei reporter HeHuaiXiang Chen interns)
