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# p# subtitle # e#
主持人: The host:大家收获特别多,我相信收获与困难一定是并存的,在参赛以来大家遇到最大的困难是什么? You gain much more special,I believe that the harvest and the difficulty must be concur,Since you meet in the entry the biggest difficulties??? What???


谢东升: XieDongSheng:我们基本上每一个星期都会做一个案子,并且每个案子主题的设定、活动的设定都需要大家头脑风暴,这个过程是相当艰难的,如果没有一个特别棒的东西,大家那几天就是茶不思饭不想,特别纠结的状态。但是一旦有一个idea出来的时候,全都欣喜若狂,特别的兴奋。

We basically every week will do a case,And each case set the theme、The setting is need everybody activities brain storm,This process is quite difficult,If not a great thing,All the days is tea don't think rice don't want to,Special of tangled state。But once we have a idea comes out,All was,Especially excited。


主持人: The host:每周都有一个案子?

Every week a case?


谢东升: XieDongSheng:这是一个从校赛到省赛、大区赛、全国赛这样一个递进的过程,我们每一个比赛都会做一套提案出来。

This is a from the competition to the province、Regional"、The national "such a progressive process,We each game will do a set of proposals out。


主持人: The host:有没有哪一场比赛让大家觉得印象特别深刻呢?

Do you have a game lets everybody feel special deep impression?


谢东升: XieDongSheng:在大区赛的时候,当时我们是大区赛的第二名,是已经被淘汰了的一个队伍,但是我们后来是通过一个环节,叫做网络人气投票,我们是网络人气投票第一名的团队,重新又回到了总决赛的舞台。这次因为来参加总决赛的时候压力也挺大。全国都是每个大区的第一名才参加比赛,我们不知道自己的实力能不能发挥出来。最后大家拧成一股绳,加上我们各位老师,和联想老师的指导和培训,使我们的能力有了很大程度的提高。

In the region,At that time we region is the second,Is were out of a team,But we later is through a link,Called network popularity vote,We are the first name of the network popularity vote team,Back to the NBA finals to the stage。This time come to the finals the time for pressure also pretty big。The region is the first to each to take part in the game,We don't know of one's own strength can play。Finally you realistic bunch,Plus we all teachers,And lenovo teacher's guidance and training,Make the ability we have a large degree of improvement。


主持人: The host:大家觉得你们为什么会有这么强大的网络人气支持?

You think you why such a strong network popular support?


张梦曦: ZhangMengXi:在淘汰之后过了几天大家觉得不甘心,觉得我们还是要一下人气,我们拼一下看能不能进总决赛。大家做了这个决定之后,开始在各种网站上开始各种拉票,让大家帮助我们投票。这个时候强大的京津冀经营会的同学们出现热血的状态,帮助我们拉票,说大家一定要帮帮后脑勺,他们很想进入,我们一定要帮助他们进入。包括我们周围的同学、老师、家里的亲戚朋友都开始帮我们投票。当时出现了特别感人的状态,我们投票的那个网页每出现我们团队的一个进步、一个状态,他们就会有人来截图、发布,发日志,各种帮我们拉票。我们在屏幕前一边激动掉眼泪,一边各种拉票。

After missing out in a few days you don't feel alive,Think we still have to the popularity,We spell can see into the NBA finals。You made the decision after,Start in various web site began to various for votes,Let us help we vote。This time the powerful beijing-tianjin-hebei business will classmates appear state of blood,Help us for votes,Say you must help his head,They want to enter,We must help them into。Including the students around us、The teacher、Home of relatives and friends who are beginning to help our vote。When it emerged from a special emotional state,The web page every vote in our team's a progress、A state,They will be someone to screenshots、release,Hair log,All kinds of help us for votes。We in front of the screen while excited tears,Side canvassing various。


谢东升: XieDongSheng:所以我们最大的感想是只要你想做一件事的时候,全世界都会来帮你。

So our biggest feeling is as long as you wanted to do something,The world will come to help you。


主持人: The host:在参赛过程中有没有什么事情是最感动的?

In the entry process what things is the most moved?


张梦曦: ZhangMengXi:还是拉票,在关键时期,在前几名的队伍都在竞争,因为大家人气都不错,大家都在抢第一名的位置。大家都在关注这一点,到最后的时候已经出现一个巅峰的状态,所有人都激烈的看着这个屏幕,盼最后的成绩。一出来的时候我们各种掉眼泪。

Or for votes,In the key period,In the top team in the competition,Because everybody is pretty good popularity,Everyone in the first place。Everyone in the attention to this point,In the end has been a top state,All the fierce look at the screen,Looking forward to the final result。When we came out of tears。


潘媛: PanYuan:各个精英汇后来都发来贺电。

Each elite remit later congratulation。


张梦曦: ZhangMengXi:之前和我们一起比赛,被淘汰的队伍都跟我们说,我们全力顶你。我们现在不管我们自己的票数,我们拉人给你们投票。

Before and we play together,The team was eliminated with we said,We strive to top you。We now whether our own votes,We pull a person to you vote。


冷夏: Cold summer:过去的对手,现在的朋友。

The past opponents,Now friends。


主持人: The host:是否想过去联想实习或者工作?

Whether you want to practice or working past associations?


潘媛: PanYuan:这个假期我可能会在天津的联想实习,也和天津的精英汇的朋友们、同学们建立深刻的友谊。

The holiday I may in tianjin lenovo practice,Also and tianjin elite remit friends、The students establish deep friendship。


谢东升: XieDongSheng:我们都是广告学出身的,联想作为全球知名企业,他能够给我们这样的平台展示我们自己的机会,甚至给我们提供实习的机会,我觉得也是特别棒。

We are all advertising was born,Lenovo as international well-known enterprise,He will be able to give us such a platform of showing our chance,Even to provide us with the opportunity to practice,I think is great。


张梦曦: ZhangMengXi:今年暑假因为这次大赛的机会,我能够在联想北京实习,也特别期待,开始整装待发,准备好好接受实习的考验。

This summer because the contest of opportunities,I can lenovo Beijing practice,Also really looking forward to,Began to ready,Ready to take to accept the test of practice。


冷夏: Cold summer:我们都是学广告科班出身的,以后还是想去类似于这样的一些公司,或者市场部这样跟我们专业相对口的,能够在实战中把我们在学校中学的知识利用在这些场合。

We all learn advertising professionally-trained worker,Later still want to go like that some company,Or this with our professional marketing relative of the mouth,Can we in actual combat in the school of the knowledge of the middle school in these places use。


胡琳: HuLin:马上要进入大三了,我还没有结束自己的学业,我还是先把自己的知识学好,有扎实的功底,以后对自己的职业有更好的规划。当然联想提供机会非常好。

Will soon enter junior year,I have not end their education,I still put their own knowledge well,A solid foundation of basic skills,After his career has a better plan。Of course lenovo provides the opportunity is very good。
