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《中国民生发展报告》发布 教育期待差异在哪?--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Beijing university China social science research center 2012《China minsheng development report》To released for publication。The report comes from the center“China family dynamic tracking survey”Data from the。China family dynamic tracking survey aims to track the collected individual、family、Community three levels of data,Reflects the social、economic、population、Education and health changes,For the academic research and public policy analysis provides the data base。This sample cover the country 25 provinces,Family total sample of 16000。2011 years of the above family and teenagers、Children's sample tracking survey。The following content from the report fourth part《Youth education》。


The education of girls in the family for the boy's education than input(Guangdong except),Extracurricular counselling and ChengGuTing education spending most of the family education


According to the statistics,The education of girls in the family for the boy's education than input,In addition to the guangdong,Other provinces education spending is higher than all girl boy。This may and contemporary family raise cultural psychology(if“The girl to a rich”)There is a certain relationship,At the same time is also the one-child policy a predictable lagged,That women's disadvantages competition for resources in because the policy and to be reversed,Especially in the urban middle class families。


表一 全国及五省市分性别的家庭教育年支出(单位:元) Watch a national and five provinces and cities of family education, gender points spending(unit:yuan)

  地区 男 女 均值 样本量

Male female in the mean sample size

  全国 1595.0 1640.5 1616.4 5796

The national 1595.0 1640.5 1616.4 5796

  辽宁 2914.9 3125.3 3016.6 477

Liaoning 2914.9 3125.3 3016.6 477

  上海 4669.9 5264.5 4949.9 351

Shanghai 4669.9 5264.5 4949.9 351

  河南 1124.9 1269.4 1189.9 1316

Henan 1124.9 1269.4 1189.9 1316

  广东 1447.3 1391.3 1420.8 1097

Guangdong 1447.3 1391.3 1420.8 1097

  甘肃 611.1 677.0 624.0 1234

Gansu 611.1 677.0 624.0 1234


In the family education expenditure structure formation,The eastern region family and central regions in spending on basic family structure similar,The biggest expenditure for extracurricular counselling and family education spending,And the western region family education spending is one of the largest for other spending。


表二 分区域的教育支出结构数据(单位:元/%) Table 2 points of education expenditure structure area data(unit:Yuan / %)

  开支项 东部 中部 西部 全国

A Middle East west national expenditure

  金额 百分比 金额 百分比 金额 百分比 金额 百分比

Amount percentage amount percentage amount percentage amount percentage

  教材和参考书 170.5 16.8 159.5 16.8 111.9 22.9 148.5 17.9

Teaching materials and reference books 170.5 16.8 159.5 16.8 111.9 22.9 148.5 17.9

  课外书 92 9.1 87.7 9.2 47.5 9.7 76.7 9.2

92 9.1 87.7 9.2 47.5 kinds of extra readings 9.7 76.7 9.2

  课外辅导 296.9 29.3 296.9 31.2 58.8 12 223.8 27

296.9 29.3 296.9 extracurricular counseling 31.2 58.8 223.8 December 27

  住宿 68.3 6.7 69.5 7.3 46.6 9.5 62.1 7.5

68.3 6.7 69.5 7.3 46.6 accommodation 9.5 62.1 7.5

  交通 89.9 8.9 95.4 10.0 49.2 10.1 79.4 9.6

89.9 8.9 95.4 10.0 49.2 traffic 10.1 79.4 9.6

  择校 137.8 13.6 80.5 8.5 36.8 7.5 85.8 10.3

137.8 13.6 80.5 8.5 36.8 dispossessed 7.5 85.8 10.3

  其他 158.1 15.6 161.1 16.9 137.6 28.2 152.9 18.4

158.1 15.6 161.1 16.9 137.6 other 28.2 152.9 18.4

  总计 1013.5 100.0 950.6 100.0 488.4 .100.0 829.2 100.0

1013.5 100.0 950.6 100.0 in 488.4 100.0 829.2 100.0


全国有89.5%的孩子参加辅导班 The national 89.5% of children for the remedial class

  表三 分区域的样本少儿参加辅导班情况(单位:%/小时)

Table 3 points of children attend remedial class area samples(unit:% / hour)

  区域 参加 没参加 合计 周平均用时 标准差 样本量

Area to total didn't attend an average week only standard deviation sample size

  东部 87.9 12.1 100.0(2016) 9.4 9.9 210

The eastern 87.9 12.1 100.0(2016) 9.4 9.9 210

  中部 86.3 13.7 100.0(1680) 10.6 12.0 274

The central 86.3 13.7 100.0(1680) 10.6 12.0 274

  西部 95.2 4.8 100.0(5451) 8.0 12.1 81

The western 95.2 4.8 100.0(5451) 8.0 12.1 81

  全国 89.5 10.5 100.0(1755) 9.8 11.3 565

The national 89.5 10.5 100.0(1755) 9.8 11.3 565

  表四 分性别的样本少儿参加辅导班情况(单位:%/小时)

Watch four points of children attend remedial class gender samples(unit:% / hour)

  性别 参加 没参加 合计 周平均用时 标准差 样本量

Gender in total didn't attend an average week only standard deviation sample size

  男 9.3 90.7 100.0(2892) 10.4 11.6 476

Male 9.3 90.7 100.0(2892) 10.4 11.6 476

  女 11.8 88.2 100.0(2559) 9.8 11.2 545

Female 11.8 88.2 100.0(2559) 9.8 11.2 545


Statistics show that,The national 89.5% of children for the remedial class(Including tutor),Only for 9.8 hours a week on the average。The western area of the class in the children's sample the highest ratio,95.2%,But weeks when the average is at least,Only 8.0 hours a week。The central region of the class in the children's sample the lowest share,86.3%,But weeks is the most used when the average,For 10.6 hours a week。Women than men samples of the children's sample children take part in more remedial class(Gap to 2.5%),But the men of the week when average sample children(10.4 hours)More than women samples of the children's(9.8 hours)。


八成父母希望孩子读到本科,而只有四成孩子有同样的期待 Parents hope that the child read eighty percent undergraduate course,And only forty percent of children have the same expectations


In the future to children in what kind of career,Parents and children have different expectations。survey,Parents expect more children have fixed income in the ordinary occupation and respected profession,Most don't want children choose to get people speak highly of professional and seek oneself profession。While children are looking forward to is the professional service to the society、Respected profession。

  表五 分性别的少儿对自己未来的教育期待(单位:%)

Watch five points of children's gender for your future education looking forward to(unit:%)

  性别 小学 初中 高中 大专 本科 硕士 博士 不必读书 合计

Gender elementary school junior high college undergraduate course, dr don't have to read a master's total

  男 3.3 12.0 25.8 8.8 38.3 3.1 8.0 0.8 100(1200)

3.3 12.0 25.8 8.8 38.3 men 3.1 8.0 0.8 100(1200)

  女 2.3 7.5 22.3 9.8 47.3 4.8 5.3 0.7 100(1100)

2.3 7.5 22.3 9.8 47.3 women 4.8 5.3 0.7 100(1100)

  合计 4.0 9.8 24.2 9.3 42.6 3.9 6.7 0.7 100(2310)

4.0 9.8 24.2 9.3 42.6 total 3.9 6.7 0.7 100(2310)


From see nationwide,Close to eighty percent of the parents want children to read undergraduate or above,One undergraduate course is 53.3%,Doctor to 21.0%,Show that the Chinese the parents and children of the high expectations。Other education level of proportion are not significant,Only 0.9% of parents are divided into children don't have to read。Points gender,The girl's parents hope that the child read undergraduate course and the proportion of the above below boy,Especially hope girl read the proportion of dr. 18.8% and boy parents choose there is a big gap between the proportion of 23.0%。This shows that,Our country the existence of male highly educated preferences。

  表六 分少儿性别的父母对孩子未来的教育期待(单位:%)

Table 6 minutes and children's gender of the parents and children education look forward to the future(unit:%)

  性别 小学 初中 高中 大专 本科 硕士 博士 不必读书 合计

Gender elementary school junior high college undergraduate course, dr don't have to read a master's total

  男 4.0 2.4 7.3 5.6 53.6 3.5 23.0 0.6 100(1288)

4.0 2.4 7.3 5.6 53.6 men 3.5 23.0 0.6 100(1288)

  女 3.9 3.6 6.2 7.8 53.0 5.4 18.8 1.3 100(1105)

3.9 3.6 6.2 7.8 53.0 women 5.4 18.8 1.3 100(1105)

  合计 4.0 3.0 6.8 6.6 53.3 4.4 21.0 0.9 100(2393)

4.0 3.0 6.8 6.6 53.3 total 4.4 21.0 0.9 100(2393)


Children from samples for your future education expect to see,They wish to read to the highest percentage of undergraduate course,Up to 42.6% of the,Wish to read to high school take second place,24.2%,Choose other education degree by the proportion of the difference。And parents' education than expected,The level of education for their children to significantly lower。Points gender,The girl for your future education expect to be higher than boys,Mainly displayed in the hope that the girl read undergraduate course proportion(47.3%)Far higher than hope read undergraduate course boy proportion(38.3%)。comparison,Performance in education looking forward to gender differences in,Parents generation and children generation just the opposite。(ChenMinYan)
