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90后神一样的辞职理由:没妞泡上班挤饭不好 90后神一样的辞职理由:没妞泡上班挤饭不好 After the resignation of god as 90 reasons:No girl bubble work crowded rice is not good


No girl bubble to go,Crowded to go to work,Rice is bad to go,The money will be enough to go……


A person's strength,Often can't change the whole society。


But a group of people's strength,Often may change society。


As more and more of the make public individual character to society after after 90,Social and what to do with them?


Ground to make public individual character after 90?Or is more inclusive after 90 the individual character?


All all,We'll also unable to draw a definite answer。


“厂子小,姑娘少,不好泡妞” “Small factory,Little girl,Bad of the bubble”


90后,辞职也要“不走寻常路” After 90,Resign to“Don't walk unusual way”


recent,In a blog,A most cow“Resign single”Caused many users to chase after hold in both hands,The seal of the July 2, the application for resignation single,Employees in a resignation a tain reason to bar, it said:“Factory small,Little girl,Bad of the bubble”。And in several others in the autograph column column supervisor,Executives have to disagree with the instructions to leave,More a competent with extremely angry handwriting wrote:“You have no skill is chasing girls,Don't complain。”


first,Many net friend guess this is just one of the stories,But then bonusgiven claims that this is all true,And what happened in foshan a mechanical and electrical factory,The resignation is a work in the three years after the 90 team leader,Because the young man more female factory,So the FenErCiZhi team leader,In this factory held outside factory and even the fellowship activities,And sent each other a feeling a scenic spot traveling to workers……


If can after 60、After 70、After the 80 and 90 in the same platform after the comparison,Perhaps we will find,After the 90 May be the most make public individual character of a generation,Their thoughts and ideas,And three generations before has great difference,Especially in obtain employment,The big difference is more obvious。


Had agency survey found,Now after many 90 employees,In the resignation will often reveals many let how ironic reason,For example“On the way to office subway too crowded”,For example“Dormitory no cable”,For example“Canteen is bad”, etc,And these reasons in 70、After the 80 looks,It really let people do not understand。There are some 90 more employees,Simply to“Direct disappear”Way to resign shut down their mobile phone,With the original labor unit completely cut off contact,Directly from。


一年招工1500人,留下者寥寥无几 Hire 1500 people a year,Those that remain very few


不好伺候的“90后” Bad wait on“After 90”


“This help after 90,Not bad management,It is not good to help them。”handsome(aliases),After 60 people,A provincial capital engineering company founder of outsourcing。39 in on,Has the obvious typical“After 60”characteristics:Industrious steadfast、Hard work、Them generous。


2004 years,Handsome started his own company,Responsible for some American enterprise processing data,“In fact our company's labor standard not high,As long as you have two or three this diploma this,Understand English,Will the computer。As for data entry,Even if you don't,We also have professional personage of the intended to teach you。”


But in recent years,The company have met with 39“People waste”。


From July 2011 so far,A whole years time,The whole company on 39 numerous recruitment,There are more than 1500 college students into the handsome company,But now look again at the company on the number of employees and roster,Only 39 to reporters with wry smile:“A year,The company did not increase the number,Almost no one can stay。”


2004 years,The company was founded in 39,Just to catch up with the graduate after 80,So he for 80 and 90 after a profound understanding of after:“In 2004 the time everyone said after the 80 revolt,In fact most of the new entered office after 80 employees or better management。But now after 90,It is to let a person helpless。”here,Handsome face a wry smile。From the second half of last year began,39 the company began to appear after the figure of 90 new employees,In a June or may this year,Reached a climax:“Two days before I just looked at it from July last year to now the hiring of the report,More than 1500 into the staff members,At least more than half are the 90。”


“seriously,I feel I am employee is not bad。”Handsome is a more inclusive,A new employee ideas,Think the company dormitory not an Internet connection,Handsome immediately arrangement logistics department in the dorm installed wireless card;A new employees find the food is not enough delicious,ZhangJunZe and management for the meeting,Each employee to increase food allowance;Some employees to rent a house outside,ZhangJunZe simply give employees monthly allowance of $50 transportation……


And in the salary,39 the price of it is fair and open:“After the job every month to pay five insurance company a gold,Free accommodation,New employees every month has 1200 yuan only,If the workload finish high,So bonus is high。Average down,A common type of employees,Can at least a month to 4000 yuan of above,If you are willing to do,Take more。”Handsome told reporters:“I here in,As long as you work hard,I guarantee you a year less than time can upgrade to the department manager,Base salary at least double,Monthly salary can be in 5000 yuan of above。”


Even so,New entry employees still barrage of leave,“Sometimes I feel,If I am not caring for the children,So I often discuss with counterparts。”But the result of the discussion but let 39 has no language:“Once we outsourcing engineering company chat together the business association,Most of this group of competitors after 90 employees,All suffer badly,Think they bad management。”


各种辞职理由让人哭笑不得 All kinds of resignation reason to let the person is in distress situation


你们到底要什么? What do you want?


Handsome have thought I should be a more open-minded,“Because my daughter is after 90,Next year the university entrance exam,We usually communication is more also,I think I can still understand the children。”


But with 90 employees in the company after,Handsome is some helpless:“Sometimes I want to loudly blunt they roar a word,What do you want?”


Earn less、Working too mechanization、Against the future development of the individual……The reason that can accept resignation 39:“I also have young,Young people want to find new job,Like to go on high,It's no wrong。”but“Rice bad、Hard work、Old work overtime”These reasons are let some 39“mad”the,even“Money still is the rent”Also became resignation reason。


The second half of last year,ZhangJunCeng admitted a graduated from the university of 2 this after 90 college students,According to the college students shows on the resume,She had graduated in 2010,And the result is not bad。“When I asked her,You graduates for a year,Do what work?”And the candidates answer let handsome rather surprised,“She said she has a year without a job,Then I very curiously ask her,How do you live?She said basically is to rely on borrowed money life of students,And she coming to apply for the reason is that she has been borrowing from the friends all the money,And this month's rent should also made,So can't just come out looking for a job。”


Although some incredible,But admitted the girl or handsome:“One is her degree good,Another is that can help her。”But two months later,When the girl's resignation by himself to 39 when before,Zhang JunQi is in distress situation:“Resign reason is,Have money still is the rent。”


The company's business needs to continue to expand,But more and more people but not enough use,Constantly on the recruitment advertisement,The new constantly interview,Unceasing revision treatment,But the applicant of graduating,Often do on a few months will choose to resign,Handsome really don't understand his own company why can't keep these people。


“Our company is the one of the best in jinan city,The money is absolutely no difference in the industry,But leave is。”Handsome helplessly shakes his head said。


“失踪式”辞职已成常态 “Missing type”Resign already to be normal


90后走的很“潇洒” After the 90 walk was“Natural and unrestrained”


In fact,Data entry is special,So practitioners to women are in the majority,But with the increase of resignation,especially“Missing type to resign”Person more and more,Handsome feel very tired。


By the end of last year,A just the job two months of female employee suddenly went off without saying goodbye,This let handsome with my colleagues is very nervous:“Also didn't leave,Also didn't deal with formalities of resignation,Cell phone,QQ、E-mail contact did not return,We are all concerned about her isn't everything,Was even want to call the police。”The last but under,39 the employees have to notify their parents。


Two days after,The employee's parents call said,His daughter has come home:“Actually she is resigned,But didn't say "hello",Also didn't do the work handover,Even the wages also didn't want to walk。”first,ZhangJunYi for this is just an isolated case,But the next one period of time,Take this“Missing type”The resignation of employees more and more:“Don't say "hello",Direct wouldn't come。I calculated to calculate,From July last year to now,At least 30% of the staff is the resignation of in this way。”


从业者说 Practitioners say


适应90后是必须的 To adapt to the 90 is a must


Compared with the 39 company,Catering service industry obviously contact after 90 more early,So they have some own management after 90 ways and methods。


Jinan is chongqing and little swan、Jinan hair house hotel general manager SunJianHai,Just for 90 employees after with a unique style of management。


“I think everyone don't blindly criticism after 90 how,Also don't give them what affix tag。”In accepting our newspaper in an interview,SunJianHai say:“In fact the after 90,Does exist many similar phenomenon,Such as lack of responsibility,For example personality,For example can't bear hardship,For example quick returns。But it is not just after 90,Many of the 80 s children have a similar situation。Only now after 90 more students,The problem is concentrated highlight upon them。”


In SunJianHai seems,The society for 90 should be more inclusive after and tolerance:“Give a simple example,Society is like a piece of land,After 60、After 70、After 80、After 90 it grow,But with the passage of time,The quality of the soil also changed,The plant species and changing the way they,You can also look like before training management after 70、After 80 the way the group of 90 to management?Can't。”


so,From 2008 to,SunJianHai began to try to use another way to manage these after 90 new employees:“My way is mainly to praise,As far as possible to find the advantages of these children,Let them have a sense of honor,When there's a sense of honor later,Let him understand the importance of a team,At the same time to give them a hope,Let them see your future in business can have a promotion of space。”According to understand,Now the wool hotels,Have a lot after 90 became a backbone employees:“Management after 60、After the 70 and 80 after the methods of them invalid,So what do we do?I think can appropriate changes our management style,So not to both sides are tired。In the future, after 90 job seekers can be more,We have to form such a mechanism to deal with。”
