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双胞胎携手考上华科大 苦读时妈妈挑灯做袖套陪--亲稳网络舆情监测室

图为:朱臣左和弟弟朱君 The graph is:ZhuChen left and brother zhu jun
  做一个袖套1.7分钱,最多时一天做2000个仙桃一个贫寒的母亲王会容这样做了整整三年,将一对双胞胎儿子送进名校:哥哥朱臣和弟弟朱君以635分、627分的高分双双被华中科技大学录取,一个选择了机械设计制造及自动化专业,另一个则就读计算机科学与技术专业。 Do a takes 1.7 cents,Most time a day do 2000 xiantao city, a poor mother WangHuiRong do this for three years,Will a pair of twins son sent to school:Brother ZhuChen and brother zhu jun with 635 points、627 point high score both admitted huazhong university of science and technology,One is the mechanical design, manufacturing and automation,Another is studying computer science and technology professionals。


yesterday,Facing our reporter,The shy twins chorus said:“Mother more than we hard......!”maybe,It is understood the mother of a piece of work,Know of the hardships of life and not easily,Did they know better than their peers、More know how to cherish。


简陋的出租屋里 Crude rent the house


妈妈在挑灯做袖套陪伴 Mother in the study all do takes the company


ZhuChen and zhu jun was born in xiantao city and from more than one hour's drive from the town 埫 long mouth five lines of village,Parents are farming。2009 years,The brothers entered high school xiantao middle school,Mother and beside the school PeiDou rent,The field of work were handed over to the father。


This compared the cabin of only 1800 yuan,More than 10 square meters of space only hold two little bed、A cabinet and a desk。Small toilet and kitchen separated with glass,ZhuChen and zhu jun crowded in a bed to sleep for three years。


Mother WangHuiRong besides washing、cooking,He's doing odd jobs to turn their family's free:She borrowed a machine do takes,To be a good 1.7 cents。Just beginning not skilled,Tired of the waist sour backache day also can do 500;gradually,The more she do the faster、More does more good,A day can do most of 2000。A month down,Hundreds of yuan income more than home。


so,When night,The cabin before the desk,On one side is a heated discussion topic of the two brothers,On one side is the mother of his cast work...“No matter YiErDian or learn at ten,Mother always we sleep does not go to bed until after。”ZhuChen said,Due to long to stay up late to do takes,Mother's vision loss a lot,Cervical vertebra is bad also to。


The brothers have love for mother and help to do,Know that this live time-consuming,“Although high school three years read very bitter,Always can't sleep well,But mother than we are hard。”


多年的寒窗苦读 Years of cold window study hard


兄弟俩互相竞争和帮助 Brothers compete with each other and help


Though hard,But to WangHuiRong relief,Two sons are particularly hard。learning,They test to be competitive,And daily is to help each other,Results have been polls。


Zhu jun management with the class key,The need to get to school every day。so,The alarm clock rang 5:30 in the morning,The brothers and consciously get up,Together to school。At 10 p.m. the next self-study home,Still want together discussion to 12 PM to sleep。“Sometimes for a problem was flushed,Mother will remind:‘Go to bed early,Don't JiaoJinEr!"Zhu jun told reporters,If don't do well,My mother never blame them,And if taken an examination of,Also not to be praised for fear of them“swept”the。


Zhu jun does not attend the mid-term exam,Is admitted into an exemption directly xiantao middle school of honors,This let be to test the ZhuChen pressure from widely。In order to catch up with the younger brother,He learned more seriously,Daily examination showdown each other,“Each half won it。”ZhuChen own house/apartment,The university entrance exam,He finally“Held the”brother。


In fact,The brothers to the the university entrance exam is not very satisfactory。“The elder brother is always the first class,When the university entrance exam 670 baseline the most points。”Zhu jun said so。even,Zhu jun: think you didn't play well,Once thinking about answer read,But mom said to him“Home really can't afford......”


finally,Both of the brothers chose huazhong university of science and technology,But have no choice of the same professional,“We all want to study engineering、Want to go to graduate school,But hope is in the same school different professional field competition。”


健康的课余生活 Healthy after school life


从不去网吧暑期打工干农活 Never go to net cafe summer jobs to do farm work any more


Did not take part in a day training course,Also not scored a net cafe this is to ZhuChen、Zhu jun brother proud of place。


Home bad conditions,The brothers read high school all armed with grants,In life is particularly save。“Unless to buy books,They basically no pocket money。Also share very clear:See of book only buy a book,Need to write books to buy two this。”WangHuiRong told reporters,Son never go to net cafe play games,Even she offered to buy two brothers mobile phone,They also don't。


Although no conditions on various types of training,ZhuChen and zhu jun but learn how the chess。“The village many people love to play with it,We looking at will。”ZhuChen said,Learning more than the when,They together“DuiSha”,This practice good chess,So far,With other students playing basic't lose。


When the dust settled admitted,In addition, the chess of the beloved,The brothers also plans to learn English well and calligraphy,Summer will work and help to do farm work to alleviate the burden of the home。“Mother said,We pass the college entrance examination,She is happy and feel heavy burden。”Look at the village children of the same age has many go out work to earn money,And parents are still in trouble for his tuition,The brothers can't help feel some guilty。


巧人巧事 Opportunely opportunely things people


姓氏、出生年月、毕业高中惊人一致,还同时考进华科 surnames、birth、Graduate high school amazing consistent,Also got into huake


新洲一中两名学子 素不相识很像孪生 New one two students were strangers very like twins


In central China university of science and technology in the admission information,The reporter learns the school this year the examinee admitted with three in the twins。But yesterday the reporter verification,One of the first high school of xinzhou district in wuhan two candidates and not twins,But their last name、birth、Graduate high school are the same,The chance LianZhao opportunely do staff“misunderstanding”the。


The first high school ZhouWei of xinzhou district in wuhan and susumu mizuta,Is feb. 1, 1994 was born,The university entrance exam is about the same also ZhouWei 622 points,Be measure and control technology and instrument professional admitted;Susumu mizuta 618 points,Be thermal energy and power engineering major admitted。


ZhouWei told reporters,His family lives new pan pond town,Graduated from high(20)class;And in the new house susumu mizuta yangluo,Graduated from high(6)class。“The whole grade three in as many as 1000 people,And our school is divided into new continents and yangluo two campus,So don't know each other。”That such a coincidence,The two children are also think novelty。

  据了解,还有一对考入华科的双胞胎都毕业于华师一附中。(楚天都市报 记者陈博雷影:记者佟建国)

According to understand,And a pair of twins are admitted to huake graduated from middle school attached huazhong normal。(Hunan day metropolis daily reporter ChenBoLei shadows:Reporter TongJianGuo)
