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K12领域教育巨头高峰论坛 教育者的光荣与梦想--亲稳网络舆情监测室

Subtitle # e#

  我们能改变的 我们想要实现的 We can change we want to achieve


许晓书【搜狐教育频道主编】: XuXiaoShu【Sohu education channel editor】:第三个阶段我们谈一下我们的梦想是什么?

The third stage we talk about our dreams??? What???


张永春【安博教育北京安博学校校长】: ZhangYongChun【Ember education Beijing ember school principal】:想为教育做点实实在在事,这些事不是很宏伟,就是让孩子学习起来快乐一些及因为我当初教数学,也是想课堂氛围轻松一些,因为数学学起来两极分化非常厉害,我当初影响100多个孩子,后来我觉得应该影响更多的孩子,所以从事教育软件行业,后来回到培训市场,这样面对孩子更多了,我想把机构做成让孩子们愿意来的地方,这个名师不是公立学校特别有名的,就是把孩子留住、吸引孩子来的的老师我们网络一部分老师。

Want to do some real education,These things is not very grand,Is to let the children learn up happy because I had some and teaching mathematics,Also want to classroom atmosphere some easily,Because mathematics learning up polarization is very strong,I had influence more than 100 children,Then I think should influence more children,So engaged in education software industry,Later returned to training market,So face the children more,I want to make the institutions for children would like to place,The teacher is not public school special famous,The child is to keep、The teacher to attract children we network part of the teacher。


Can let the children happy learning is my biggest dream,My own children in grade one this year,I love in the public schools when the teacher,Sometimes we to education child opinion is different,She walked more realistic,I want to let children happy learning,So two people often make antinomy,But the child in the swing grow gradually,He also feel that get along with I feel pretty happy,With his mother in a tired,This is also contradictions。Our school is in the process of development,Because we two years old from school started to collect the、Has been to 18 years old,But I, I think we from the school children under 12 particularly happy,In the month to year 12,Especially the university entrance exam answer read that a pretty hard,This with selection system concerned。Involve to mention ability points,The different stage have different contradictions,How can we solve,Their dreams and reality how to combine。As Jesus preached about the same,To achieve a certain goal need packing,To parents and let the purpose children happy learning,This is I want to express。


赵晓林【安博京翰教育研究院高级总监】: ZhaoXiaoLin【Ember Beijing institute of advanced director John education】:这两个问题其实我挺悲观的,我们能改变的很少,从教育培训前一段龙文事情,实际上也是涉及教育行政部门部分,教育培训一直在夹缝中生存,这个时候需要国家政策方面的支持,而支持的原因教育培训的确成为国民经济中非常重要的组成部分,所以这个东西没法改变,我们能改变是自己,就像侯老师说的,如果06、07年市场造成教育培训的繁荣,但是那个繁荣实际上是一个非正常的状况,而现在这个市场正在回落正常的状态,现在教育培训很多机构能够感受出来,和06、07年做明显难度大了,但是不能抱怨,因为现在市场才回归正常。我们需要把自己管理水平提升上去,并且有一个理论支撑,我感觉从学大提出“个性化理论”出来是到位的,而现在这个理论支撑创新度没有,大家没有想起来新的理论支撑,我感觉理论支撑不太够,但是我们能改变的只是我们自己。

The two problems I actually pretty pessimistic,We can change very little,From education training a DuanLong before the things,In fact is also involved in education administrative department parts,Education training has been squeezed to survive,The need of national policy support,Support for the cause education training and become the national economy really is very important part,So this thing can't change,We can change is yourself,Like hou teacher said,If 06、In caused the prosperity of training education market,But that prosperity is actually a abnormal condition,But now the market fall is a normal state,Now education training a lot of organizations that can feel it,And 06、07 years do obvious difficulty big,But can't complain about,Because now market to return to normal。We need to put their management level up,And there is a theoretical support,I feel great put forward some measures“Personalized theory”Out of reach the designated position is,But now the theory innovation degrees without support,"People don't think up new theory support,I feel theory support not enough,But we can change is our own。


We want to achieve,Do education must have his education ideal,A institutions also have his education ideal,Our education ideal is to become China's national overall education a structural thing,Is it comes to China's education,Talk about public education inevitably、Private education,In addition to us as a plate put in reasonable,Ignore it is no good。This is our a ideal。


Another ideal,When we education training not to mention special points,That we could really successful education training,The whole this industry real health,And it is true we live it up,Have a long-term、sustainable。


梁勇【新英才学校校长】: LiangYong【New talent school principal】:我同意赵总的观点,我们能改变的就是我们自己,四年以前我接管过来,我们不干预教育支撑,四年时间发展两千多孩子,而且四年过程中提两次分,已经经历市场检验、家庭的认可。好多私立学校考察的时候,我就讲我们有两个干,第一教育行政部门没有对我们干预,我们自己评估自己。第二董事会对管理团队不干预,所有培训机构也好、还是私立机构能够坐在这里真的不容易,需要勇敢展示自己的机构,我们才能活着为生存,能够坐在这里论坛,我们自己呼吁很大,但是我们不希望和政府斗争,我们这些口舌省下来。我们之间不要竞争,公立教育要想改变它是很难的,我们政府要政治改革、经济改革,我认为都应该从教育改革。

I agree with ZhaoZong point of view,We can change is our own,Four years ago I took over. Come on,We don't intervention education support,Four years to develop a more than two thousand children,And four years two points in the process of lift,Have been through market inspection、Family recognition。Many private schools of the investigation,I will speak we have two dry,The first education administrative department to us without intervention,Our own assessments of their own。The second board of directors, management team not to intervene,All training institutions all right、Or private organizations that can sit here really not easy,Need to show their organization brave,We can live for survival,Can sit here BBS,We called on big,But we don't want to fight and government,We saved the breath。We don't competition between,Public education to change it is difficult,Our government to political reform、Economic reform,I think from the education reform should be。


Since the second world war,Japan surrendered very poor,A lot of children to go to school not to go to school,Is free to go to lunch,Now Japan and backbone is the elite when developed,Education reform from the start,Change from our own,From every training institutions for parents、For the market of the best,The sparrow has not small role,Our training organizations together,Go and public system competition,Only in this way can we go farther。For example the new Oriental has a problem,You won't say new Oriental?But training institutions?So here I am called for,From change ourselves first,From all the training organization and coordination up public competition,We must be higher than they badly。


冯颐【立尚教育总经理】: FengYi【Education is made general manager】:我记着我们当时起步的时候在没有破烂的办公室起步,到今天过去从业的公司已经目前留学行业的大颚,在09年我进入中小学课外辅导的时候,当时想法很简单,我本人做市场出身,做品牌运作不错。当时接了两个培训机构帮他们运作他们品牌是这样起家,当时接受这个机构在当时广州毫不知名的培训机构,我完成招生的时候反复问你有什么资源列给我?他告诉我的东西,当我完成招生之后反问问我你有老师吗?我非常震惊,我跟他分手了,我觉得这样行业状态太令人惊讶了。我信誓旦旦跟合作学校说,我们老师如何厉害,可是后来一查背景,是北师大珠海分校毕业不到半年的学生,他可以包装非常大牌的老师,这种状况把我吓着了,所以自己开始做。

I remember when we were starting to no junk in the office started,Today the company has currently employed past study industry large jaws,In I enter middle and primary school of extracurricular counseling,At that time is a simple idea,I do market was born,Do good brand operation。At that time to pick up the two training institutions to help their brand is so they started operation,Accept the agency at the time was not well-known guangzhou training institutions,I finished the recruit students ask you again and again have what resources listed for me?He told me things,When I finished the recruit students ask me after you have a teacher?I was shocked,He and I broke up,I think this industry status are amazing。I assured with partner school said,Our teacher how much,But then a background check,Graduated from Beijing normal university, zhuhai campus is less than half a student,He can packaging very big teacher,This situation frighten me,So I began to do。


I think that the agency employees abroad,In the very young,The boss told us,We can make the industry benchmarks,Believe that I must have the benchmarking to stand up,So at that time no. 10,Making the best service、The best employees,Including yourself self-discipline,Then use the industry inside,At least put image wash,No longer is a intermediary organizations,But education service suppliers。


Also can change we can self-discipline,To do,Don't talk people,This time also can counseling industry benchmarking to stand up,Won't someone after again with I speak,My mother said that you a famous brand graduates how to extracurricular counseling agencies work?Indeed the past two to three years inside,Including my hiring have inside a north division of graduate of Peking University and graduated students,They work for a short time after told me,My mother said that how can you do this degradation?We can change,Is that we become a counselling organization of social recognition of the organization。I believe that with the lower half time,Hope to promote industry practitioners have this glorious inside。


杨宇光【优盟教育中心校长】: YangYuGuang【Optimal union education center President】:教育培训行业这些年如果大家回过头看,大概从06年开始,很像一个行业进入短跑,大家看这个行业利润比较高,实际教育培训行业本身就是一个马拉松,教育不是短平快的东西,但是最近这些年拼命跑,跑到大家精疲力尽的时候,这个行业刚刚回到轨道上,不得不用马拉松速度发展,也就是如何提高教育服务质量,服务业质量在全球来讲都是很难做,这绝对是一个马拉松,而不是简单的开店,你可以跑前面一点,但是归根结底,只有像新东方用马拉松方法做,二十年才可能真正出一些优秀企业。

Education and training industry for years if you looked back,About from beginning,Much like a industry into the sprint,You look at the industry's profits is quite high,Practical education and training industry itself is a marathon,Education is not DuanPingKuai things,But recent years very hard to run,Run to you thoroughly exhausted,The industry has just into orbit,May not need not marathon speed development,That is, how to improve the education quality of service,The quality of service industry in global terms are hard to make,This is absolutely a marathon,Rather than simply a shop,You can run a little bit ahead,But in the final analysis,,Only a new Oriental with marathon way to do,Twenty years to be really out some excellent enterprise。


And LongWen liu2 zong3 said his goal first became 1%,In fact I believe that education industry have 10% or higher share of the enterprise will be sooner or later,But he may need to run、Endurance is extremely strong and scientific method with the training of the enterprise。Said to dream,In fact optimal union itself we do this with a dream,We dream is to make everyone an opportunity to get the best education,This is not the simple statement,Our dream is really deep teacher、Top teachers like an artists actually uncommon,History, truly the education do very good absolutely not by training do well,If such teacher through the modern Internet technology and education technology change the words,There's actually a chance,Opportunity may be more,Optimal au engaged in network education。


Such as physical,We find that the teacher to ordinary schools scores to key middle school's average,If use so the teacher to teach physics,The past teach several thousand、Tens of thousands of people did raise results soon。One day this industry will be a truly believe that long run very well,To reach the 20% share of the enterprise,I hope we have the chance to go to the team。


刘开朝【北京四中网校校长】: LiuKaiChao【Beijing college 4 principal】:北京四中网校多年来一直致力于网络教育,我们就是想让科技与教育进行结合,为学校创造出一种新的学习模式来,如果说到梦想应该是两点,第一点我们立足打造一个没有围墙的北京四中,让更多的孩子得到更好的教育。第二我们要致力于科技的发展进步与教育的结合,让科技为教育添光彩,让网络为学习增加幸福,谢谢!

Beijing 4 online schools for many years has been committed to the network education,We just want to make science and technology and education make combined,For the school to create a new study mode,If the dream should be two points,The first point we based on making a no fence of Beijing's fourth,Let more children get better education。The second we to commit to the development of science and technology progress and the combination of education,Let science and technology as the education shining,Let the network for learning increase happiness,thank you!


胡迪【巨人教育集团副总裁、北京巨人学校校长】: woody【The giant education group vice President、Beijing giant school principal】:我们要实现我们这个行业愿望,我希望各家学校或者企业做出标准化的东西出来,刚才侯老师也提到,培训行业企业管理水平比较低下,其实各家企业最开始做的时候都是老师上课,上完课就当老总,后边各家企业从别的行业也引入一些管理人才,比如说财务总监、人力资源总监都引进一些,因为本身教育行业里边标准化做的不是很好,所以基本上大部分企业引进这些经理人下场都比较悲惨。

We want to achieve our industry wishes,I hope his school or the enterprise to make something out of standardization,When the teacher also mentioned just now,Training industry enterprise management level is low,In fact his enterprise most started doing is the teacher,After class is when old total,Families behind from other industry also introduced enterprise some management talent,For example the financial director、The director of human resources are introduce some,Because itself education industry standardization do inside is not very good,So basically the enterprise introduces the most of these managers are more tragic end。


For example we each school have the headmaster,The actual every school do completely different,Don't like mature industry,A project manager to the other company is fully able to adapt,Our industry,The President in this school recruit students may do,Other schools may class,So many things to make things not standard,Because I'm responsible for Beijing this way,There is in Beijing in trying to do a thing,Standard it is too big,We can only make the industry standard。Including the teacher mentioned to have research and development、A teacher's selection、training,Like a learning and think before listed before,Our total together with them to reach a consensus,Where we are now training this one outside,The north general class all the year round,Several big agencies to a piece of summer and winter vacations in the middle school can pin down 17 first class,The winter vacation 7 times,Summer vacation 10 times,Very simple standard unified,On this basis to fair competition。


Like we mathematics,Month over the second,The three years are in a school learn words,Physics 91 times、Chemical 44 times,Based on this to do the teaching material、To do the research and development,Back to gradually realize the standardized training industry。Like the school teaching is in place、academic、Have the principal BanGongHui,We run by the education for public education status,First we start from itself,Each school standards make to all,And then get approval of other industries,Because I am old and other industry leadership contact,They education training very despised,Investment were very despised,Say we have no management。


Back from the technology first、The principal business was born each enterprise standardization is ready,I want to get this industry will also like other industries,Become a more mature、Get acceptance of the industry。At last I hope not listed enterprise behind,Can consider to domestic market。As new Oriental that year in the United States as listed,If any enterprise in the domestic market,Our industry should be legal at present,But may not compliance,If a list at home,Can open another gate。


须佶成【高思教育执行校长】: Must Ji into【High education executive President thought】:作为教育从业者一定是有理想的,2000—2010年处于萌芽时期,这个时期多数教育机构做比较简单的事情,深入学校有了老师、有了学生,于是这样模式就起来了,这样模式造成整体教育行业非常落后,因为一开始就是从原始的模式发展起来,现在的十年我觉得从市场、从营销、从管理、从产品到研发它的标准化、管理深度,按照真正现代化企业运作、运营的水平,会是教育行业十年中需要解决的问题,如果没有跟上这个步伐,我相信很快这个企业会被淘汰掉。再往后十年,我认为教育行业一定回归教育本原,因为教育行业一方面是教育、一方面是企业,教育有时候需要看长远一些,企业有时候看眼前一些,目前大家还在生存的时候,很难要求大家看的特别长远。

As education practitioners must have the ideal,2000-2010 in its infancy,This period education institutions do most simple things,Further school has been a teacher、The students,So this mode is up,This caused the whole education mode industry is very backward,Because from the beginning it was from the original model developed,Now ten years I think from the market、From the marketing、From the management、From products to research and development the standardization of it、Management depth,According to the real modern enterprise operation、Operation level,Education industry will be in 10 years need to solve the problem,If not keep up with the pace,I believe that the enterprise will soon be eliminated。Further back ten years,I think the education industry must return to nature of education,Because education industry on the one hand is education、On the one hand is the enterprise,Education sometimes need to see some long term,Enterprise sometimes looking before some,At present we are in existence,It is difficult to request everyone see special long-term。


All of the industry of the enterprise is hard for survival、struggle、Fight for their own space,I think 20、Return to the nature of education in 30 years,Education essence is???????Education pursuit is???????Who can this ten years this go long-term some,I think he has a good development。To 30-40 years who really do private education stand out,Far more than public schools appeared,I find that China education career is the development。China's education revolution may be behind economic development,But economic development to education change certain fundamental change,Now we have a little like the founding of the communist party in 1921 that state,First run by the special education needs to meet people,People need us,We also can organize forces,Everyone has his own strong teachers、Strong management team,Has the very strong research and development team,High on this side do think full-time teaching research and development work graduated from Peking University and tsinghua university more than 100 people,We live HuangZhuang crossroads must be China zhongguancun education in the future“The jinggang mountains”,These excellent talents for the love and education heart moving,We work in the whole experience to deep。Inside hope to infect other people、Help others of the primitive source,Education has the characteristics,So I hope that all private education of industry colleagues to work together,Insist on your ideal、Holding on to your dream,Become China's education revolutionary vanguard。
