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提着火炉上学 实拍贵州山区苗族女孩--亲稳网络舆情监测室


There is a place,No you can't imagine ever walked into the difficult there;


There is a kind of life,Not yet experienced you can't understand where the poor;


Have a look in the eyes,Haven't seen you can't feel that desire for knowledge;


A kind of touched,Without the experience you can't understand his strength;

  “每当我走进西部,心灵就会受到一次震撼;每当我从西部回来就仿佛经历了一次洗礼;有一种感动一直在我心中激荡,我想用我的感动去感动更多的人;有种遗憾时常徘徊在我的心中,我想尽自己最大的努力使更多的人不再遗憾;愿我们的生活少一份遗憾,多一份感动” 。这是摄影记者张杰在他题为“情系西部--贫困不该属于她们”关爱女孩的演讲中曾说过的一段话

“When I walked into the west,The heart would be a shock;Every time I come back from the west as if through a baptism;A kind of touched agitate always in my heart,I want to use my touched to move more people;Have a sorry often wander in my heart,I try my best to make more people not regret;Wish our life less a regret,Moved to a more” 。This is zhang jie photographer in his title“Love is the west-poverty should not belong to them”Love the girl's speech had said a word

  1976年底,张杰从北京参军来到陕西延安,在四年的时间里,由于执行各种任务,他几乎跑遍了那里的丘陵和高原。亲眼目睹了20世纪70年代西部贫困落后以及交通不便的现状:在一次帮农劳动时,他来到二十里铺的一个农民家,看到这家的午饭主食就是萝卜樱子炖洋芋,桌上只有一碗盐水和一碗辣椒面;曾看到西北贫困山区由于严重缺水,那里的村民用特殊的方式给自家孩子洗脸,每次洗脸前先让孩子们并排站好,然后把水含在嘴里喷到孩子们的脸上就算作洗脸;一个小学教员一天的用水量就是一茶杯水;曾看到二十多人挤在一辆破旧的卡车货箱里,由于道路的原因交通事故经常发生......一路走来,所看到和感受到的这一切,强烈地刺痛着他的心,但让他感触最深的是,在这片贫瘠的黄土地上也蕴涵了质朴与厚重,塑造出西部人民那种朴实无华的精神以及与恶劣自然环境抗衡的坚强意志。 也就是从那时起注定了他的西部情结。

By the end of 1976,ZhangJieCong Beijing joined the army and went to shaanxi yenan,In four years,Because carry out a variety of tasks,He almost all over the hills and plateau there。The 1970 s saw the poor western behind and the present situation of traffic inconvenience:In a time when labor for agriculture,He came to 20 miles of the shop a farmer's home,See this lunch is staple food from radish potato stew,The table is only a bowl of salt water and a bowl of LaJiaoMian;Ever see poor mountainous northwest due to severe water shortages,The villagers there with special way to their own children wash my face,Wash a face every time before you let the children stand side by side,Then put in the mouth with water spray to children's face is counted as a face;A primary school teacher a day of water consumption is a cup of water;Have seen more than 20 people crowded into a car of the old truck carriers,Because the cause of road traffic accidents often happen......Along the way,See and feel it,Strongly tingling with his heart,But let him touch the deepest is,In this barren on background also contains the plain with heavy,Model a western people's that simple and unadorned spirit and natural environment and bad against strong will。 That is, from then on to his western complex。


He came to China's population after his recovery from his mission center work,From early 1982 so far does is 26 years。meanwhile,Whether it be work need or personal leave,He chose the most or the west。He always use camera to record and reflects the knowledge of the west,From his photo,We already see the beauty of the west、Industrious plain and hospitable folks、Also see a special group-the poor girl:A group of this should be in school age and other children sitting in the same capacious and bright the classroom reading and study;This should be in the flower age and enjoy the happiness of the same city children smile,But because of all sorts of poverty in the family,They can only be in the home、In the field of life under a shouldn't bear burden。The photos and their desire for a better life and expecting eyes、There are also a kind of in poverty in loss and helpless。Twenty years of time he went all in western China,Shot of the lots of images material and photography,There have been more than 5000 works published in China RenKouBao、People's Daily、Guangming daily、Farmers daily、Chinese women reported、The xinhua news agency and through《life》、《China youth》、《The Chinese older》、《Folk culture》Many newspapers and media


大山里的感动 挡不住前行的脚步 The mountains moved hold on steps


People often say that:Photographers are the most does not fear endures hardship and most can endure hardships,Zhang jie is so,Because the job needs,He often with a few jins weight of the photographic equipment walk in plateau and the mountain in、Walk in the country and the fields、Walk among the people,Countless had much bitter、Couldn't count how many times the shutter,With the common people's story lens records、Record to countless exciting and touching moments。


In the west,The life of the people in poor areas situation deeply touched by his heart,Especially guizhou to his moved most:There mountainous area of shandong university vast and deep ditch,Few of arable land and barren,Some village in the four seasons but only work though people maintain food and clothing,The tough road for all been to people think a lot,More rain season debris flow the probability of occurrence in a very high。He went to a time when in guizhou province,The rain rushed across the essential bridge,Car can only diverted around in hunan province,Can in diverted way again in landslides,At that time is raining hard,Sliding down the big tree and sediment blocking the way forward,Open car back is obviously not possible,Are you unprepared situation,Zhang jie see rain a farmers in the hands of a sickle,Immediately ran to a borrowed with driver a sickle cut off and clear open the trunk and stones,There were still there on the slope sediment rubble down to the feet,Clean up to the car just can pass,The driver driving decisively rushed out,Is really breathtaking!


Although mountain roads so difficult to do、Although there are too many unforeseen dangerous situation,But these never wavered he interviews steps。He often said that:“Every time when I end up camera,The poor girl's survival、life、Learning and growth status in the SSC lens moment,Heart will generate a sense of responsibility,This responsibility is to let more people to pay attention to know to help them,Let more people in their own ways for them to do the right thing……”


In guizhou of qiandongnan mountains,In order to understand and record the real poor areas of life and existence girl learning,He and rongjiang county、Plan of cadres from the family together in village start(The village is not the township road no electricity)Six hours to walk through the plan village,Introduced zhang jie:“ShuangNvHu miao girl went into the house of PanXiaoLiu really let me feel what is poverty,A cabin can say is destitute,Before night can be low's house to see anything,Small leave parents haven't we work first and she the conversation,The little girl is obviously very rare stranger along while never say a word,Or village head told said:Because of the families are poor PanXiaoLiu 12 years old to grade one,She has a 15 years old sister never been to school,Ming zi rekindled the lights on the pine occasionally can see small leave face that with hardships、helpless、Desire and expecting eyes,The expression ought not to write in a 12 years old the child's face。When asked about her willing to go to school?Answer to,Q she has been to XiangShang?She shook his head。More than 8 PM her parents hand holding a torch on the mountain of the ground from the back,Carry a big basket of ZhuCao and the plants of the wanderer,And we played called her mother will wild finish wash into the pan with the boiled up,Dad is hanging from the pepper on a planet of pulling a bowl to hit up,Hit good chili and from the pot into a bit of soup bowl,LaJiaoMian is a wild and rough rice,This is a family dinner,This can't help remind me of more than 20 years ago in yenan to see the scene……The owner of the enthusiasm that we also eat together,But the scene before looking at how bear to eat this simple and they argue the can't again simple dinner,The father of a small family said poor have no read books so far very regret,Now is to let the child also poor reading,Can't sorry for her again!(Then I make of the center“One-on-one claim to help”Someone to help her)”


“In China family planning of CongJiangXian plant village,WuYuHua home,Although and small home leave is ShuangNvHu,But the family circumstances is quite different,11 years old YuHua only the elder sister of the mother and grandmother,Dad's early death made this was is poor family gloom,We walked into her home in the rain,See the house to represent a lot of basin by the rain,It's raining hard outside the house was light rain,Grandmother cry、Mother cry、She was crying,Around the houses of the leak rain they have no ability to XiuGai……We only use the money to express compassion。


“Remember the longest walk again,Is the family and province bureau comrades(They are the first to go)Take the intense summer heat from early 8 to 11 PM travelling 14 hours,Through the hard over the seven、Eight mountain、Through five、Sixty times of the raging water,Through all the of the only four administrative villages milford and several ZiRanZhai。Began to cross the river when still slippers,Then too tired simply wear shoes trip to water,Fill it with water shoes dress is very uncomfortable。The township is located in the mountain in is also impassability highway,Is the poorest province township,It took some most precious raw material,Locals cut in the bowl with scissors buckle head,Men are almost with a covering Daniel,Most of the people did not go abroad dashan。Less than seven o 'clock the mountains is dark,As they were coming down the mountain mule path an unusually difficult and no lighting equipment,9 PM took came to a village,Fortunately met two simple good little boy to lead the way,Just survived the danger of lost came out of the terrible the dark mountains。”


我走过 我感动 I walk through I moved

  张杰每次从西部回来都有很深的感触。他说:“只有到过西部真正感受过西部,你才会用心去体会那美丽下的贫困。体会那种处在贫困中的神情;体会贫困背后的坚强;体会大山里的孩子们渴望的眼神。当我面对所有家产加起来不足百元的家庭;面对因受不了贫困的母亲抛下亲生的孩子离家出走,孩子身上没一件完好衣服时;当看到不足十二岁的女孩幼小的双手上布满老茧时;内心深处油然产生出一种同情和责任。”为了拍到更多真实感人的百姓生活的照片, 2003年4月至6月在贵州一呆就是两个多月,他跑了十个县、二十多个乡镇的近五十个村庄,多数是步行,不幸的是在一次采访中脚部骨折,在疼痛难忍的情况下,他硬是坚持着一瘸一拐地采访完才被送回贵阳治疗。在采访期间他捐出了身上所剩下的2800多元钱,回京时路费都是从省宣教中心打借条借的。

Zhang jie to come back from the west every time have a deep feeling。He said:“Only to the western real feel the west,You will work hard to realize that the beautiful poverty。Realize that kind of in poverty in facial expression;Behind the strong experience poverty;Experience the mountains of the look in the eyes of the children are longing for。When I face all add up the house below one hundred yuan family;Because of the poor mother face can't stand behind his own children away from home,Kid didn't a good clothes;When see less than 12 year old girl young hands when work-gnarled;Queen inside produced a sympathy and responsibility。”In order to take more touching people life real photos, April 2003 to June in guizhou a stay is more than two months,He ran ten counties、More than 20 villages nearly 50 villages,Most is to walk,Unfortunately in an interview foot fractures,In the unbearable pain,He just holding on to a limping until after interview was sent back to guiyang treatment。In the interview he donated body during the rest of the 2800 multivariate money,Back when the his mission center from province play iou borrowed。


In qiandongnan,He not only took a large number of people reflects the local life precious pictures,Also understand the five、More than 60 name special need help girl and their family story。He said:“Poor children eager eyes let my mind is the shock,In to be shocked and moved at the same time also deeply felt as a reporter should shoulder the responsibility,Not only do good propaganda should also do some real here for good,Especially for those poor girls”!


He returned to Beijing in the training weeks after unit on a work report。He tears every picture tells the story with the west,His story deeply touched by the everyone present,Also affects those and he had a strong sense of responsibility and love as the people。He initiated by the“One-on-one claim to help”Activities on August 13, 2003 is held in Beijing。Nearly forty poverty photo of a girl and their contact was present on all aspects of the one who claim,The People's Daily on August 14, reported in the news of the version of the activity。(A few children receive their remittance and continuous go to school)


He also use of work and travel time to the academy's primary、Polytechnic university campus、Beijing HongZhi class、Beijing fengtai、chaoyang、Fang shan magmatic、Qinghai province、Such as gansu province and some enterprises and institutions to commission a real picture tells the story behind the story of moving,And the social people from all walks of the donated nearly 10 over pieces study appliance、Books and clothing, etc,Send a few container sent to the school of qiandongnan in guizhou。All heard his speech,Not only was he tells the story moved by,Also be photos shocked,In his lead to a lot of people are involved in the claim of the poor western help the activities of the girl,Some still with colleagues to friends,And one of the claim to help for children,By helping children before and after claimed more than 130。,


August 2004,In the country's population XuanJiaoSi state family planning commission and the China population mission centres“The western girl came to Beijing”Large activities before,He took great trouble to the relevant units receives active contact children to Beijing after the visit and accommodation,Basic it is to pull of sponsorship。When these girls out of the mountain in the first time、The first sitting in the train、First came to Beijing、First time on the Great Wall、First came to only be seen in the tiananmen,The excited mood has indescribable。In Beijing they enjoy never had the pleasure,Experience in the care of party and government,Feel the social from all walks of life care,The feeling of capital construction and development。In order to leave the children this present life is unforgettable moments,The girl zhang jie the brilliant smile and the touched tears all 11 of his lens on top。One of the children in the train HuiLei farewell climatic scene of the Beijing,Is entitled“Beijing-moved west girl”。


Read the photos is a zhang jie reading,From his photo,Can feel he bear hardships and stand hard work professional dedication and strong sense of social responsibility。He said:“Photography is a career,Lens can capture touching moment,Touching moment to touch with more people are the most meaningful work!I walk through-I-I would like to use my moved the moved to move more people!”
