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中国人平均一年看不到5本书 读书人越来越少--亲稳舆论引导监测室

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  中国人平均一年看不到5本书 Chinese average a year to see five books

  昨日上海书展拉开帷幕,上海书展开幕后的第一个论坛题为《谈通识教育的无用之用》,主持人在介绍过主讲嘉宾之后,是这样开场的:“据报道,一项调查显示,全世界每年阅读书籍排名第一的是犹太人,一年平均每人是64本,而中国13亿人口,扣除教科书,平均每人一年读书一本都不到,不过上海还好一些,上海还要高一些,每年是8本书。 ”

The curtain yesterday Shanghai book fair,Shanghai book fair after the opening of the first BBS titled《Talk about the general education of useless》,The host in introduced after the keynote speaker,This is the beginning of:“According to the report,An investigation shows that,Reading books every year around the world number one was a Jew,A year per capita is 64 this,And China's population of 1.3 billion,Deduct textbooks,Average each person in a year reading a book is less than,But Shanghai is still better,Shanghai should be more,Every year is eight book。 ”


Although the host did not explain data source,But no doubt this to a series of Numbers is a of inhumanity hurts。Chinese are still reading?And look at what books?


 现象:书越来越多 读的人越来越少 phenomenon:There are more and more books read fewer and fewer people


yesterday,Shanghai's highest temperature as high as 36 degrees Celsius,Even in the morning also sultry must have a deeply however gas,But when less than 9,Many people love the book he has lined up waiting for into the Shanghai exhibition center,To see this year what book fair new book,To see usually can only be in the book in understanding、Feel writer、scholars。


Shanghai book fair from the first day of the case,Activity participation is high。Up to eighty years old man down to the eight years old children,With their attitude to walk in the Shanghai exhibition center,A pair of hands hold、Read a new book to edge is sharp books。


Chinese people in reading,There is no doubt。Great China,Since ancient times and reading is for,Then said to nearly,China in the 1980 s had caused a wave of panic reading,All the people to read in a deep of hunger and thirst,Whether scholars、Is a worker,Reading is the most fashionable business。

  但现今生活的内容变得更加丰盈,娱乐的方式也层出不穷,如果只谈阅读的娱乐性,愉悦的阅读也只能成为众多“之一”。莫言也说:“现在的选择太多了,书越来越多,但书读得却越来越少。 ”王安忆也有相似的看法。

But now the content of the life become more abundant,Forms of entertainment also emerge in endlessly,If only talk about reading entertaining,Pleasure reading also can become numerous“of”。Mo yan also said:“Now there's so much to choose from,There are more and more books,Read the proviso but less and less。 ”Wang anyi also have similar views。


According to China news publishing research institute for national reading research survey research,That is the ninth national people's reading survey,In 2011, 18 years old to 70 years old citizens per capita reading books、Newspapers and periodicals were 4.35 this、100.70 period(a)、6.67 period(a)。


Less than four and a half a year of this book,Really can't calculate on a proud digital,But in fact,In 2010,The per capita amount of reading books for 4.25 this,Compared to see will be increased。


 亮点:孩子们呈现新阅读趋势 window:The children present new reading trend


The book fair in Shanghai,Nearly 500 press involved,And on display at the book fair、Sold more than 150000 kinds of books。With the development of book market,Nowadays can see、Can choose the books,But these classify books hold different levels of heat,From Shanghai to see the first book fair,Coach book teaching、Youth literature、Children's reading hot。


Book fair has a booth attracts many readers,Silver grandfather with yellow hair and the boy sitting in a row,All low head sift through reading,This picture is also a scene。This exhibition is on display at the Shanghai art press of comic series,have《Romance of the western han dynasty story》、《A dream of red mansions》、《Three kingdoms story》, etc。The comic strips format is very small,Like when I was a child night market the booth common picture books。
