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高职院校“坑多萝卜少” 部分学校坐等倒闭--亲稳网络舆情监测室


July 29,,The reporter comes to BeiHu resort is located in jining city of the shandong polytechnic professional college,Just enter the gate“Recruit students BaoMingChu”Red propaganda banners is broken into view。The school admissions director of employment HuangYan told reporters,In fact in more than a month ago,The school early to recruit students into work,The students started for the prelude of the war。

  据了解,今年山东共有49.8万考生参加高考,比去年又减少了5.3万人,尽管招生计划比去年减少了7.5万人,但是录取率仍达到了80%以 上。7月15日,省招考院出台的山东省2012年高考本科一批一志愿院校投档情况统计表显示,在所有13所参加本批次投档的高校中,有6所院校出现未录满 现象。

According to understand,This year there were 498000 students attend the university entrance exam in shandong province,Last year and more than 53000 less,Although enrollment plan 75000 less than last year,But the acceptance rate reached 80% on to still。July 15,,The law of shandong province recruitment of college entrance examination in 2012 undergraduate a batch of a volunteer school what calm mark delivers file first, statistics show situation,In all 13 to participate in this batch of what calm mark delivers file first in the university,Six colleges and universities appear not to record full phenomenon。


University undergraduate course even so,By multiple factors of higher vocational colleges,In successive years of it“Do not have enough to eat”,The prospect of the development of higher vocational colleges really care。


招生 Recruit students


“坑多萝卜少”的尴尬 “Pit much less turnip”awkward

  “去年我们学校在全省高职院校中排名15,也只是刚好完成招生计划而已,高职院校基本上都是‘坑多萝卜少’。”黄炎介绍,学校录取分数最高的是 2009年,当时的最低分也达到了390,500分以上的大有人在,而这两年学校的录取分基本与专科投档线持平,只能勉强完成招生计划,但是这在众多高职 院校中已属不易。

“Last year the higher vocational colleges in the province ranked 15,Also just happen to recruit students to plan to complete it,Higher vocational colleges is basically‘Pit much less turnip’。”HuangYan introduced,The school admission scores is 2009 years,At the time, the lowest points to a 390,More than 500 points they,And these two years of school admission points basic and specialized subject TouDangXian flat,Can barely completed enrollment plan,But this in many vocational colleges is not easy in。


HuangYan told reporters,The whole province last year more than 70 vocational colleges,The completed just 10 to recruit students to plan,Many public colleges and universities to recruit students to plan only completed the of forty or fifty,And the condition of the private colleges' more“Is pale”。

  据了解,今年该校面向全国10个省份,计划招生3050人。“对于本科线以上报考我们学校的学生,我们会给予免除学费的奖励,此外,对于未达到 本科线但是分数较高的学生,学校的试点本科可以再给他们一次‘圆梦本科’的机会。”黄炎表示,学校多项优惠政策就是为吸引更多优秀生源。

According to understand,This year the school facing the whole country 10 provinces,Plan recruit students 3050 people。“For undergraduate course line above enter oneself for an examination of the students in our school,We will give free tuition reward,In addition,For did not reach the undergraduate course line but mark is higher students,The pilot undergraduate course school again they once‘Come true undergraduate course’opportunity。”HuangYan said,The school many preferential policies to attract more excellent students is。


then,The reporter also came to jining professional technology institute,According to the school admissions director of employment ChengFeng introduced,Last year the school plan recruit students 4100 people,But in the end the officer-in-charge of the only more than 3000 people,Compared to recruit students“annual”Liberal arts highest 541 points、Science maximum 538 points“Brilliant history”,Huge divide ChengFeng let very helpless。


The enrollment of higher vocational colleges face the public“Malicious recruit”,Currently the only run by jining in higher vocational colleges far east qufu vocational technical college is very“low-key”,Only 1000 people this year plan recruit students。According to understand,Last year the school plan recruit students 1000 people,The actual only completed the 800 people,Admissions director said,Schools now can only“Less recruit people、Fine training”the。


前景 prospects


多数高职院校一片茫然 Most vocational colleges a vacant

  考生小陈刚查到高考成绩的时候十分沮丧,523分离二本线还差一大截,但是短暂的难过之后他决定复读一年。“现在本科生都不好找工作了,上个专 科将来能有什么出息,且不说公务员、事业单位都设了学历‘硬杠杠’,连很多公司招后勤人员都是‘非本科生不要’。”学生家长张女士表示,考虑到找工作,也 不敢轻易让孩子选高职院校。

The examinee small Chen just just look up to the achievement of the university entrance exam time very depressed,523 the line separating two sent a big chunk,But a short sad after he decided to answer read a year。“Now all not find work undergraduate students,A special branch will have a what ambition,Let alone civil servants、Institutions are set the record of formal schooling‘Hard lever’,Even many companies recruit support staff‘The undergraduate students don't’。”The parents of the students ms. Zhang said,Consider to find work,Also can't easily let child chooses the higher vocational colleges。


Face the parents and students of indifference,Each higher vocational colleges have also tried to make the change,To improve the quality of teaching expressed and employment,But the specific do,Said not a“The 123”,Some schools even for the way was very confused,Wait for“collapse”。


Higher vocational education a years engaged in the teacher liu told reporters,Higher vocational colleges for public speaking,Although matriculate problems,But with the government in the back“backing”,Some schools not only not to actively respond to the boat,Instead embrace“Taking one day at a time”psychological,Have a“farther,YiLaiShenShou”day。

  相比之下,民办高职院校就像是“捡来的孩子”,处境尴尬。据刘老师透露,一家民办高职院校的校长早就萌生了“关门大吉”的想法,只是碍于父亲反 对,才迟迟未有行动。“据我所知,这位校长现在只等老爷子退休,只要他一退居二线,估计学校的‘大限’之期也就到了。”说到这里,刘老师也是一脸惋惜。

compared,Private higher vocational colleges is like“To pick up the child”,In an。According to ms liu revealed,A run by the President of higher vocational colleges have initiation“closed”ideas,Just because of the father of,Not only delayed action。“As far as I know,The headmaster now he only wait for retirement,As long as he puts a second line,Estimates of the school‘deadline’Will come on time。”here,Teacher liu is a face of regret。


专家建议 Experts suggest


“因地制学”寻求突破 “Because makes the study”Seeking to break through

  “事实上职业教育也是正规教育,既然作为正规教育,职业教育的任务首先是育人,不能把‘育人’丢弃了。”曲阜师范大学教育科学学院副院长张奎明 表示,现在很多高职院校的职业教育“变了味”,放低了对自身的要求,培养的学生整体素质不高。他认为,学校在教授知识技能的同时,绝不能忽视学生的思想素 质教育。

“In fact vocational education is formal education,Since as formal education,Vocational education task is to educate people first,Can't‘education’rejected。”Qufu normal university education science, vice President of the college ZhangKuiMing said,Now a lot of vocational education in higher vocational colleges“Changed taste”,Low in to own request,The training of the students' overall quality is not high。He thinks,School professor in knowledge skills at the same time,Never ignore students' thought and grain quality education。


In addition,ZhangKuiMing Suggestions,Many of the skills training in higher vocational colleges stays at a low level,Students often to factory will only basic operation,The point is to live to advanced cannot do the job,In a position to it is a large space of ascension。so,Higher vocational colleges should focus on the cultivation of high-level technical personnel,Not content with high employment rate,Should pay more attention to the quality of employment。


“Most of the students in higher vocational colleges are from local,So the school in professional setting of local leading industry and combination。”ZhangKui testified,Then you will have a pointed right talent cultivation,“Because makes the study”。In this respect,Shandong institute of technology of vocational college some experience is worth using for reference。


HuangYan told reporters,At present is to develop emerging energy jining,In order to follow the situation,The school set up photovoltaic power generation technology and application、Application of electronic technology two professional,Attracted many enterprises to come to school“Grab people”,The later managerial train of thought is very good inspiration。

  (本报记者 刘田)

(Our correspondent LiuTian)
