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In recent years,The universities have involved in academic misconducts and events。From the disclosure of this revelation source academic striking the website to see,In a similar events of the domestic universities not only only these,About academic corruption、Project fraud、Papers such as copying and a report revealed to enumerate。

  2009年3月 March 2009

  ●浙江大学贺海波论文造假,被撤销副教授职务和任职资格。中国工程院院士、浙江大学药学院院长李连达负有监管不力的责任,不再续聘。 ●云南中医学院院长李庆生被指论文抄袭、一稿多投。李庆生主动申请对自己的相关论文进行鉴定,结果为“过度引用不当”。 ●浙江大学副教授贺海波被爆剽窃论文。浙大共核查了贺海波及其所在研究室相关人员涉嫌学术道德问题的论文20篇,其中贺海波涉及论文9篇。事发后,贺海波被撤销副教授职务和任职资格。浙大将其开除出教师队伍。

"Zhejiang university HeHaiBo paper fraud,Be revoked associate professor position and qualifications。Academician of Chinese academy of engineering、Zhejiang university college of pharmacy director responsible for supervision LiLianDa poor responsibility,discontinue。 Yunnan institute of traditional Chinese medicine LiQingSheng dean had referred to paper copy、A draft cast more。LiQingSheng active for an application to their own related papers identification,The results for“Excessive improper quoted”。 "Zhejiang, associate professor at the university HeHaiBo be critically plagiarized papers。Zhejiang university HeHaiBo checked and its place of laboratory personnel related facilitating academic question of ethics to paper 20 articles,Among them HeHaiBo involving paper 9 article。After the incident,HeHaiBo revoked associate professor position and qualifications。The zhejiang university expelled from teachers。

  2009年4月 April 2009

  ●中国工程院院士、著名血液病专家陆道培开发布会指认弟子、北京大学人民医院血液病研究所所长黄晓军,存在剽窃、造假等严重学术不端行为。 ●海南大学年仅38岁的大学教授、博导、学科带头人王凤阳,刚被任命为海南大学农学院副院长,就被卷入“学术造假”的漩涡。

"Chinese academy of engineering、Famous experts LiuDaoPei open conference would identify disciple、The people's hospital of Beijing university, director of blood HuangXiaoJun,Exist plagiarism、Like other serious fraud of academic misconduct。 "Hainan university 38 university professor、doctoral、WangFengYang discipline leaders,Just was appointed vice President of hainan university agronomy courtyard,Caught in“Academic misconducts”Swirl of。

  2009年5月 May 2009


"The northeast university of finance and economics in 2007 one article master's degree thesis,Nanjing university of finance and economics in 2006 with a master's degree thesis is surprisingly similar,Two papers framework to exactly the same,In addition to the place“jiangsu”Two words are replaced with“shandong”,Be net friend called“History most cow master thesis copying events”。

  2009年6月 June 2009


"Liaoning university vice President LiuJieRong in core journals《What is“theory”?》Blasting are suspected of plagiarism。Then liaoning university officials said,The paper first sign of it LiuJieRong people did not know,The second anonymous people、Beijing normal university philosophy and sociology college foreign philosophy professional level 2006 doctoral YangLun admitted that his reading of plagiarism,And then to the teacher before LiuJieRong anonymous。

  2009年8月 August 2009


"At the age of 64, wuhan university of technology, wuhan university President、Academician of the Chinese academy of sciences in 2009 ZhouZuDe candidates and their students XieMing a copy papers included in“The second session of national intelligence manufacturing academic meeting”The first edition on paper,Were found after after copying,The meeting and launch“Official version of”,Delete this。

  2009年9月 September 2009

  ●中山大学外语教学中心主任夏纪梅伙同副主任王哲等人,在申报2009年度“国家精品课程”(本科)时,张冠李戴,大肆造假。此事被郭颐顿副教授在学术打假网站“新语丝”上揭露,轰动一时。夏纪梅因此得了“夏骗骗”的外号。 ●广州中医药大学校长徐志伟被赖文教授和吴丽丽副教授联名举报其博士学位论文抄袭。其博士学位论文竟然在没有标明引用的情况下,将早一年毕业的敖海清博士的学位论文原文大段大段、甚至一连数页粘贴过来,直接把这些论述、分析和数据作为自己的博士学位论文内容,雷同文字数高达40%以上。

"Sun yat-sen university foreign language teaching, director of the center XiaJiMei vice director of colluding with WangZhe etc,In the year 2009 declaration“National fine-designed courses”(Bachelor degree)when,confusedly,Wantonly fraud。The matter was GuoYi associate professor in fighting for academic website“New yusi”Revealed on,Created a sensation。XiaJiMei so got“Summer cheat cheat”nickname。 -vice President of guangzhou university of Chinese traditional medicine XuZhiWei was LaiWen professors and associate professor WuLiLi joint report the Ph.D. Thesis of plagiarism。The Ph.D. Thesis was in no marked the citation of the next,One year before the graduation will be AoHaiQing doctor degree thesis large section of the original、Even for several pages paste to come over,These discusses directly、Analysis and data as his Ph.D. Thesis content,Similar characters number as high as 40% above。

  2010年3月 March 2010

  ●李连生,原西安交通大学长江学者特聘教授。他在2010年3月21日被西安交通大学认定存在“严重学术不端行为”,被取消教授职务,并解除教师聘用合同。 ●2010年3月号的《文艺研究》上,南京大学中文系教授王彬彬发表长文《汪晖的学风问题》,指证清华大学中文系教授汪晖的博士论文存在抄袭。

"LiLianSheng,The original xi 'an jiaotong university physics, the Yangtze river scholars。In 2010 he was on March 21, xi 'an jiaotong university that exist“Serious academic misconduct”,Be cancelled professor position,And remove teachers employ contract。 "March 2010《Literary studies》on,Nanjing university professor WangBinBin deregulation plan published《The style of his problems》,Tsinghua university professor prove his doctoral dissertation existence of plagiarism。

  2010年7月 July 2010

  ●2010年7月1日,素有打假斗士之称的方舟子,连续在其微博上发文,举证质疑唐骏在他所写的书《我的成功可以复制》当中所说的论文、学历,以及数项发明专利,还有他海外创业经历,都涉嫌造假。一时之间,关于唐骏是否造假这样的疑问也引发了社会广泛的关注。 ●2010年7月8日,网名为Isaiah的人士先后发表六篇文章指证著名学者朱学勤1992年的博士论文《道德理想国的覆灭——从卢梭到罗伯斯庇尔》涉嫌抄袭。后集结题为《朱学勤:学术界的又一个汪晖?》在网络上迅速传播。

"On July 1, 2010,Known as the fighter said the fighting fang,In the blog for the postings,The burden TangJun in that he questioned wrote the book《My success can copy》Among the papers said、degree,And several invention patent,And his formative experiences overseas,Are suspected of fraud。Between a,TangJun about whether fraud such doubt also led to social broad attention。 "On July 8, 2010,Net is the personage of Isaiah has published six article testify ZhuXueQin famous scholars in 1992 doctoral thesis《The fall of moral ideal countries--from Rousseau to robespierre once》Suspected of plagiarism。Was later on《ZhuXueQin:The academic circles and a standpoint?》On the network spread quickly。
