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大学教授假借同名学者论文 被封史上最牛造假--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Xiamen university medical school professor FuJin for“Completely false”Dr. Columbia University diploma had just been school dismissal,Yet another academic misconducts scandal to follow。“Dozen false fighter”Fang yesterday afternoon at Beijing university of chemical leaks the life science technology institute professor LiuJun fake resume,Several articles under the same papers will focus on foreign scholars。


清华BBS称其“最牛造假” Tsinghua BBS says it“Most cow fraud”


LiuJun by tsinghua university last night BBS posts for a seal“History most cow fraud”:“Beijing university of chemical LiuJun professor put people sharing the same name will resume the away,Applied to youth one thousand people and professor tutors,Is really cow force big。”


Even in an academic dozen false famous fang also couldn't help in micro blog exclamation:“LiuJun should be the three different JunLu Ph.D、Work experience and the paper gather together into his own,Too creative the。”


According to Beijing university of chemical industry news web site,LiuJun was born in 1973,Beijing university of technology and the university of Toronto's degree、Dr. University of Toronto、MIT postdoctoral,2008 years after graduation in the United States Merck company as a research scientist,2011 as“High-level talents”Was the introduction,As life science and technology college professor,Mainly engaged in the biomedical engineering research。


Web site showed the,In march this year,LiuJun in the second batch of countries“Youth one thousand plan”,become“218 overseas high-level outstanding young one”,Is Beijing university of chemical industry“The first won the honor of teachers”。


“Young overseas high-level talents plan”(Referred to“Youth one thousand plan”),The central organization department、Human resources and social security in conjunction with the ministry of education、The ministry of science and technology department and the introduction of overseas high-level talents working group is responsible for,Every year two times the selection,Introduction of about 400 people。


学历论文均假借同名他人 All the others under the degree thesis


LiuJun the fraud was found,Due to its) recently released a“Recruitment ads”,Although has been removed,But according to fang in micro bo release on screenshots show,LiuJun as a lecturer to two as a research assistant,Enrich himself leading the Beijing university of chemical drug carrier group。


This apprises end,Lists the LiuJun resume and 7 article focus on paper。Internet found that,These papers and Yale university dr. The same JunLu published the paper that does not poor,But the Yale JunLu graduated from Boston university dr,And LiuJun graduated from the university of Toronto, but dr,Photos and two people“Looks completely different”,Obviously are not the same person。


This article 7 on behalf of paper,2 article, published in Nature(《natural》)、3 article, published in PNAS(《Proceedings of the American academy of sciences》)、1 article, published in NatGenet(《Nature · genetics》),One article, published in DevCell(《Development cells》),Are all top international academic journals。This paper presented the record,Fang eyes in enough“To the world's best universities as a professor of biology”。


“A popular name originally so useful ah!”Netizens exclamation。It then in micro bo continue to blog,LiuJun not only use paper others,Dr. Even、Postdoctoral degree is fake。


“He calls himself in 1999 attains the Beijing university of technology/application science bachelor's degree university of Toronto,In 2004 attains the Toronto university dr biological engineering。The university of Toronto in 2004 have a JunLu obtain a doctor's,But in 1999, he obtained in the school is a master,And not LiuJun said,And the Toronto JunLu parents is Taiwanese。”Fang revealed。


Not only that,Fang speculation,LiuJun even work experience may also be of use,He found that at present Beijing university of chemical engineering graduate school on your resume,LiuJun deleted his bachelor's degree、Merck work experience and a list of papers,At that point, this resume“There may be no really,All of them people sharing pretend to be”。


>>回应 >>response


北化工开始调查陆骏造假问题 North chemical began to investigate LiuJun fraud


China's overseas high-level talents special office work site“One thousand people plan nets”,Released LiuJun cancelled yesterday evening“Youth one thousand plan”The announcement of enrolled qualification,But did not give reasons cancelled。Reporters in Beijing university of chemical opened last night life and institute of science and technology web pages,LiuJun is still in“teachers”The column of。


It after exposure,“One thousand people plan”Special office at 5 yesterday afternoon 22 points that is by way of a public announcement,Fang in micro blog praise the practice of high efficiency。Beijing university of chemical then 9 PM last night in a statement issued by 39 points,Says high attention,Already began to investigate alleged fraud LiuJun resume,As soon as possible will make a serious processing based on facts。

  记者商西 图片来源北京化工大学新闻网

Reporter business west of Beijing university of chemical industry news source images

相关阅读:方舟子错打厦大"闽江学者"特聘教授 微博道歉》 Related reading:Fang wrong dozen xiamen university"Minjiang river scholars"Physics, the bo apologize》


方舟子再曝厦大学院院长冒充医学博士(图) Fang again at xiamen university, dean of the college of pretend to be exposed to the medical doctor(figure)

  厦大又有教授中了方舟子"打假"的枪了。  昨日傍晚,方舟子在个人微博上爆料:厦门大学生命科学学院闽江学者特聘教授、公共卫生学院院长夏宁邵在国外发表的论文,冒充医学博士,但实际上只有中专学历。【详细】

Xiamen university and a professor of fang"Dozen false"Gun the。Yesterday evening,Fang in personal micro bo coming on:Xiamen university life science college physics, minjiang river scholars、Public health, dean of the college of XiaNing shao paper published in foreign countries,Posing as a medical doctor,But in fact the only technical school education。【detailed】


厦大女教授文凭造假续 校方回应称造假者已辞退 Xiamen university professor diploma to concoct the female responded that fraudsters have dismissed

 厦门网-厦门日报讯 厦大医学院教授傅瑾的哥伦比亚大学博士文凭到底是真是假?厦大昨日给出调查结果:是假的!

Xiamen nets-xiamen daily news at xiamen university medical school professor FuJin Columbia University diploma of dr. What is true?Given the results of the survey at xiamen university yesterday, is false!

The school on the matter at xiamen university to respond,And published on FuJin survey result: FuJin apply for xiamen university,The offer is a"Completely false"Dr. Columbia University diploma,"It's a very bad subjective intent of frauds"。


The school also announced the decision to FuJin: remove and FuJin contract,Do dismiss processing,Also asked FuJin I through the open channel,At xiamen university teachers and students to employees、Alumni and concern of xiamen university from various circles of society have made"Deep apologize"。[detailed]


相关评论: Relevant comments:

   后果"冰火两重天" 学历造假到底"多大的事儿" consequences"Between sultry" Degree fraud exactly"About how"


Degree of false consequences,was"Between sultry"。apology、resign、"Undertake all responsibility",This is the degree of this revelation of Thompson tickets。Seemingly but is computer diploma fraud,But on yahoo chief executive Thompson questioned degree,Has evolved into a torture its career carpet search,Yahoo will face an unexpected disaster。This ticket,Seems to be not harsh。Look forward,Hungary's former President schmidt papadopoulos for Ph.D. Thesis is considered plagiarism,Announced his resignation;After Germany and former defense minister ancient cane berger was forced to resign because of paper copy。[detailed]


假博士为何非要等着方舟子揭穿》 Why don't want to wait for dr fake fang debunk》


假如方舟子打假陈独秀:北大上下或者不会理会》 If fang Chen duxiu's fighting:Peking University or not realize up and down》
