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暴雨中司机溺亡 折射安全常识教育缺失--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  61年不遇的一场突袭北京的大雨,瞬间夺走了30多条鲜活的生命。其中在某处积水路段发生的一名司机未能及时逃生、被困车中最后不幸溺亡的消息,接连几天引发了无数网友的叹惋和哀伤。在哀悼已故逝者、感伤生命脆弱之际,许多人不免会问:一场大雨,怎么就能轻而易举地夺走一个男人的生命?开车涉水怎么还有这么大的生命危险?如果自己遇到当时的突发情况该如何逃生自救In 61 a raid on Beijing's heavy rain,Instant claimed more than 30 'life。Among them, somewhere in a section water happened to escape the driver in time、Trapped in the car finally drowned unfortunately his news,For a few days triggered countless net friend regret and sorrow。In sadness to the deceased、The sentimental life is fragile,Many people unavoidably will ask:The heavy rain,How can easily take a man's life?Wade and what so big driving the life dangerous?????If you meet the emergency situation at that time the how to save to escape?


by,The heavy rain to the people to bring a lot of thinking。Top priority of,Is to strengthen the security of the citizens, especially small and medium student knowledge education。Peace with sword in hand,there。Only in peacetime learn to self-protection of knowledge and methods,Master the sudden disaster rescue under the knowledge and skills to escape,To better protect themselves,And aid others。


Probably a lot of people still fresh,2008 years of the earthquake of wenchuan,Anxian county, sichuan mulberry dates due to high school at ordinary times pay high attention to the safety education common sense,Vigorously promotes a natural disasters such as for earthquake emergency drill,May 12,, after the earthquake,The more than 2000 students and teachers from different buildings and different in the classroom,According to the usual practice procedures in a safe and orderly and quickly removed all to the playground,Class as a unit organization emergency hedge,The whole process only 1 points 36 seconds,Create no casualties of escape miracle。This shows that,As long as there is enough safety hedge consciousness,Master certain safety self-rescue common sense,Can the greatest degree to reduce the damage of the disaster,The key moment save more lives。


Our country is the most serious natural disasters in the world, one of the countries。But the situation of frequent disasters and compared,The safety of the hedge consciousness、The knowledge and skills of disaster prevention self-rescue is rather not used to it。The experience of the countless proof,Disaster is coming,Most of the TuoXianZhe by the first save of and mutualaid。The current when summer,Of all the students died during the list of accident,Especially in the left-behind children concentration of rural southern channel and more areas,Including drowning, a variety of safety relief knowledge education is especially important,urgent。

  《黄帝内经》中曾言:“夫病已成而后药之,乱已成而后治之,譬犹渴而穿井,斗而铸锥,不亦晚乎!”回过头来试想:如果那名溺亡的司机能够在汽车尚未被积水完全淹没的第一时间弃车逃生,如果当他被困在车里的时候能够采取正确的自救方式破窗而出,如果他在给妻子打电话求助的时候能够得到行之有效的救助方案……生命不能重来,人生不能假设。或许关键时刻,一把小小的铁锤就可以为自己打开生命重启之门;或许生死关头,一项并不复杂的自救技能就能为自己带来化危为安的转机。(新华教育 商亮)

《Yellow emperor》Had said:“Husband disease has already become the then drug,Disorderly already into and then rule,Judah and wear well has thirst,Measures and cast cone,Not also late on!”Come back to imagine:If the name of the driver can drown dead in car has not yet been water submerged's first time abandon the car to get out,If when he was trapped in the car to take the right way to save the broken window,If he were to call his wife to get effective relief plan……Life can not be heavy,Life can not be hypothesis。Perhaps the key moment,A small hammer to open the door to restart their lives;Perhaps the life-and-death,A not complex self-help skills will bring the dangerous for Ann's turnaround。(Xinhua education ShangLiang)
