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 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:各位搜狐网友大家好,欢迎观看《搜狐教育会客厅》的《走进中国教育名企66强》栏目,今天我们来到了素有中国“职教航母”之称的新华教育集团总部,今天的嘉宾是新华教育集团常务副总裁张明先生,欢迎您。

You sohu net friend everybody is good,Welcome to watch《Sohu education saloon》of《Come into China education 66 strong companies》column,Today we went to the known as China“Vocational education aircraft carrier”Xinhua said the education group headquarters,Today's guest is xinhua education group managing vice President Mr. Zhang Ming,Welcome you。


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming【Xinhua education group executive vice President】:搜狐的网友大家下午好。

Sohu net friend of good afternoon。



Xinhua education group managing vice-president zhang accept sohu education《Come into China education 66 strong companies》interview


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:新华教育集团素有“职教航母”之称,这艘“航母”的体积有多大?请张总给我们做一个介绍。

Xinhua education group known as“Vocational education aircraft carrier”said,The ship“Aircraft carrier”How big is the volume?Please zhang to give us a presentation。


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming【Xinhua education group executive vice President】:我们新华教育集团旗下拥有三个著名的职教品牌,分明是新华电脑教育、新东方烹饪教育和万通汽修教育,这三个类型的教育我们在全国有47所学校,我们常年在校生有15万人的规模,这是新华教育集团旗下关于职教部分。另外我们新华教育集团还办有一所国家承认学历的民办本科院校,也是安徽省第一所民办本科院校。同时还有一所国家级重点中专,学历教育有这两所学校,除此之外还有一所驾驶培训学校叫新华驾校。我们累计的所有的学校加在一起将近一百万,这也是把我们称为职教航母的原因,从学生数量和教学规模上都是全国领先的。

We xinhua education group, which has three famous brand of vocational education,Clear is a xinhua computer education、New Oriental education and wantong motor repair cooking education,The three types of education in our national have 47 schools,We can have the scale of the 150000 students,This is the xinhua education group, the part about the vocational education。In addition we xinhua education group still do have a the country admits record of formal schooling of private universities and colleges of undergraduate course,Anhui province is the first private universities and colleges of undergraduate course。And a national key technical secondary school,Degree education have the two schools,Also, there is a driving training school is xinhua st。We all the school of accumulative total together nearly one million,This is what we call the carrier of the vocational education cause,From the number of students and the teaching in scale, is one of the country's leading。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:教育领域有很多种,为什么选择职业教育?

Education field has a lot of kinds,Why choose vocational education?


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming【Xinhua education group executive vice President】:我们从1988年开始做职业教育,距今已经24年。职业教育是国家经济发展的基石,技能性的人才也是我们经济社会发展很大的需求,从世界范围来看,一个产品质量好、工业发达、经济社会发达的国家是职教的先进国家,比如德国、日本、欧洲、法国职业教育是相当得发达,举办职业教育既解决了青年的就业问题,掌握技能的问题,同时也解决企业的需求问题,使我们学生都能有一技之长参与到工作当中,有利于我们产品质量的提高,技术工人的数量应该说一定程度上决定了一个国家的制造水平。

We begin from 1988 do vocational education,It has 24 years。Vocational education is the cornerstone of the development of the national economy,The talent is also our skills of economic and social development of the great demand,From the world to see,A good quality of product、Industry developed、Economic society developed country is in advanced countries vocational education,Like Germany、Japan、Europe、Vocational education is quite to French developed,Vocational education can resolve the youth employment problems,The problem of skills,At the same time also solve the needs of the enterprises,So that we can have students to participate in good work,To improve the quality of our products,The number of technical workers should be said to some extent determine a country manufacturing level。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:中国教育民名企66强都是在教育领域里面有一定的特出贡献有一定特色的,新华教育集团和其它教育名企最大特色在什么地方?

China's education and the top 66 companies are in the education field has certain unique contribution in a certain feature,Xinhua education group and other education saw the biggest characteristic in what place?


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming【Xinhua education group executive vice President】:新华教育集团跟所有的院校不一样,我们所有的学校都是直营院校,总公司集团公司直接管理投资的,最大的好处能够保证质量,同时能够为学生控制风险,质量管控也有利于我们学生的统一标准的培养。集团的力量应该说培养的质量有保障,这是第一。第二,我们在职业教育系统中特别强调“理实一体化”的建设,注重校企合作,我们的学生在学校里面80%的时间都是动手的时间,职业教育跟别的教育不一样,我们重实践轻理论,只有通过不断的反复练习才能够提高熟练度,才能够真正扎实掌握技术。我们要求课堂就是工作的现场,通过与企业之间的交流互动校企合作的定向培养,使学生与工作岗位需求之间无缝对接,这是我们的培养特色。第三,我们所有的院校都是独立校园,既管学生生活住宿也管学生教学,跟其它的教育培训机构像一栋楼简单的培养方式是有差别的。我们给学生校园化的熏陶,让学生在这里能够潜移默化的把自己培养成职业人,我们要求的是职业化校园的打造。在校园的管理上、学生寝室的管理上独具特色,我们所有学生的被子叠成豆腐块,军事化管理。所有学生的脸盆、鞋子摆成一条直线,“五齐四净三准时”。“五齐”指被子齐、鞋子齐、物品摆放齐,“四净”指地面净墙面净桌面净,“三准时”指准时就寝准时上课,这些都是我们多少年以来一贯坚持下来的特色。

Xinhua education group with all the colleges and universities,All of our school is a retail colleges and universities,Corporation group company direct management of investment,The biggest benefit can be sure of the quality,At the same time for students to control risk,Quality control also to help us students a unified standard in the training。The power of the group should be said of the training of the quality is guaranteed,This is the first。The second,Our professional education system in particular emphasis on“Richard real integration”construction,Pay attention to the school-enterprise cooperation,Our students in schools is 80% of the time by time,Vocational education and other education,We practice heavy light theory,Only through constant practice can improve skilled degrees,Can truly solid master technology。Our classroom is the work requirements,Through the interaction between enterprises school-enterprise cooperation of the directional training,To make the students and job demand seamless docking,This is our training characteristics。The third,All of our institutions are independent campus,The students living accommodation is also tube students' teaching,With other education training institutions like a building simple cultivating mode is the genotype。We give them the edification of the campus,Let the students here can exert a subtle influence on train for the professional people,We demand the professional the making of the campus。In the management of the campus、The management of students' dormitory with unique features,We all the students' quilt up into DouFuKuai,Militarized management。All the students' wash basin、Shoes place into a straight line,“Five together four net three on time”。“Five together”Refers to all the quilt、Shoes together、Article are put together,“Four net”Show ground net metope net desktop net,“Three on time”Refers to go to bed on time on time for class,These are our many years has consistently adhered to the characteristics of down。


We think that teach students skills is very important,And to training students to be qualified people,Fashion into personality healthy people,On personality forming is also very important。We pay attention to education industry in at the same time pay special attention to student's quality education,In campus culture,Specially developed for the professional course course and courseware,Many students have only a technology is no good,Haven't become a perfect person,Pay special attention to the shape of personality,Through the daily management and quality education of the course,Including some students can't express himself,No way to complete the correct express himself。We want to begin speaking class activities,Not only to tell,Give him a chair facing all students stand on a chair speak,Open he express own a lot of development case。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们现在一年像这种新华电脑教育培养多少人才?他们的去向是怎样的?

We are now a year like this kind of xinhua computer education training talents how much?They go what kind of?


 张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming【Xinhua education group executive vice President】:现在一年新华电脑教育培养大约占到六七万人,在全国是这样一个规模。电脑专业我们办的时间很长,而且我们坚持走技术化的道路,每年都会对教材课程进行更新,刚刚我们新华电脑教育承接了人事部的“四新人才培养计划”,对人才标准的重新定义,推出了最适合现在产业需要的IT人才,从现在课程的设置我们做了更新。同时现在全国各地都在新专业开始招生,招生的形势非常好,学生对专业非常渴求,这是一个新的专业培养专业研发方面。另外一方面,我们现在各个新华电脑教育的学校,因为我们在全国有16所新华电脑学院,新华电脑学院主要各个学校有自己的特色,有的以动漫作为重点学科,有的以平面设计作为重点学科,有的以网络,有的以软件开发作为重点学科,要求个学校都要有自己的特色,进行区域的重点实验室建设。比如网络我们就重点在学校里面做大的投入,购买的最先进的设备,请的是一线的老师,确保质量达到各个专业的特色。对于学生的就业应该说都是非常好的,比一般的大学毕业生应该说更是受到单位的欢迎,他们既有理论也有实践。

Now in a computer education training for about xinhua six or seven to ten thousand people,In the national is such a scale。The computer professional we do time is very long,And we insist on technical issues of road,Every year to the teaching material update course,Just our education to undertake the xinhua computer of the personnel department“Four new talent cultivation plan”,The standard definition of talents,Launched the most suitable for now need IT talents industry,From now course setting we did the update。And now all over the country in the new professional began to recruit students,Enrollment situation is very good,The students for the professional very long for,This is a new professional training professional development。On the other hand,We are now all computer education school xinhua,Because we have in the 16 xinhua computer college,Xinhua computer college major schools have their own characteristics,Some cartoon as key discipline,Some graphic design as a key discipline,Some network,Some software development as a key discipline,Request a school should have their own characteristics,The key laboratory construction area。We will focus on such as network in schools do big input,The purchase of the most advanced equipments,Please is a line of the teacher,Ensure quality to achieve each professional characteristics。For the student's employment should say it is all very well,The university graduates than general should be said it with the welcome of the unit,They both theory also have practice。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:一线的教师是不是大多数都是在大公司里面工作过的?

A line of the teacher is great majority is in a big company work inside?


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming【Xinhua education group executive vice President】:IT教育上我们积累了一大批在某专业非常有建树的大师,一方面从企业里面做过从事某一项技术很多年资深的工作人员,现在把他们请到兼职岗位。另外从各知名院校招聘经过反复培训的自有师资,还有一批外聘教师,从校企合作的企业里面请到他们的技术总监资深的技术人员来给我们的教师上课,新华电脑教育的师资力量应该说在IT教育里面应该是很强的。

IT education we have accumulated a large number of on in a professional very had masters,On the one hand from the enterprise engaged in inside do a certain technology for years senior staff,Now they please to part-time jobs。From all the other well-known colleges after repeated its training for teachers,And a number of concurrent post teachers,From the school-enterprise cooperation enterprise inside their technical director to please the experienced technical personnel to give our teacher in class,Xinhua computer education teachers should say IT education in there should be a is very strong。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:烹饪教育和电脑教育,相对来说男女性别的学员比例是怎样的?

Cooking education and computer education,Other participants relatively male and female proportion is about?


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming【Xinhua education group executive vice President】:这是一个有趣的现象,电脑学院男女比例基本上比较均等,当然我们的烹饪院校因为大家的认识误区,所以男生占绝大多数女生占的比较小的一部分。这种趋势正在发生改变,我们现在新开的西点专业西式蛋糕、西餐、巧克力、调酒,女孩子非常感兴趣,新东方烹饪教育的女生比例正在提高,大家对餐饮的认识正在回到正确的轨道上来。我说餐饮、厨师、烹饪不但要成为一种兴趣爱好,一种职业,我想它在不久的将来一定会成为一种时尚。

This is an interesting phenomenon,Computer college sex ratio is basically equal,Of course we cooking colleges because all the the misunderstanding,So the boy in a majority girls constitute part of the smaller。This trend is changing,We are now at west point to a new professional western-style cake、Western food、chocolate、shake,The girls are very interested,New Oriental education cooking, the percentage of female students are on the rise,All of the understanding of the food is back on the right track。I said catering、cook、Cooking is not only to become a kind of interests,A career,I think it's in the near future will become a kind of fashion。

  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:尤其是在中国讲究“民以食为天”,有没有大学毕业之后再回炉选择进行职业培训的呢?

Especially in China exquisite“The people”,Have again after graduation, the choice of the vocational training re-blows?


张明【新华教育集团常务副总裁】: Zhang Ming【Xinhua education group executive vice President】:我们三个院校都有大学生回炉参加培训的现象,电脑学院不用说了,他们的专业技术在我们这边会得到强化。烹饪院校就在上个星期就有安徽师范大学在安徽属于重点院校的旅游管理专业的学生组团来报名。为什么他们来报名?因为前几届有学生到新东方学习,他们受过高等教育以后再来烹饪院校掌握一技之长到用人单位发展非常快,很快就能成为企业的管理人才,成为企业的顶梁柱。大学生回炉的现象还是不少的,逐年增加的趋势。

We three college students have taken a lesson to participate in training the phenomenon,Computer college needless to say,Their professional technology in our side will be strengthened。Cooking school will last week of anhui normal university is the key universities in anhui belongs to the professional tourism management students group to sign up。Why they came to sign up?Because previous have students to learn new Oriental school,They have received higher education after cooking colleges to be good at something to the employing units is developing very fast,Very soon to become the enterprise management personnel,Become a mainstay of our enterprise。The phenomenon of college students is not little still taken a lesson,The trend of increased year by year。
