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哈佛招生沿用400年前体系 用虚假材料将被淘汰--亲稳网络舆情监测室

哈佛招生沿用400年前体系 用虚假材料将被淘汰 姜婉君 JiangWanJun


世界名校需要什么样的学生哈佛大学招生官接受本报专访时强调: The world famous need what kind of student?Harvard University admissions officer accept our interview with emphasis on:


虚假材料申请哈佛,审核即淘汰 False materials for applying for harvard,Audit that is eliminated

  晚报记者 杨玉红 报道

Evening news reporter YangYuGong reports


With the increasing abroad,Harvard and other foreign first-class school application number has also been increasing year by year。The world famous need what kind of student?For Chinese students need to do what preparation?a,The harvard admissions office in China JenniferGandy lady came to shippo middle school,China and the United States for Harvard University student leader summit's outstanding student unriddling,And accept our newspaper reporter to interview。


400年前招生体系沿用至今 400 years ago the system of recruit students of continue to use up to now


Ms Gandy in 2001 from Harvard University graduate,And working in China and learning for 5 years。Ms Gandy introduced harvard interview system,Each admissions officer is responsible for some areas,There are more than 30 admissions officer,She is mainly responsible for Harvard University in China and Singapore's recruitment of students work。


Each student application materials collected from the first responsible for the regional admissions officer,At the same time will also carbon copy to the admissions officer superior admissions officer,And synchronous review。finally,Responsible for a large area of the admissions committee to discuss all students to apply for,And all the international students' materials for comprehensive evaluation。

  Gandy女士介绍说,申请材料通过以后,哈佛将组织校友面试官对申请者进行面试。这些面试官都受过哈佛专业培训,是亲切而公正的。值得一提的是,这些面试官都是“义务”的,他们是哈佛的校友,有各自的工作,只在每年申请季为哈佛在世界各地物色优秀学生,面试形式不是你问我答,而是轻松愉快的聊天,学生会从中获取很多建议。 “学校选拔校友面试官时,有两个非常严格的标准,校友不能在教育系统工作,不能和任何留学中介有合作关系,以此来确保招生面试的客观性和公正性。 ”Gandy女士补充道。

Ms Gandy said,The application materials through the later,Harvard will organize alumni interviewer to interview applicants。The interviewer is a harvard professional training,Be kind and fair。Be worth what carry is,The interviewer is“obligations”of,They are harvard alumni,Have their own work,Only in every application season for harvard around the world looking for excellent students,Interview form is not you ask me answer,But relaxed and happy to chat,Students gain a lot of advice。 “School selection alumni the interviewer,There are two very strict standards,Alumni can't in the education system,Can't and any study abroad intermediary have cooperative relationship,So as to ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the admissions interview。 ”Gandy lady added。

  “哈佛大学的这一招生体系在400多年前就开始了,并沿用至今,非常人性化地对待每一份申请材料,很多校友都非常成功地在世界各地工作。 ”

“Harvard University the enrollment system in 400 years ago began,And continue to use up to now,Very human nature to each application materials,A lot of alumni are very successfully in work all over the world。 ”


申请者中中国学生占一成 In the Chinese students accounted for ten percent


“Would like to apply for student at Harvard University,To often browse Harvard University's official website,This is the most authoritative source of information。Harvard University application and admission is justice、transparent,Official websites have a detailed description。”Ms Gandy statement,Harvard to fully ensure students' privacy,Won't come to any intermediary revealed that students' list、Achievement and the specific situation,More won't and some bound agencies,accepted“By the back door”。


In recent years,The number of Chinese students a slight increase。Last year,Harvard University total applicants is about 35000,China accounted for 10% of applicants。Ms Gandy said,Most of these students from famous“Key high school”,These schools have very good go abroad“The traditional”,The student that is admitted in harvard's performance is very good。however,Harvard's not just consider these students' school,Pay more attention to the quality of the students themselves,Has been trying to without admission of new area recruitment of students。

  “哈佛的选拔标准很难被细化,但哈佛非常看重学生几个方面的素质:除了学习成绩优秀外,哈佛大学试图寻找学生在其他领域有一定研究或兴趣,并成为该领域比较优秀的人;学生非常愿意和同学、学校社团沟通,并愿意成为其中比较活泼的人。 ”Gandy女士强调,不同的人申请进入哈佛为了不同的理由:名声肯定是一个原因,但最重要的是他们在哈佛的经历。哈佛不一定适合每一个人,学校和学生是双向选择的,哈佛希望录取到最符合哈佛气质的优秀学生,也相信他们能享受在哈佛的生活。

“Harvard's selection criteria are difficult to refining,But harvard is very value students several aspect of quality:In addition to the outstanding scholastic achievements,Harvard University students trying to find in other fields have certain research or interest,And become the field comparative good people;Students are willing to and classmates、The school community communication,And is willing to become the active people。 ”Gandy lady emphasize,Different people apply to harvard to different reasons:Fame is certainly a reason,But the most important thing is that they experience at harvard。Harvard is not for everyone,Schools and students are the two-way choice,Harvard hope admission to the most accord with harvard temperament outstanding student,Also believe that they can enjoy the life at harvard。


申请材料弄虚作假或被退学 The application materials falsification or drop out of school

  随着出国留学持续升温,世界各地的留学中介如雨后春笋般涌现。部分留学中介不仅美化学生的申请材料,还为学生凭空添加各种实践经历,甚至出现“代考”等不诚信行为。“这些不诚信的行为,在世界各地申请材料中均有发生。 ”Gandy认为,托福和SAT等标准化考试的分数并不代表一切,只是众多评判标准的一种。哈佛大学和大部分美国大学的招生办公室的每个决定都是慎重的,会仔细调查并考虑每个学生的全局背景。

Along with the study abroad continues to heat up,All over the world have mushroomed in intermediary。Part of the study abroad intermediary not only beautify the students in the application materials,For the students without foundation to add all kinds of practice experience,Appear even“surrogates”Dishonest behavior, etc。“The dishonest behavior,In the world all have happened in the application materials。 ”Gandy think,The toefl and SAT and standardized test scores is not everything,But many evaluation standard a。Harvard University and most American university admissions office of each decision is careful,Will carefully investigate and consider each student's global background。


Window-dressing students in audit stage will be eliminated,Also have through the false material success was accepted,But after admission was found,Has been requirements immediately drop out of precedent。Gandy lady emphasize,Harvard is very don't want such a situation,The applicant's recommendation and readme extremely important,Must can show your own self,And take responsibilities for your own future。
