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Teaching assistant market long-standing mess,The culprit is deeply rooted takes an exam the education concept,Direct cause is within reach of the windfall profits。In place of the full of insider trading,Teaching assistants of the quality of the material nature is very difficult to guarantee,Sometimes they simply acted as a carrier of interest exchange,Money is a teacher、The school and education departments,And students and their parents has suffered multiple injuries。

  近日,教育部、新闻出版总署、国家发展改革委、国务院纠风办联合下发了《关于加强中小学教辅材料使用管理工作的通知》,要求各级行政部门 、负责实施考试命题、监测评价的单位不得组织编写学生有偿使用的同步练习册、寒暑假作业、初中和高中毕业年级考试辅导类教辅材料,任何单位和个人不得以任何形式强制或变相强制学校或学生购买任何教辅材料。(2月25日《中国青年报》)

recently,The ministry of education、Press and publication administration、The national development and reform commission、JiuFengBan jointly issued by the state council《On strengthening the management of primary and middle school teaching auxiliary materials use the notice》,Request the administrative department at all levels 、Be responsible for the implementation of examination paper、Monitoring and evaluation unit shall not organize students paid for the use of written synchronous's book、Summer and winter vacation homework、Junior high school and senior high school graduation exam grade class teaching assistant materials counselling,Any unit or individual may force any form or in disguised form or students buy any compulsory school teaching assistant materials。(February 25,《China youth daily》)


Kinds multifarious、Bad quality、Price one high、Confusion of market、Lack of standardized use……Primary and middle school teaching auxiliary market the mess with wit,Not only let the parents of the students spend injustice,Also increased the schoolwork burden of primary and middle school students,Some education field has extremely easily still corruption,Exam-oriented education flag under the malformation of the chain had already suffered interests reviled。

  教辅市场乱象屡禁不止 ,罪魁祸首是根深蒂固的应试教育观念,直接诱因是唾手可得的暴利。在升学的重压下,中小学生的教辅书少则几本,多则10本以上,每年开学之初教辅书都卖得很火爆。这种“刚性需求”的存在,使得教辅市场隐藏着巨大的利益,国内80% 以上的出版社都涉足教辅书出版,其中包括很多非教育类的出版社,导致教辅书品种繁杂,名称混乱。一些出版商为了扩大发行渠道,承诺给教师、学校乃至教育主管部门回扣,前提是强制学生购买某些指定的教辅材料;一些管理或能影响学校的利益相关单位为了牟取更多暴利,或者在评议推荐教辅材料时暗中指定,或者直接出面组织一些水平不怎么高的人员编写教辅材料,并向辖区内的学生兜售甚至摊派。

Teaching assistant market long-standing mess ,The culprit is deeply rooted takes an exam the education concept,Direct cause is within reach of the windfall profits。In the entrance under pressure,The primary and middle school students' teaching assistants book is less a few this,This is more than 10 or more,At the beginning of the school year teaching assistants books are selling very hot。this“Rigid demand”existence,Make reference to the interests of the huge market hidden,More than 80% of China's publishing houses in reference books published,It includes a lot of the education of the press,Teaching assistants to book varieties multifarious,Name chaos。Some publishers in order to expand distribution channels,Promise to give teachers、The school and education departments rebates,Premise is forced students buy some specified reference materials;Some management or can affect the interests of the school related units in order to obtain more profits,In comments or teaching assistants recommended material secretly specified,Or directly organize some level is not how high workers to write assistant teaching material,And within the jurisdiction of the students to sell even apportion。


Can see,In place of the full of insider trading,Teaching assistants of the quality of the material nature is very difficult to guarantee,Sometimes they simply acted as a carrier of interest exchange,Money is a teacher、The school and education departments,And students and their parents has suffered multiple injuries,Parents spend injustice,The child is in the good and bad are intermingled's teaching assistant material lost the direction。Many parents feel suspicious:The child the desk all kinds of teaching assistant materials more and more,But the real from beginning to end up and make full use of the several?Since many teaching assistant basically needless,Why do schools to buy?but,Exam-oriented education idea still deeply rooted in the present,Parents even know that teaching assistants behind the shady decision-making,Also can only to various kinds of assistant teaching materials and a half a letter and a half children don't pass the exams tactics the mill,Will not be classmate behind?

  教辅材料作为辅助性书籍,其重要性显然是排在教材之后的,教师、学校及教育主管部门理应舍弃个人及单位的私利,本着宁缺毋滥的原则为学生把好质量关,将那些粗制滥造、错误百出的教辅材料列入“黑名单”。防止教辅市场乱象陷入越治越乱的窠臼 ,从短期来看,要加强教辅出版环节的管理规范和资质审查,进一步完善教辅书监管体系,对教辅材料的评议推荐、编写及使用制定严格的流程,斩断教辅背后的黑色利益链;从长远来看,还要改革教育和考试制度,让低劣的教辅材料从根本上失去生存空间。本报评论员 李红梅

Assistant teaching material as the auxiliary books,Its importance is obviously row after the materials,teachers、Schools and education departments should give up individual and unit self-interest,In line with the principle of the patient for students of good quality,Will those poorly、The assistant teaching materials of mistakes is included“blacklist”。To prevent the mess in the teaching assistants market for the disorderly of misconduct ,In the short term,To strengthen the teaching assistant publishing standard management and qualifications link review,Further perfect reference book of the supervision system,The evaluation of teaching assistant material recommended、Write and use to make strict process,Lift off the black interests chain behind teaching assistants;In the long run,And education reform and examination system,Let's teaching assistant materials inferior fundamentally lost living space。This newspaper LiGongMei commentators


(Peninsula network-peninsula metropolis daily)
