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生源大战暗流涌动 洛阳个别高中违规提前招生--亲稳舆论引导监测室

洛阳高中为“招生大战”增加墙体宣传。 记者 王新昌 摄 Luoyang high school for“Recruit students war”Increase wall propaganda。 Reporter WangXinChang perturbation
  统筹记者王新昌执行记者王新昌张渝魏朝林实习生房军 As a whole WangXinChang executive reporter WangXinChang ZhangYu reporter WeiChaoLin interns room army


核心提示 Core clew


Since July 4, come back after the release results in luoyang city scores,Our hotline(18837996211)For days to the parents of the students constantly complaints,They say,As for the good student and plenty of candidates,Luoyang city has quite a few high school now began to violate compasses recruit students,One even some cities point high school,And in recent years there has been this phenomenon,Is a high school in the process of recruit students unspoken rules。According to the city bureau of education recruit students work schedule,This day will only be revealed the first YiPiLuQu school admits fractional line,After the end of the first YiPiLuQu,Then is the second batch, etc。If parents complaints are correct,So these high school recruit students will disturb the violation of working men,Students and their parents to choose a lot of confusion,For this,Our newspaper reporter sent three road in luoyang provincial、The average high school and the investigations。


【投诉】 【complaints】


中档分数成绩考生被纠结于是否“提前报名” Intermediate grades by entanglements in whether candidates“Sign up in advance”


On July 6,People call this complaint about Mr. Zhang,His son come back this year have won 520 points,In order to choose a better high school,When he took the children came to the provincial normal high school luoyang BaZhong asked,Results the school staff advised him to sign up earlier。


“Recruit students teacher said,According to the previous years 550 points of the school admits fractional line,My son wants to BaZhong on a difficult one,But should also have hope,Can sign up in advance,Advance hand in ZeJiaoFei,The teacher say to me,The sooner the better,‘520 points today can offer,As long as the newspaper,Tomorrow is light receives 530 points or more,Reported ZeJiaoFei early can pay a little less’,The men in luoyang work is a common phenomenon,Let us these intermediate grades examinee's parents was very entanglements。”Mr. Zhang said。


In addition to luoyang eight Chinese and foreign,Complaints of the most high school is one of luoyang,Said the area of the,The school directly requests the examinee take your admission ticket and tuition for registration,Yesterday morning has hired by more than 400 people,Several days ago 530 points or more in the ZeJiaoFei as long as receive,Because recruit enough,From yesterday on not to receive,Waiting to receive 560 points or more top-notch high marks the examinee。The complaints of citizens of average high school less。


【调查】 【survey】


省级、市级以及普通高中应对中招“各显神通” provincial、The municipal and ordinary high school to come back“situation”


For men in the so-called found work“Unspoken rules”,In recent days,The reporter at the provincial level in luoyang to visit、The municipal and ordinary high school,Found in these high school“Recruit students war”In each have each practice。


1 1


八中存在鼓励学生提前登记的情况 BaZhong existence encourages students to register in advance


July 8 afternoon,The reporter a line to luoyang los dragon area longmen avenue and GuanLin the intersection of BaZhong,Because of the time less than formal admission,The gate the gate put a XiaoHeiBan,Written on the blackboard are the condition signing up to the consultation to office building, room 306,Reporter then come to room 306,Here we have five students and parents,They also are to give students recruit students of the consultation。


Recruit students teacher told reporters,At present there is indeed a lot of about 500 points of the candidates to register,From the teacher's in which you can see,Has more than 70 students participated in the registration,The teacher always encouraged reporters and other several students parents advance registration。“We only 20% of the ZeJiaoSheng quota,If enough of,When finished for,But the students want to come again BaZhong line on there no way out。”The teacher said。


but,The teacher said,They don't have the QianZhaoSheng in advance,Just do the registration,The registration is does not have the nature of the registration,No legal binding upon both parties,“Registration is more candidates from last year there is a gap between the fractional line examinee,There isn't much use,As long as you test scores high enough,The school and announce an an,They won't be the squeeze”。


2 2


市一中在分数线划定之前已开始招人 City in fractional line before a designated has begun to recruit people


today,Luoyang education bureau will be announced every high school admits fractional line,But in the education department luoyang one not announced the school admits fractional line,Have illegal recruit students,“More than 400 people have fee in advance to sign up”。


8, at about 10 in the morning,The reporter comes to luoyang secondary school,Near the gate set up a red tent,The tents put two tables,Many students and parents around the table before advisory,Reporter approached see,A were on the table“Office men”brand,Two women teachers and a male teacher is to come to consult to the students and their parents to explain。


“Unfortunately you came to night,Education bureau released immediately to score,Today it is no longer below 560 points received。”A female teacher to a students' parents explain。


Reporter by cousin took an examination of 532 this year is divided into to the student enrollment by consulting,The female teacher said:“4, men after result comes out,Test scores in 530 points or more as long as one of the luoyang enter oneself for an examination,Need to hand in 800 yuan(Including books、Tuition, fees、Accommodation to wait)Can be directly accepted,Even if fractional line down not up to also won't pay cost more。but,This morning the principal said no longer admit 560 points of the candidates,Want to wait for any admit fractional line after the publication of admission,Less than fractional line is to need to pay 12000 yuan ZeJiaoFei,If the test scores more than 560 points can still make money for registration。”


“Can you give me a second,We also know only yesterday。”Reporter pretend difficult,And the recruit students teacher set almost。“no,The principal to the bureau to the meeting,We can't do the Lord ah!The number of people sign up every day make money in our school,Can't。”Recruit students teacher said。Recruit students teacher told reporters,They is to choose those that a student in luoyang in advance,Then again choice but can not reach the luoyang one to admit fractional line is about to pay cost of $12000,But not all students who can make money in our school,Admit fractional line in the eligible for 30 minutes。


Reporter in and admissions teacher when we chat,Luoyang in this year is expected to recruit a 14 class,About 800 people,And the school from July 4 has already begun to better the examinee admitted ahead of results,By July 9 morning already admitted to more than 400。It means that in the mid-term exam fractional line were announced,Has more than 400 candidates get a determined luoyang the admission notice。And the reporter learned from luoyang bureau,In the fractional line before defined,Any school admissions action is illegal。Keep the examinee admitted to the school,Education bureau also have the right not to deal with for their student status and related files。


【调查】 3 【survey】 3


普通高中为保证分数段内生源不流失想尽办法 Ordinary high school to ensure that within the band of insufficient try their best to loss


“Matriculate war”in,Provincial demonstrative high school、The key high school with their own advantage,“Takes the lead in”Race to top students,this,Ordinary high school to appear a little helpless。


“Los top、Polytechnic school、The east high school these famous school,We can't than,Remove loss to the field of top students,The rest of the top,Must have entered the school's field of vision,We for these students,No illusions。”Luoyang a ordinary high school's vice principal told reporters。


but,For a city、Second city these city key,“We these ordinary high school or to fight for a dispute。”The vice President said,To ensure that the students in the band is not lost to the school,As early as in the months before the exam men,He led the school teacher,To some junior high school work。


“Sometimes speak the spoke,My tears can't help to fall。”The vice President said,Because less of,The school reputation couldn't get on,Lead to less of next year,This vicious cycle,Cause in teacher pay school、Infrastructure can't and provincial demonstration、Compared the key,“Running hard to。”


In addition to a“Sympathy card”,Ordinary high school admissions staff,But their high school go to students as proclaimed the key,“It is not the ordinary high school in a high score candidates training,Each year we also have to enter a ChongDianXian students,Compared to the fierce competition in the key high school,The students in our class in school,The pressures that will be much smaller。”JianXiOu a ordinary high school admissions teacher told reporters。


The teacher said,Ordinary high school and provincial demonstration、The key goal is not the same as the students,Their work,Mainly is to ensure that this kind of student, even if the men in exam outdone yourself,Also don't loss。“We even find the students with high marks,And we go to junior high school mobilization、preaching,Tell the medium the examinee of results,Choose ordinary high school,More suitable for their high school study in the future。”The teacher said。


【反映】 【reflect】


学生报考外校遭遇本校重压无所适从 Students enter oneself for an examination the school weight in foreign teachets disoriented


XiGongOu a secondary school ms wong told reporters,“The teacher in charge have task to leave many students,Son is the top five in the class,The teacher in charge have to at home a few times,Will he enter oneself for an examination the school。”


“We have a good relationship with the teacher in charge,Three years,Children don't receive few teachers take care of,But the boy want to go to a better school,But so,Will definitely affect the relationship between teachers and students。”Ms wong said,In some under the influence of the teacher,Among the children have formed a kind of view,Think of the students is finally enter oneself for an examination“mutiny”,This son to bring a lot of stress。


The parents of the students, says Mr. Liu,Their children after finally provided volunteer,In the school“Triple door”。


The first heavy,School children learning has the potential to said,promising,Promise to our high school junior ChongDianBan。The second,The teacher saw children finally determined to enter oneself for an examination,Will give parents call said,Children study self-consciousness is poor,Grade is not stable,Exam finally did not take,Get down to take an examination of the high school。The third heavy,Above two steps are not working,The teacher from time to talk about the child、To the home do parents work。


“This makes us feel disoriented。”Mr. Liu reluctantly said。


In addition to the teacher in charge feel very helpless,Interview with reporters have candidates said,Follow my parents all day of school,Very entanglements。Most of the students' parents are gets clogged,They generally reflect to the reporter,Don't register will feel ungrounded,Worry about students miss the good opportunity of the school。


【分析】 【analysis】


有“宏志班”暗度陈仓助长“掐尖”气焰 have“HongZhi class”AnDuChenCang encourage“QiaJian”arrogance


for“Recruit students war”Increasingly fierce,Even some high school in advance of recruit students appear violations,High school educators have their own opinions:


Because the school has set HongZhi class for a certain number of cities across HongZhi born permissions,At the same time,No set HongZhi class of schools were banned in cities across the recruit students,Recruit HongZhi with some school became to all over the country“QiaJian”Cover of。


According to the current situation,HongZhi class into two categories,A class for some high school self-raised funds run HongZhi class,To set up a government grant。Whether the former or the latter,A provincial demonstrative high school principal said:“There do HongZhi class,It is HongZhi class cross cities of recruit students qualification,School HongZhi under the guise of class enrollment,In fact or competition for students。”


A key city high school recruit students workers thought,The high school in receiving HongZhi aim is not simple birth。“Whether do HongZhi class,Or poor excellent class,The purpose of the school is approximately the same,The idea is to dig some good students,By these children to school graduation rates bring good social reputation。Now there are many false HongZhi was born。The poor family not poverty is secondary,Study result is good is the major。”


【观点】 【view】


市中招办提醒考生不要盲从以免后患 The city of remind candidates don't follow lest manages the edge


for“Recruit students war”In various phenomena,In a city manages had come to remind said,The men have strict time arrangement is admitted,Individual schools in advance of the behavior is the recruit students against the rules,The examinee and the parents never trust。


For this,In the city LiuGongWei director manages said,High school all want to recruit good students,This kind of mood everyone can understand,But early the behavior of recruit students of normal men disturbed the enrollment,Remind all parents don't fall for that,Not by the city in the examinee of official admission manages,The future is can't deal with entrance formalities of student status。In fact,According to the city bureau of education of the unified arrangement,This year, zhuhai men of enrollment will be in strict accordance with the prescribed period of time and procedure,According to several times、According to the principle of volunteer admission。Specific arrangement will be announced today the first YiPiLuQu school admits fractional line;The first school admission after work,The second batch of school released admitted admit fractional line,Start the second batch of enrollment。The candidates this date,According to the test scores and personal interests can be normal for registration。
