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搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:各位搜狐网友大家好个这里是由搜狐教育主办的《走进中国教育民企66强》,今天很荣幸来到新华教育集团旗下的安徽新华新东方烹饪学校,邀请到的嘉宾是安徽新东方烹饪专修学院副院长彭卫国。

You sohu net friend everybody good here is the sohu education sponsored by the《Come into China education corporation 66 strong》,Today very honored to xinhua education group's anhui xinhua new Oriental cooking school,Invited to of the guest is anhui new Oriental cooking, vice President of the college course PengWeiGuo。


彭卫国【安徽新东方烹饪专修学院副院长】: PengWeiGuo【Anhui new Oriental cooking, vice President of the college course】:各位网友大家好!

Each netizen everybody is good!

走进教育名企—对话安徽新东方烹饪学院搜狐教育频道记者采访安徽新东方彭院长 Sohu education channel reporters anhui new Oriental PengYuanChang


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:“学厨师就到新东方”这句广告语家喻户晓,请您给我们介绍一下今天的新东方烹饪教育是怎样的一个发展盛况?

“Learn the cook went to new Oriental”This sentence AD widely known,Please give us a brief introduction to today's new Oriental cooking education is how a grand occasion?


 彭卫国【安徽新东方烹饪专修学院副院长】: PengWeiGuo【Anhui new Oriental cooking, vice President of the college course】:我们安徽新东方从办学到现在已经24年的历史,经过24年的历史沉淀,应该讲我们新东方烹饪学校无论在社会的声誉,政府的认可度,还是家长对我们安徽新东方的认可,甚至内部员工,都是非常正面积极向上的形象。安徽新东方会继续向社会展现这种良好的精神面貌。

We anhui new Oriental from schools to now have 24 years of history,After 24 years of historical precipitation,We should speak new Oriental cooking school no matter in social reputation,The government's popularity,Or the parents to our recognition of anhui new Oriental,Even the internal staff,Are very positive positive image。Anhui new Oriental will continue to show to the society of the good mental outlook。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:在中国乃至国际上的烹饪竞赛都能看到新东方的优秀学子,我们怎样把他们推向国际的大舞台?

In China and the international cooking contest can see new Oriental of excellent students,How can we put them into the international stage?


彭卫国【安徽新东方烹饪专修学院副院长】: PengWeiGuo【Anhui new Oriental cooking, vice President of the college course】:我们办学24年,24年来我们只做烹饪教育,在做烹饪教育的同时我们尤其注重专业的发展,我们有专门的专业研究院,对各个课程进行非常系统的研发。目前像安徽新东方学生的课程教材都是由我们本身自己研发的,这是第一。第二,我们秉承宽进严出的办学模式,我们对于进校的学生没有做多少的限制,但是对于在这个学生在校阶段性的考核必要的考核这一块是非常严格的,对学生的要求非常高,我们督促学生去学习,要求他们去学习。除了督促我们还让学生尽量对学习感兴趣,多做一些关于专业方面的引导培训。

Our school 24 years,24 years we only do cooking education,Doing cooking education at the same time we especially pay attention to professional development,We have a special professional research institute,For each course very system development。At present as anhui new Oriental students' curriculum materials are made by our r&d of themselves,This is the first。The second,We adhering to the wide into severe out running mode,Our school for students didn't do much limit,But for students in the gradual assessment necessary examination this one is very strict,To student's demand is very high,We urge students to learn,Ask them to learn。In addition to urge we also let the students try to interested in study,Do more about the professional training guide。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:新东方烹饪专修学院走过20年的发展,您最大的收获是什么?

New Oriental cooking specializing in self-show through 20 years of development,You the biggest harvest is what?


 彭卫国【安徽新东方烹饪专修学院副院长】: PengWeiGuo【Anhui new Oriental cooking, vice President of the college course】:最大的收获就是我们传承了烹饪文化,我们为社会输送了40万烹饪精英,烹饪大军,这是让我们非常骄傲的。

The biggest harvest is our lineage the cooking culture,We provided for the society 400000 cooking elite,Cooking army,This is let us very proud。

  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:新东方烹饪专修学院一直秉承“学历+技能”双层保险的培养模式,除此之外我们学校还有哪些其它同类学院无法比拟的优势?

New Oriental cooking course has been adhering to the college“Degree + skills”The training mode of double insurance,In addition our school there are other similar college incomparable advantages?


 彭卫国【安徽新东方烹饪专修学院副院长】: PengWeiGuo【Anhui new Oriental cooking, vice President of the college course】:首先第一,我们是集团化办学,全国目前有19所烹饪院校,19所烹饪院校可以资源共享,无论是从我们的师资方面来讲从我们的设备方面来讲,因为说教育也是一种创新,或者从烹饪来讲也是一种创新,我们这种创新这种亮点也可以相互之间共享,这是一个集团化办学是其它院校无法比拟的。第二,我们只做烹饪教育,我们对这个专业的研发是非常到位的,像一些院校只是做烹饪教育或者做一些烹饪的培训,但是我们对烹饪当中的行业或者说每一些细小的东西分得非常清,现在一些招生专业如金牌大厨、大厨精英、西点都是大的方向,还有细化的比如雕刻、拼盘等,可能是一些其它学校无法比拟的。第三,今天我们来到安徽新东方校园,从全国来讲像做烹饪教育的校园环境也是其它学校也是无法比拟的。再有,技能是一方面,我们安徽新东方在培养好学生学技能的同时尤其注重对学生的素质教育,因为现在社会的需求不仅仅是要求有技术有动手能力的,综合素质高的人才应该讲更是社会需求的人才,综合性人才复合型人才是社会需求的,这方面对学生的培养多一点。

first,We are running a group,The national there are 19 cooking colleges and universities,19 cooking colleges and universities can resources sharing,Whether from our teachers in terms of equipment from our side,Because said education is also a kind of innovation,Or from cooking speaking is also a kind of innovation,We this innovation this window can also be Shared between each other,This is a collectivize running in other colleges is incomparable。The second,We only do cooking education,We have the professional research and development is very in place of,Like some colleges just do cooking education or do some cooking training,But we are cooking in every industry or some small things share is very clear,Now some recruit students professional such as gold medal chef、Chef elite、West is big direction,And refining of such as sculpture、Cold dish, etc,May be some other schools incomparable。The third,Today we come to anhui new Oriental school,From the national speaking like do cooking education campus environment is also other schools also is incomparable。have,Skills are on the one hand,We anhui new Oriental in cultivating good students learn skills especially pays great attention to the student's quality education,Because now the needs of the community is not only require a technology is beginning ability,Comprehensive high quality talented person should speak more social needs talents,Comprehensive talents inter-disciplinary talent is the requirement of the society,Side facing the education of the students more。

  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:未来发展中,招生、师资、就业,您觉得我们面临最大的机遇和挑战是什么?

In the future development,Recruit students、teachers、employment,You feel we are faced with the biggest opportunity and challenge is what?


PengWeiGuo【Anhui new Oriental cooking, vice President of the college course】:For from the recruit students,Our recruitment area is very large。first,Vocational education is developing countries in,I want to have such a generated things,Vocational education this one will have very good development prospects。The second,As a cooking education,Now the development of economy people to eat this culture require higher,How to eat a grade of how to eat out nutrition,Eat green,I want to you for such education may be higher some,For our cooking is good。The third,To learn how to cook student employment rate is very high。We are now recruit students more is a village come of,The original parent or college students jump out of longmen this feeling,This kind of feeling slowly fade,May everyone this goal is also very practical,I go to school for what,Is to find a very good job。Cooking is can achieve his this kind of request,I think in these ways, we can let the students give parents satisfied。I think our whole development trend or development opportunity is very good。We want to do next is to continue to mining cooking culture inheritance this kind of culture。

  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:“汇集天下名菜 培养厨师精英”贵校一直坚持这样的理念,对于未来您有怎样的规划设想?

“Together the world famous training cook elite”Your school always adhere to this idea,In the future you have what kind of planning ideas?


彭卫国【安徽新东方烹饪专修学院副院长】: PengWeiGuo【Anhui new Oriental cooking, vice President of the college course】:对于新东方烹饪教育说,甚至是全国烹饪教育现在没有行业标准,我们要让新东方烹饪教育作为标准来引导全国的烹饪教育。

For new Oriental cooking education said,Even the national cooking education there is no industry standard,We want to make new Oriental cooking education as a standard to guide the national cooking education。


 搜狐教育主持人:《 Sohu education host:《舌尖上的中国》这部纪录片您肯定已经看过,里面的很多美食对于我们新东方的学子来说都是“小菜一碟”,怎么看待这部纪录片的成功?

The tongue of the China》The documentary are you sure you have seen,Inside a lot of food for our new Oriental students speaking is“A piece of cake”,How look upon the documentary success?


彭卫国【安徽新东方烹饪专修学院副院长】: PengWeiGuo【Anhui new Oriental cooking, vice President of the college course】:这部片子更多的传承的或者挖掘出来的是我们民间的一些小吃,说这部片子是烹饪或者说是小吃,是对烹饪文化的一种传承,是对文化的一种宣传。现在大家对这个片子的成功可能一句话说讲老百姓身边的事情,这些小菜也好什么东西也好,这些名吃也好,都是围绕它们在民间挖掘出的,不是哪个大酒店挖掘出来的东西。假设这些东西更多的讲述老百姓身边的故事,我想它之所以成功这是第一,第二传承了烹饪的文化。

The film more inheritance or dig out is our folk some snacks,Said the film is cooking, or snacks,For cooking culture is a kind of inheritance,Is the culture of a kind of propaganda。Now all of the film's success may be a word speak common people side of things,These dishes or what all right,The manufacturer or,Are all around them in the folk mining,Not which hotel dug out things。Assuming that these things more tells the story of the people around,I think it is success this is the first,The second inherits the cooking culture。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您有没有信心实现“舌尖上的美食 中国新东方”这样的豪言壮志?

Do you have confidence to realize“The tip of the tongue on the Chinese new Oriental food”Such a big ambition?


彭卫国【安徽新东方烹饪专修学院副院长】: PengWeiGuo【Anhui new Oriental cooking, vice President of the college course】:这是我们新东方人的目标。

This is our new Oriental people goal。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:最后请您为新东方学子送上您的祝福和期待。

Finally, please you for new Oriental students into your wishes and looking forward to。


彭卫国【安徽新东方烹饪专修学院副院长】: PengWeiGuo【Anhui new Oriental cooking, vice President of the college course】:作为安徽新东方来讲,进入我们学校的学子,只要通过他自己的努力,在我们安徽新东方这种规范系统培训下,将来一定会成为真正的大厨真正的名厨,也祝所有的学子将来能够在社会在烹饪界闯出一番事业。

As anhui new Oriental speaking,In our school's students,As long as through his own efforts,In our anhui new Oriental the norm system under the training,The future will be the real chef real chef,I wish all the students can in the future in the society in cooking world rushes out a career。


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们也祝福新东方学子把中国的烹饪文化传承下去,谢谢彭院长。

We also wish the new Oriental students Chinese cooking culture inheritance down,Thank you PengYuanChang。
