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非典孤儿十年后考上大学 数百好人爱心接力(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室(2)

# p# subtitle # e#

  一串蘸满真情的名字 A string of it with the name of the truth

  杰仔的爷爷有个习惯:凡是关心过杰仔的人,总会索要一张名片,如今已有150多张,有的已经泛黄 Jie son's grandfather had a habit:All concerned with wang jie,Always ask for a business card,Now more than 150 copies,Some are yellow

  “非典”之后,杰仔与年迈体衰的爷爷奶奶相依为命。遭受丧子之痛的老两口,将9岁的小孙子视为生命的全部。杰仔小学三年级到高三的每一次家长会,日渐年迈的爷爷一次也没有缺席。爷爷笑着给记者展示自己独制的拐杖一把稍作改造的旧雨伞。乐观的爷爷笑呵呵地说:“我腿脚不好,上下楼梯可以用,下雨、出太阳也可以用啊!” “SARS”after,Jie son and weak elderly grandmother grandpa depended on each other。Suffer the pain of loss of the old couple,9 year old grandson as to all of life。Jie, the primary school is grade three to try every time the pta,Growing old grandfather not once absent。Grandpa smile to reporters show their made of a crutch alone make a little in the reconstruction of the old umbrella。Optimistic grandpa said own house/apartment:“I ability is bad,Can use up and down the stairs,rain、The sun is also can use!”

  杰仔的许多举动也常常给爷爷带来宽慰。“佢好锡我啲噶(他很疼我们的),有一次我生病了没去看医生,杰仔坚持要我去了医院才肯上学,‘你这样我怎么有心上学’这一句我一直记着。”和杰仔睡上下铺的爷爷,对杰仔成长中的每一个细节都记得清清楚楚。 Wang jie many of the move also usually give grandpa bring relief。“His good tin I u up(He is hurt us),Once I was ill didn't go to see the doctor,Jie son insisted that I went to the hospital was willing to go to school,‘So how do you go to school with me’This one I remembered。”And jay son sleep upper and lower grandpa,Wang jie to growing every detail remember it clearly。

  而爷爷的“宝贝”一本枣红色的名片夹,则记录了杰仔成长历程中每一个伸出援手的好心人。近10年来,凡是登门关心或资助过杰仔的人,他总会索要一张名片。如今,这本名片夹越来越厚,珍藏的名片有150多张,有的已经泛黄,但对于每一张,他都如数家珍。 And grandpa's“baby”A purplish red card organizer,It records the wang jie growing up every lend a hand of good intention。Nearly 10 years,Every house care or've funded wang jie,He always ask for a business card。now,This card holder more and thick,Treasure card more than 150 copies,Some are yellow,But for every one,He is, as he sees them。

  “荔湾区委的罗副书记是个好人啊。”每年大年三十和中秋节,荔湾区民政局都请区内孤儿聚餐,荔湾区委原副书记罗思源都拉着杰仔坐在身边,自掏腰包送上慰问金。他对杰仔说:“以后读书、生活有困难,打电话给我,我给你解决。” “Liwan district party committee's ROM vice secretary is a good man。”30 each year and the Mid-Autumn festival,Please the liwan district civil affairs bureau orphans dinner party,The liwan district party committee, vice secretary of ROM siyuan are pulled jie son sitting beside him,The surge to the condolatory gold。He said wang jie:“After reading、Life is difficult,Call I,I give you solve。”

  逢年过节,杰仔父母生前所在单位也会上门,送来很多礼品和祝福。 holiday,Wang jie parents unit will also before the door,Send a lot of gifts and blessings。

  宋庆龄基金会、广州市慈善会的同志,每个月都汇来善款。 Soong ching ling foundation、Guangzhou charity comrade,Every month to collect donations。

  美籍华人吴枫,是原东江纵队的离休干部,90多岁了,每个月还从美国寄钱来。 Chinese American wu feng,Is the original of the dongjiang column retire the cadre,More than 90 years old,Each month from the United States also send money。

  建设银行广州荔湾支行客服经理林敏莉,是华南师大经济系毕业的靓女,不认识杰仔,但初中、高中都给杰仔送书包,中考后,还写了《一封给“中考勇士”的信》。 The construction bank customer service managers to guangzhou li wan branch LinMinLi,South China normal university graduation is of the pretty girl,Don't know wang jie,But junior high school、High school to jie son to send your bag,After the mid-term exam,wrote《A letter to“Tests the mighty men”letter》。

  …… ……

  还有更多不认识、从未来过广州的人帮助杰仔。他们来自杭州、温州、上海、北京、济南等,他们中有坚强的大男人、柔弱的女子、慈祥的老人、天真的孩子,他们是教师、商人、家庭主妇、公务员、律师、大学生、记者…… There are more don't know、Never been guangzhou people help jie monsters。They come from hangzhou、wenzhou、Shanghai、Beijing、Jinan and other,They have a strong man、Weak woman、Kind old man、Innocent children,They are teachers、businessman、housewife、Civil servants、lawyer、College students、reporter……

  “杰仔是社会养大的,这多么多单位、这么多人,将心比心啊!今后一定要回报社会。”此刻,杰仔的爷爷最大的心愿是:杰仔考出了好成绩,要一一告诉他们。 “Wang jie is one of the society,This how many units、So many people,Care!!Future must return society。”At this moment,Jie son's greatest wish is:Jie son exam results,One told them。

  昨日,南方日报记者从杰仔爷爷珍藏的一堆泛黄的名片中,串起10年来发生在杰仔与广东好人之间的一幕幕故事。150多位好人的爱心接力助杰仔这个非典孤儿考上大学。 yesterday,Southern daily reporter from jie son grandpa treasure of a pile of yellow card,Within 10 years of wang jie and guangdong occurred in the scenes between good story。More than 150 good love relay help jie son the SARS orphan pass the college entrance examination。

  近10年来,近乎扮演了杰仔妈妈角色的李阿姨以及每周雷打不动上门为杰仔补习英语的何老师,却仿佛成了虚拟的存在没有个人具体信息,拒绝媒体见面采访,从不在公众场合露面但他们,绝对是杰仔口中的高频词汇。另一边,荔湾区委原副书记罗思源,扮演了大家长的角色。 Nearly 10 years,Almost play the role of wang jie mother and aunt li weekly or shine the door for jie, how with English teacher,But as if the existence of a virtual no personal specific information,Refuse to meet media interviews,Never in public but them,Wang jie is absolutely the mouth high frequency vocabulary。The other side,The liwan district party committee, vice secretary of ROM siyuan,Play the role you long。

  南方日报记者在经过多天寻访、说服,终于在昨日见到了李阿姨,并电话采访了何老师,而通过杰仔爷爷的口,速写了罗思源的故事。“不要写我们做了什么,也不要讲很多帮助的细节。”李阿姨反复叮嘱。在她看来,“与其说我们给了他很多,不如说他给了我们很多。我看到他,就会想,没有什么困难是克服不了的。我们看到他,就会看到这个社会充满希望,他让我们相信,真善美才是这个社会的主流。” Southern daily reporter in the search after many days、persuade,Finally met li aunt in yesterday,And the telephone interview any teacher,And through the jie son grandpa's mouth,The story of the ROM siyuan sketch。“Don't write what did we do,Don't speak a lot of help details。”Lee aunt told over and over again。In her eyes,“Not so much we gave him a lot,As he gave us a lot。I saw him,Will want to,Nothing is difficult to overcome。We see him,You will see this society full of hope,He let us believe,Is this the mainstream of society beauty。”

  爱心档案1·李阿姨 Love file 1 lee aunt

  把杰仔当亲生仔照顾 The jie son when his own son to take care of

  为杰仔庆祝生日,帮他走出伤痛 For wang jie celebrate birthday,Help him out of pain

  南方日报:杰仔经常和我们提起你。 Southern daily:Jie son often and we talk about you。

  李阿姨:2003年5月份,我和先生在报纸上看到杰仔的新闻,特别震惊,无法想象一个孩子,如何面对父母在8天内相继离开的惨痛现实。我们在媒体报道的第二天去了他家里。 Lee aunt:In May 2003,My husband and I read in the news, jerry,Very shocked,Can't imagine a child,How to face the parents in eight days of leave one painful reality。We in the media coverage of the second day go to his home。

  当时的他比现在胖,虎头虎脑,看到他的时候不爱说话。问什么,基本都是点点头。看得人很心疼。 At the time of his fat than now,HuTouHuNao,And saw him do not love to talk。Asked what,Basic is nodded。See person very distressed。

  南方日报:这也是后来制作《杰仔的故事》的初衷? Southern daily:This is also making later《The story of wang jie》The original intention of?

  李阿姨:当时非典刚过,很多人对这场灾难心有余悸,但是始终觉得离一般人太遥远。我和先生希望人们可以对非典有所认识,关爱非典中失去亲人的人们。于是就做了这一本书,当时这本书还送给了团中央和中国青少年协会。 Lee aunt:At that time just after SARS,Many people was to the disaster,But always felt too far from the average person。My husband and I hope people can understand the SARS,Love of SARS lost loved ones。So he made this a book,When the book is to group the central and Chinese youth association。

  南方日报:在书里讲到给杰仔过生日? Southern daily:In the book, about to jie for my birthday?

  李阿姨:2003年8月9日是杰仔父母去世后的第一个生日。我们和报道杰仔的媒体租了一艘船,找了我儿子的一帮同学,给杰仔表演节目,和杰仔一起放生金鱼。他那天很开心,那是我第一次看见杰仔的笑。 Lee aunt:On August 9, 2003 were jerry young parents died first birthday。We and the media reports jie, rent a boat,Looking for my son's a helps the students,Wang jie to performing program,And jay young released together goldfish。He is very happy that day,That was the first time I saw jie son smile。

  陪杰仔挤高考咨询会商量志愿 With wang jie crowded the university entrance exam counseling sessions to discuss voluntary

  南方日报:杰仔告诉我们,从升中学、考大学,你都给了他很大的帮助。 Southern daily:Jie son tell us,Rise from middle school、college,You gave him a lot of help。

  李阿姨:杰仔的爷爷奶奶年纪大了。我非常希望能够一路陪伴、照顾这个孩子,尤其是在一些成长的关键节点上,好好关注他。 Lee aunt:Jie son grandma and grandpa in old age。I very much hope to accompany all the way、Take care of the child,Especially in some of the growth of the key nodes,A good attention he。

  高考成绩出来后,我们一起到高考咨询会了解报考情况。我们一间学校一间学校问过去。最后觉得,报广东药学院的营销专业最保险,这也是杰仔自己最喜欢的专业。 After coming out of the university entrance exam,We go to the university entrance exam counselling sessions about to enter oneself for an examination。We are a school for a school to ask the past。Finally feel,Report of the guangdong college of pharmacy marketing major, the insurance,This is wang jie to your favorite professional。

  南方日报:除了聊成绩,你们平时还会谈些什么? Southern daily:In addition to talk about performance,What you do still talks?

  李阿姨:我会很关注他个人心理的成长。我跟他说,也许你的生活会比其他孩子更困难也更特别一些。但这不能成为你萎靡不振的理由。我会鼓励他,父母在天有灵,会特别希望看到你上大学、过得好。 Lee aunt:I will be very concerned about his personal psychological growth。I told him that,May your life than other children more difficult and more particularly some。But it can't be your weak reason。I would encourage him,Parents in the day a spirit,Will be particularly hope to see you go to college、Had a good。

  最让我安慰的是,杰仔慢慢养成自己独立思考的能力。 The most let me comfort is,Jie son instilled into their own independent thinking ability。

  南方日报:在你眼里,杰仔是一个什么样的孩子? Southern daily:In your eyes,Wang jie is a what kind of child?

  李阿姨:阳光、善良,有一颗感恩的心。每一次小小的帮助,他都会打电话表达感谢。我家里有一大叠他寄给我的成绩单,就像每个学期末孩子会从学校带成绩单回家里一样。让我觉得自己就像个母亲,很安慰。 Lee aunt:The sun、kind,Have a thankful heart。Every little helps,He will call for expression。My home a stack he sent me a transcript,Just like every child at the end of the semester will bring home from school report card。Let me feel like a mother,Very comfort。

  他是懂得感恩的孩子 He is grateful child

  南方日报:很多记者都在找您。但是您几乎从来不接受采访。 Southern daily:Many journalists are looking for you。But you almost never accept an interview。

  李阿姨:我并不特别认为我和先生做的这些,是很特别的善心善举。杰仔要上大学了,我希望大家能够认识到他是个懂得感恩的善良小孩,也希望录取他的学校知道他会是个很不错的学生。 Lee aunt:I'm not particularly think my husband and I do these,Is a special kind of benevolence。Jie son to college,I hope everybody can realize that he is a grateful good children,Also hope to admit him to the school know he will be a very good student。

  南方日报:这么多年来,看着杰仔成长,您应该有不少感慨? Southern daily:So for many years,Looking at jie son grow,You should have a lot of emotion?

  李阿姨:其实,我觉得不是我们给了杰仔温暖,而是他给了我们温暖。他的成长,给了社会很大的安慰,给人们以正面的力量。 Lee aunt:In fact,I don't think we gave the jie son warm,But he gave us warm。He grew up,To the social much comfort,Give people a positive force。

  南方日报:为什么会有这种感觉呢? Southern daily:Why is the feeling?

  李阿姨:我常想,像杰仔这样的孩子,他有太多理由和机会自暴自弃。但是他没有。他在很多人的关爱下,成为一个善良正直的人。我想,不缺失爱的孩子一定会报答社会。 Lee aunt:I used to think,Like jie son of these children,He has many reasons and opportunity then。But he did not。His love of the in many people,Be a good and decent man。I want to,Don't lack the love child will repay society。

  与其说我们给了他很多,不如说他给了我们很多。我看到他,就会想,没有什么困难是克服不了的。我们看到他,就会看到了这个社会充满的希望。他让我们相信,真善美才是这个社会的主流。 Not so much we gave him a lot,As he gave us a lot。I saw him,Will want to,Nothing is difficult to overcome。We see him,You will see a society full of hope。He let us believe,Is this the mainstream of society beauty。

  南方日报:也让杰仔有这样的信念。 Southern daily:Also let jie son have a belief。

  李阿姨:是的,我们希望像杰仔这样的,在经历了人生磨难后依然会相信好人是多数的。杰仔是相信的。 Lee aunt:yes,We hope that like wang jie so,Experienced in the life after suffering would still believe that good man is the most。Jie son is to believe that。

  爱心档案2·何老师 Love 2 · what the teacher file

  为杰仔补课8年风雨无阻 To make up a missed lesson 8 years wang jie, rain or shine

  初见杰仔,“我能做的就是帮他补课” Started wang jie,“I can do is to help him make up a missed lesson”

  南方日报:你是什么时候、通过什么途径得知杰仔的遭遇? Southern daily:When did you、Through what way that wang jie experience?

  何老师:是一个很偶然的机会,那时杰仔读小学五年级。我有位小学同学是义工,有一天问我有没有兴趣为一个家境困难的小孩做英语家教,义务的。其实那时,我还不知道杰仔父母的事。直到补课第一天,我来到杰仔家,杰仔的爷爷奶奶才讲述了他们家遭遇的不幸。 What the teacher:Is a very accidental opportunity,Then wang jie elementary school grade five。I have a primary school is a volunteer,One day asked me if I had the interest for a family circumstances difficult child do English tutor,obligations。In fact at that time,I also don't know wang jie parents。Until the first day of a missed lesson,I came to jie son home,Jie son grandma and grandpa just about the sufferings of their house。

  南方日报:当时听完后是什么心情? Southern daily:When what is heard in the mood?

  何老师:很难受。虽然那时候知道非典给很多家庭带来了不幸和痛苦,但是当一个这样不幸的家庭就活生生地在我眼前时,还是很难释怀。 What the teacher:Very uncomfortable。Although that time know to many families bring the SARS pain and suffering,But when a so unhappy family is living in my eyes,Is hard to let go。

  南方日报:当时就下决定要给杰仔补课了吗? Southern daily:Then decide to give jie son to make up missed lesson?

  何老师:没错。那时我才刚大学毕业找到工作不久,经济能力有限,我想我能做的大概也就是帮他补课了。英语科目我比较擅长,所以就决定帮他补习英语。 What the teacher:That's right。At that time I just graduated from university find work soon,Economic ability is limited,I think I can do is to help him probably to make up missed lesson。I'm better at English course,So I decided to help him with his English。

  每周上门补习,教会杰仔独立 Weekly tutor,The church jie son independence

  南方日报:你这一补就是8年,听说每周风雨无阻,完全没有中断过? Southern daily:You this is for 8 years,Hear weekly rain or shine,Completely without interruption?

  何老师:是的。刚开始工作时,我还不太忙,那时候每周为他补习两次。后来我换了一家公司,出差渐渐多了起来,就改为每周只补一次,每次3小时。通常是周六或者周日上午,因为上午他的精神状态会更好。再后来到了高三,杰仔周六要上学,我就把每周日上午的时间固定空出来给他。 What the teacher:yes。Just when he began to work,I'm not too busy,The time for him with his two times a week。Later I changed a company,Travel more gradually up,Just to fill a only every week,Every time 3 hours。Usually Saturday or Sunday morning,Because of his mental state in the morning will be better。Then the three,Wang jie on Saturday to school,I put on every Sunday morning time fixed empty out for him。

  南方日报:你是怎么坚持下来的? Southern daily:How do you insist on down?

  何老师:我觉得就是一个信念吧,心里一直存着,就能做到。我曾想,如果换做是我,在小学三年级遭遇那样的磨难,我应该很难跨过心里那道坎。所以,更是杰仔的勇敢、乐观打动了我。 What the teacher:I think it is a faith,Had stock,Can do it。I wanted to,If it is me,In the third grade encounter that ordeal,I should be hard across the line in the heart。so,But the brave wang jie、Optimistic touched me。

  南方日报:这次高考,他考了560分,英语124分,你对这个成绩满意吗? Southern daily:The university entrance exam,He took an examination of 560 minutes,English 124 points,You are on the satisfaction scores?

  何老师:满意,他是正常发挥。杰仔这孩子最让我感动的是,他一直很努力。刚进入高三时,他曾排在年级七八百名,可是后来进入一模、二模,他考到了70名以内,历史甚至考过全区第二名,很争气。 What the teacher:satisfaction,He is well。Jie son the child touched me the most is,He has been very hard。Just got into three,He had rows in the 7800 grade two,But later into a mold、2 die,He tested 70 less than,History even pass the second,Very good men。

  南方日报:他在学习上很依赖你? Southern daily:In his study is very dependent on you?

  何老师:我一早就和他说,不要想全靠着我,最后要靠你自己。为了锻炼他的自主性和自信心,我甚至和他比赛做题。现在的他很独立,记得报志愿时他打电话询问我的意见,听说他要报市场营销专业后,我说,你性格有些内向,不爱说话,这个读起来会不会有困难?他说没有困难,他可以。 What the teacher:I would have and he said,Don't think that the whole against me,The last to depend on you。In order to exercise his independence and self-confidence,I even and his game become a problem。Now he is very independent,Remember volunteer when he call to ask for my advice,Heard he want to report after marketing major,I said,Your character some introverted,Doesn't like talking,This reads will there be difficult?He said there was no difficulty,He can。

  印象最深的是杰仔的孝顺 The deepest impression of wang jie is filial piety

  南方日报:你陪着杰仔一起成长,他最让你印象深刻的是什么? Southern daily:You accompany jie son grow up together,He impressed you??? What???

  何老师:孝顺。我很早就知道,他每天早上和晚上都会去给父母上香。有一次他还带着我过去,他告诉我房子里的摆设,沙发、凳子、床,爸爸亲手制作的航母模型,妈妈和杰仔的合照……和2003年一模一样。 What the teacher:Filial piety。I learned very early that,He every morning and evening will be to give parents patrons。Once he took me to the past,He told me the decoration in the house,sofa、stool、bed,Father made with aircraft carriers model,The mother and a photo of wang jie……And in 2003, the same。

  南方日报:你的话好像爸妈会对孩子说的。 Southern daily:Your words like parents would be to the child。

  何老师:是啊,以前我觉得自己看他,一是弟弟,二是朋友。而现在可能是因为我老了(笑),觉得看他像自己的孩子一样。 What the teacher:yes,I used to think you see him,One is the younger,Two are friends。And now may be because I am old(smile),Think watching him as their own children。

  南方日报:他口中的你好像更多地像大哥哥。 Southern daily:His mouth as if you more like big brother。

  何老师:应该是吧(大笑)。 What the teacher:Should right(laugh)。

  爱心档案3·罗思源 Love file 3 Rowe siyuan

  写信鼓励杰仔努力学习 Write to encourage jie son to study hard

  “希望你在人生道路上一步一个脚印,将来成为祖国建设栋梁。”老西关风情的如意坊,杰仔家中,爷爷颤抖着双手拿出一张保存甚好的信纸,上面有这样一句话。从这封信的落款来看,是广州市荔湾区委原副书记罗思源在杰仔15周岁生日当天所写。 “Hope you in life road one step at a time,Become our motherland beams。”Old amorous feelings of the shang fang flexibly,Jie son home,Grandpa trembling hands took out a save with very good writing paper,It has such a word。From this letter to leave,Guangzhou li wan district party committee and the former vice secretary of ROM siyuan in jay son 15 birthday the day wrote that。

  一说起罗思源,杰仔爷爷总是激动地竖起大拇指说:“真是个好人啊!”每逢大年三十、中秋节,荔湾区委有一个惯例,就是带区里的孤儿去酒店吃一餐可口的团圆饭。杰仔也在其中。 Speak of ROM siyuan,Jie son grandpa always excited thumbs up said:“Is really a nice!”Every 30、The Mid-Autumn festival,Liwan district party committee have a practice,The area is to bring to the hotel orphans eat meal delicious family reunion dinner。Wang jie is in there。

  “我记得很清楚,那次罗思源和另一位领导特地坐在杰仔的两旁。”爷爷回忆说,那次罗思源还自掏腰包,拿了1000块给杰仔。此外,区里每个月还会给杰仔几百元慰问金。 “I remember very clearly,The ROM siyuan and another leadership on both sides of the seed took gerardo specially。”Grandpa recalls,The ROM siyuan still on my own,Took 1000 dollars wang jie。In addition,Every month in the area still can give hundreds of yuan wang jie condolatory gold。

  除了抽空亲自来家中看望杰仔,罗思源还时不时关心杰仔的学习。每次考完试,爷爷都要特意打印好杰仔的成绩给罗思源寄过去。若是杰仔成绩有提高,罗思源还不忘写来信件表扬杰仔。 In addition to take time to visit jie son home in person,ROM. Siyuan return often concerned about wang jie of study。Every time after examination,Grandpa will have good jie son of print result of thinks he send the past。If wang jie grades have improved,ROM. Siyuan also don't forget to write letters to praise jie monsters。

  生活有了保障之后,心灵扶助比物质扶助更重要。青春期之后,杰仔与爷爷奶奶渐渐有了代沟,罗思源就主张让社工和义工介入,用关爱帮助杰仔度过心理成长期。 Life have security after,Heart is more important than the material AIDS AIDS。After puberty,Jie son and grandpa's grandmother gradually with the generation gap,ROM. Si yuan is to advocate social workers and volunteers to step in,With love, help jie spend mental growth。

  10年成长,罗思源的呵护与爱洒满一路。从小学、初中,再到高中,区里都为杰仔争取到免去学费的“优待”,区委、区政府、老干局、关工委、计生办……爷爷一一列举区里对杰仔帮扶的部门或机构,说:“杰仔,从来都不缺爱。” 10 years' development,ROM. Siyuan care and love come all the way。From elementary school、Junior high school,And then to high school,In the area for jie son get free tuition“Preferential treatment”,District party committee、District government、Old dry innings、Closes working committee、JiShengBan……Grandpa list in the area, the supporting for both departments or agencies,said:“Wang jie,Never lack of love。”

  高考结束了,杰仔仍然不改8年来的习惯每天出门前先到爸妈旧居的屋子里敬上3炷香,轻诉一声“我返学啦”。门口,那棵杰仔爸妈生前栽下的年桔,第一次结出了果子。 College entrance examination over,Jie son still don't change the habit of eight years before going out every day before to parents of bridal room 3 a wick sweet,Light with a lawsuit“I go to school!”。The door,The tree planted by wang jie and the years before the orange,The first borne fruit。
