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搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您认为,职业教育更适合什么样家庭的学生,或者说反观过去发展的24年,家长“唯学历热”的观念是否有所改变?

Do you think,Vocational education is more suitable for what kind of family student,Or in the development of the past 24 years,parents“Only degree heat”If the idea of change?


 张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming【Xinhua education group executive vice President】:关于这个问题,学生的家庭成份、区域的成份都不明显,既有城市的也有农村的,既有收入高的家庭也有收入低的家庭。可以说我们从事的是一种平民教育,这也符合我一贯的观点,我认为教育应该实现它的公平,人人多有接受教育的权利,人人都可以通过教育得到自己想要的东西。如果说在学历上以前我们根深蒂固的观念对学历的重视很难短时间内改变但是技能的重要性正在改变或者已经得到很大的改变,大家都意识到技能的重要性。我们学校来说,既要让他学到技能,同时还可以让他拥有学历。所以我们推出了“技能+学历”的专业,有学习两年的专业,初中毕业生可以在这里学中专,毕业以后可以拿到中专学历。高中毕业的学生可以拿到大专的学历,可以在校期间辅导他参加成人高考,同时也能够实现学历的丰收。我们有一句话,一份努力两份收获,既让他有敲门砖,又让他掌握扎实的技能,这样的人才推到市场上是很可怕的,因为他会抢普通大学生的饭碗,会使就业市场发生很大的变化。正是因为有这样一些成功的案例,所以学生家长作用反馈过来对这些观念有所改变,更加注重技能,同时我们也还能够满足他对于学历的要求,所以是这样一个局面。

About the problem,Students' family ingredients、The ingredients are not obvious area,Both the city also has the countryside,Both high income family also has low income families。Can say we engaged in a is a civilian education,It also accords with I always point of view,I think that education should realize its fair,Everyone has the right to accept education,Everyone can through the education to get what they want。If in degree before we deeply rooted in the idea to the attention of the short time but it is difficult to change the importance of skills is changing or has got a lot of change,You are aware of the importance of skills。Our school is,Both want to let him learn skills,At the same time also can let him have a degree。So we rolled out“Skills + degree”professional,Have a learning two years of professional,Junior high school graduates can learn the technical secondary school in here,After graduation can get a technical school。High school graduate students can get a college degree,Can help him to during the period of school adult the university entrance exam,At the same time also can realize the harvest of a degree。We have a word,A effort two harvest,Both let him open sesame,And let his master deep skills,Such talent pushed to the market is very terrible,Because he would grab the ordinary university students jobs,Will make a great difference to the job market。Because there are so few of successful cases,So the parents of the students come to these ideas feedback effect change,Pay more attention to skills,And we are able to meet him for the degree requirements,So is such a situation。



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搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:现在来看我们所有开设的专业里面哪些是属于未来高精的职业?

Now come to see us all what is inside the open professional belongs to future career high precision?


 张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming【Xinhua education group executive vice President】:我有一句话,实用就是高端,我们有人说你培养的是电脑学生是不是就高端?烹饪的学生是不是就是低端?我不这样认为。社会职业分工不同没有高低贵贱之分,你要说它的高可能是学习起来难度比较大,但是越实用越高端。比如我们就说厨师,到饭店里面立刻就能上灶,立刻就能做出很好的作品,很多毕业生到饭店以后成为饭店的技术骨干。这个你能说它低端吗?也不能说低端。在国外来说烹饪是一种美食也是一种时尚,也是时尚的风向标。这次到法国去考察,它的美食大师跟法国时尚界最顶尖的设计师是很好的朋友,而且他们定期有交流,说明烹饪也是高端。只要让学生掌握到实用的技术,那就是高端。比如我们有一种焊接电焊,电焊我们认为它是低端的,实际低端当中蕴含着高端。神八神九飞天,里面精密的东西需要焊接,在全国可能就一两个人可以焊接这个东西,或者在飞机上或者在航母上或者在其它的构造上这就是技术就是高端就是实用。我们不刻意做高端,但是会做到实用。

I have a word,Practical is high-end,We have people who say you of the training of the students is a computer is high-end?The student is cooking is low?I don't think so。Social professional division of different no high and low points,You say it's high may be learning up difficult,But the more practical the high-end。Like we said cook,To the hotel in immediately on kitchen,Immediately he could make a good work,Many graduates to become a restaurant after the hotel technology backbone。This can you say it low?Also cannot say that low。In foreign countries for cooking is a food also is a kind of vogue,Also is fashionable vane。This going to France to study,Its food with master French fashion industry's top designers are very good friends,And they communicate regularly,That cooking is high-end。Just let the students master to practical skills,That is high-end。Such as we have a kind of welding wire,Welding we think it is the low end,The low end of the actual contains the high-end。God BaShen nine flying,Inside the precision things need to welding,In the national may be a two people can welding this thing,Or in the plane or in the carrier or in other structure that is technology is high-end is practical。We do not deliberately high-end,But will be practical。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:随着人们生活水平的提高,有没有一些专业成为新型专业或是一些新兴职业,比如调酒,是不是这几年开始兴起的?

With the improvement of people's living standard,Is there some professional become the new professional or some new career,For example.,Is this a few years began to rise?


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming【Xinhua education group executive vice President】:现在随着经济社会的发展,人们的生活方式发生很多的变化,为什么烹饪这个专业委员得火爆,因为现在在家里吃饭少了到外面吃饭多了,不可能带锅带灶都是专业厨师做出来的,这就造成厨师的需求量是上涨的。同时,我们现在随着这么多年的发展逐步的国际化也逐步西化,特别是互联网的发展,使我们80后90后甚至00后的这些人群他们的生活方式发生了改变,他们更加崇尚快捷、个性以及不同的营养摄入方式。中餐是一个重要的部分,但是有一部分比如西餐西点调酒,随着人们对生活品质的提高会有不同的需求,所以西点现在在新东方烹饪教育是一个非常热门的专业,受到青年朋友们的追捧。我们在教学过程当中也做了一些特色化,比如说我们的西餐西点教师里面的音乐教室,我们老师会弹钢琴,老师会给你放一段优美的音乐,让你产生一些美感,然后做出来的作品是不一样的。你说的非常好,它会有一些新兴的职业受到大家的重视,而且这些职业,因为新兴、稀少、紧缺往往是薪水比较高的。

Now, with the development of society and economy,People's way of life happen a lot of change,Why cooking the professional committee have to hot,Because now to have dinner at home out to eat less,Take pot with kitchen are professional cook,This can make demand is rising cook。At the same time,We now with so many years of development gradually international also gradually westernization,Especially the development of the Internet,Make us 80 after, even after 90 after these people their way of life changed,They more advocate quickly、Personality and different nutritional intake way。Chinese food is an important part,But there are part of such as western food shake at west point,As people of the quality of life will improve have different needs,So now in the new Oriental education cooking at west point is a very popular professional,By young friends to chase after hold in both hands。We in the teaching of course did some characteristic,For example our western food inside the music classroom teacher at west point,Our teacher can play the piano,The teacher will give you put a beautiful music,Allows you to generate some aesthetic feeling,Then make to work is not the same。You say of very good,It will have some new professional is everybody's attention,And these professional,Because emerging、scarce、Shortage is often high salary。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:咱们学校的学员就业率能达到百分之百吗?

Let's school students employment rate could reach one hundred percent?


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming【Xinhua education group executive vice President】:学生的就业是绝对没有问题,可能百分之百不止,因为我们的学生非常抢手供不应求,特别特别是烹饪专业。学生还没有毕业就有企业来预定来抢,的确是这样,很多校长因此得罪了一些企业。我来定了为什么不给我人?实际上一个是供应的人数不够,另外我们会对企业有所挑选。对学员提供什么样以上的待遇什么样的发展计划才能给你才能推荐学生到你那儿工作,否则我们是不给的,我们学生工作待遇好了他的口碑就会好,学校的口碑好才能带动更多的人来学习,使更多的人受益。

The student's employment is absolutely no problem,May be more than one hundred percent,Because of our students are very popular in short supply,Special especially cooking professional。Students have not graduate have enterprise come to book to steal,Indeed it is,A lot of the principal so against some of the enterprise。I come to set a why not give I?In fact a is the number of supply enough,In addition, we will have to choose enterprise。What kind of participants of the above what kind of development plan to pay for you to recommend to your students work there,Otherwise we is not to give,We students pay his reputation will be good,The school's good reputation to drive more people to study,To benefit more people。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:校企合作有没有优秀的典型案例?

The school-enterprise cooperation have excellent typical case?


 张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming【Xinhua education group executive vice President】:上次专门到郑州新东方烹饪学校参加了校企合作仪式,在河南省人民大会堂举行的校企签约仪式。郑州市劳动局局长也参加了,他说能让这么多的企业到学校来让学生供不应求今天我还是第一次见到,他在全国选了十几家企业的代表都是比较高端的,这些学生这些企业为了得到学生或者为了表明他们,我们会让学生填就业志愿,十个企业或者五个人有十个企业可以挑,你愿意到哪儿,各个企业把你的跟招投标一样把你的条件开出来,让学生自愿选择,这也是一种方式。更多的企业如果跟我们合作很好,对学生发展很好的。我们很重视校企合作,一开班定向为他的员工,然后他的厨师长、行政总厨、企业的人事员工讲师可以到学校上课,直接给他培养,这样的话更有针对性,而且企业文化进课堂。很多新员工到企业做很多的企业文化方面的培训规章制度方面的培训,我们真正做到无缝对接。

The last time special to zhengzhou new Oriental cooking school to the school-enterprise cooperation ceremony,The great hall of the people in henan province university and the signing ceremony。Zhengzhou labor bureau chief also took part in,He said can let so many enterprise to school to let students in short supply today is the first time I've seen,He in the national chose a dozen the representative of the enterprise is the more high-end,These students enterprise in order to get these students or to show them,We would allow students to fill in the employment volunteer,Ten enterprise or five people have ten enterprise can pick,Will you come to,Each enterprise put your with bidding you pull out of condition,Let students volunteer to choose,This is also a kind of way。More enterprise if we cooperate with very well,The development of students is very good。We take very seriously the school-enterprise cooperation,A directional opening for his employees,Then his chef、Executive chef、Enterprise personnel employees can go to school and lecturer,Direct to him develop,So more targeted,And the enterprise culture in the classroom。Many new employees to do a lot of enterprise culture enterprise training rules and regulations training,We really do seamless docking。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您个人从事教育这么多年,新华教育集团的模式是否会被别人复制?有什么不同之处?

Your personal for so many years engaged in education,Xinhua education group pattern whether someone else will be copied?What is the difference?


 张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming【Xinhua education group executive vice President】:曾经有人试图复制,现在还没有成功的案例。因为做教育我觉得也是一种修行,不是说能够一蹴而就的,不是说你看到它一两个亮点学去就能够这样,我觉得更多的是一种坚持是一种精神,是一种对教育的态度,我觉得这个非常关键。我们这个高管团队基本十年工龄以上的,他们对教育的执着,对教育的深入研究才能够有我们这样一个特色的东西在里面。我想这种复制是很难的,除非你用心做出同样的付出,我也祝愿能够在全国各地出现更多的教育集团,因为这块要做的事情实在太多。我们也可能忙不过来,如果有更多的人愿意投身到职业教育的工作当中,我也是非常得欢迎,也希望大家多能够越办越好。这是我的一个基本想法。当然我们的目标是一直被模仿,从未被超越。

Once someone is trying to copy,There is no success stories。Because education I think is also a kind of spiritual practice,Not to say that can be achieved overnight,Not to say that you see it a two bright spots go learn to like this,I think is more of a persistence is a kind of spirit,Is a kind of education to the attitude,I think this is critical。The executive team basic ten years above the length of service,Their persistence to education,For education research can have us a distinct things in it。I think this copy is difficult,Unless you put your mind to make the same pay,I also wish to all around the country appear more education group,Because this to do is really too much。We may also busy,If more people are willing to join in the vocational education work,I am also very welcome,Also hope everybody can better and better。This is one of my basic idea。Of course our goal is always to imitate,Has never been beyond。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:在过去的这些年里,您觉得最遗憾的是什么,最欣慰的是什么?

In the past years,Do you think the most regrettable??? What??,The most gratified??? What???


 张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming【Xinhua education group executive vice President】:最遗憾的是我们还没有让所有需要接受职业教育的人能够按照自己的意愿在社会上得到他想要的地位、待遇以及他所想要得到的受教育的机会。我一直就想,国民教育也好,平民教育也好,但是最多的它的精神应该是教育的公平。如果说人人都有接受职业教育的机会,人人都拥有一技之长,那我们的社会也是和谐的,我们的经济发展可能会更好,包括我们所生存的环境,人与人之间的相处可能都会更加得友好。因为这样会提高我们整体的国民素质,也能够提高我们产业升级的速度,能够让我们更快的把国家建设好,应该是这样。最高兴的就是我在从事职业教育,我对这个职业非常得热爱,我也以能够让更多的学生接受新华教育而兴奋。我也会一直坚持,我也希望广大搜狐的青年网友们朋友们都能够有一个非常好的发展,能够对自己的人生有一个非常好的规划,使我们做教育的能够非常有成就感。

Most unfortunately we haven't let all need to receive vocational education can according to his will in the society get what he wanted status、Treatment and what he wants to get the opportunity to be education。I've always wanted to,National education or,Civilian education or,But most of it is education of spirit should be fair。If everyone has the opportunity to receive vocational education,Everyone has good at something,That our community is harmonious,Our economic development may be better,Including the environment we live,Among the people will get along with even more friendly。Because that will improve our overall national quality,Can we improve our industrial upgrading speed,Can let us faster to national construction,Should be such。The most happy is that I engaged in professional education in,I very love this occupation,I also can let more students to accept xinhua education and excited。I will also has been insisting,I also hope that the sohu young users friends to have a very good development,Can to own life has a very good plan,We do education can very has the sense of achievement。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们新华人的光荣与梦想,您觉得是什么?

Our new Chinese glory and dream,Do you think it is?


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming【Xinhua education group executive vice President】:我们的吴俊保董事长提出来“办中国最好的职业教育”,这就是我们的光荣与梦想,我们一直为此而矢志不渝,艰苦奋斗,我想总会有实现的一天。

Our WuJunBao chairman out“Do the best Chinese vocational education”,This is our glory and dream,We have been for this and commitment,Hard struggle,I think there will always be a day of realization。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢张总。

Thanks zhang。


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming【Xinhua education group executive vice President】:希望搜狐的更多网友们可以走进新华教育,也期待大家给我们提更多的意见和建议,让我们携手一起把教育事业做好。

Hope sohu more users can go to the xinhua education,Expect everybody to give us to raise more advice and Suggestions,Let us hand in hand together to education career well。
