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小学生4万元赴海外游学 发烧一周无人理--亲稳舆论引导监测室


 晚报记者 程怡 周柏伊 报道 晚报制图 邬思蓓

Evening news reporter ChengYi ZhouBaiYi reports evening drawing WuSiBei


“Swim overseas places of,Experience the world famous,Watch the unfailing Broadway opera,In the most authentic English environment feel the local culture……”Good publicity language and daughter pester and keep on,Hu bite the grind,Spent 40000 multivariate money to his daughter to a 20 days of American studies summer camp。during,This high pay is behind the daughter of bodily and mental damage。


Although this may,The ministry of education and other four ministries and commissions have jointly issued a notice requirements,For the purpose of organization shall enjoy the summer abroad(winter)camp,In principle not organize junior students go abroad to participate in summer(winter)The camp and other relevant activities。But reporters found in the interview,This DiLingHua phenomenon more and more studies,Some even have infiltrated to the kindergarten children。Education experts say,Young travel improper arrangement may backfire,Cultivate children don't need to cooperate。


 ■ 学生遭遇 S students encounter

  发烧躺在寄宿家庭,随行老师无人探望 Have a fever lying on the host family,Accompanying the teacher no one visit

  “发了一个礼拜的烧,没有一个老师上门探望,连个电话都没有,这怎么算是 ‘亲力亲为全程陪同游学’。 ”谈及女儿菲菲在美国的遭遇,胡小姐眼眶都红了,若非有工作在身,她恨不得马上飞到美国去照顾女儿。

“Hair a week of burn,Not a teacher to visit,Even a phone call all have no,This is how ‘The primary studies accompanied’。 ”About daughter Fifi in the American experience,Hu eyes are red,Were it not for work body,She can't wait to fly to the United States to take care of his daughter。


In an international cosmetics company as a senior manager hu ago had study abroad experience,Since she was young daughter to the foreign language requirement is high。In Fifi primary school a grade,Is she in a chain mechanism applied to English。Before this summer,Training institutions hair a opinion consult table,It lists the three study Tours,Ask parents would like to attend。Before this,Last summer,Hu had to Fifi called the a to the UK study Tours。At that time only nine years old Fifi was assigned to a door Pakistan people's home,Due to the different living habits and religious beliefs,The 15 days of travel make her feel suffering。This didn't want to register of hu,Can't help Fifi yearning to the United States of travel pester and keep on,Before and after spent more than forty thousand yuan,Give her a newspaper for 20 days study Tours。


According to the content of the clause,This study Tours by two agencies before the teacher,To a local,Each child will be assigned to the local home live last week。In this week,They need daily to this office in New York training school,And the children of the shuttle is made from these family responsible。Hu saw write more detailed content,Led the teacher is also with out of Shanghai,Still calculate is assured,In early July Fifi began to travel in the United States。

  可能是在飞机上着凉,以及不适应当地温度,菲菲到了那里就感冒了,还发烧。可即便学生有发烧状况,带队老师始终不闻不问,原本每天要去学校上课的菲菲,整整五天都躺在当地的这户美国人家中。 “菲菲寄宿的这户人家只有一个美国老太,看上去大概有六七十岁了,照顾她已经手忙脚乱,根本没办法做其他事情。 ”胡小姐还是挺感激在美国照顾了菲菲5天的老太太。所幸,在看了医生服下药物后,菲菲身体慢慢恢复了,并坚持到了最后。可是,在孩子生病的整个过程中,没有一个老师主动询问和探望,菲菲觉得很伤心。

May be on a plane catch cold,And don't adapt to the local temperature,Fifi to there is caught a cold,Still have a fever。But even if students have a fever condition,The teacher always carries the dead,Originally to go to school every day of Fifi,For five days lying in the local this door the United States in the household。 “Fifi host the family only an American woman,Look about 60 years old,Take care of her has helter skelter,Couldn't do other things。 ”Hu was grateful to in the United States to take care of the Fifi 5 days of the old lady。fortunately,Look at the doctor take drugs,Fifi body slowly restored,And insist on at the end of the day。but,The child was ill in the whole process,Not a teacher active inquiry and visit,Fifi feel very sad。

  得知这个情况,胡小姐很气愤,对于带队老师在菲菲发烧的五天时间里不管不顾,连个问询电话都没有,实在无法接受。为此,胡小姐打电话向这个英语培训机构进行投诉。然而对方的答复更引起她的愤怒。这家培训机构竟表示,带队老师并非没有联络过菲菲,和孩子寄宿家庭的监护人电话联系过。由于老师在培训机构,离寄宿人家庭有一定距离,必须要对方家庭开车来接。 “家里只有老太太一个人,还要照顾菲菲,怎么可能开车接老师。 ”对于机构的这个解释,胡小姐实在难以苟同。

Learned that this situation,Miss hu is very angry,For led the teacher in Fifi fever five days whether disregard,Even a information no telephone,Really can't accept。therefore,Hu make a phone call to the English training institution for complaint。However each other's reply more cause her anger。The training institutions have said,Before the teacher is not no contact feifei,And the guardian of children host family telephone contact。Because the teacher in the training institutions,From the lodger family has a certain distance,Must want to each other family come to pick。 “There is only one old lady,Will take care of Fifi,How can pick a teacher。 ”For the mechanism of the explanation,Hu can't agree。


 ■ 家长经历 S parents experience

  游学前做足功课,自由行深度了解美国名校 Before studying enough homework,Freedom ride depth understand American school

  在一家事业单位任职的李先生有个17岁的女儿,即将上高三,成绩优异,准备大学时出国留学,但面对风格迥异的各所名校,仅凭资料介绍远远不够。为了帮助女儿选择一所适合自己的大学,今年年初,李先生就着手准备暑假游学计划。他咨询过很多培训机构和旅行社,了解美国游学的具体安排,但没有一家令他满意。 “收费高、管理混乱、资质欠缺、经验不足……”最后李先生决定办理自由行,父女俩自行考察。

In a business unit of Mr. Li as a 17 year old daughter,Forthcoming year,Excellent results,Prepare college study abroad,But in the face of the different style each school,With only information is far from enough。In order to help daughter choose a suitable for their own university,Earlier this year,Mr. Li is preparing for the summer vacation travel plan。He consulted a lot of training institutions and travel agencies,To understand the studies of the specific arrangements,But no one to his satisfaction。 “Fees are high、Management confusion、Lack of qualification、experience……”Finally Mr. Lee decided to deal with freedom ride,By comparing two investigation。


June,Both father came to the United States。After online contact a door American families,Coming to the airport to pick up,Because the flight was delayed,Each other in the airport waiting for three hours。After stay,Both father on previously do homework began to swim the American university。


The American university are very open,For the arrangement of school have announcement。As long as the appointment,The school will arrange explanation and navigation,Help a deep understanding of the school culture。Their first stop is Columbia University,Make an appointment to visit the school of tourists have 300 people,The school will they according to 50 people a group is divided into six groups。


The first is from overseas recruit students of the department of admissions officer introduced,Contents include school history review、The circumstance of recruit students of、Interactive question and answer。About 40 minutes,Everyone group action,Each group will by a college students the school as a navigation,In very easy forms of recreation,Everyone on campus with a garden。

  “我们花了五个小时,参观了图书馆、实验室、创建人博物馆、学生宿舍和学生食堂等。 ”李先生说,在游览中,大学生会提到一些非常有意思的八卦,例如,在经过两幢教学楼之间的双层桥时,大学生说,这座桥原本上下都是透明桥面,后来学校改建了。 “否则,今天穿裙子的女生们就要走光啦。 ”风趣幽默的讲解,让李先生和女儿可以近距离接触校园文化。

“We spent five hours,Visited the library、laboratory、Founder museum、Student dormitory and student canteen, etc。 ”Mr. Li said,The tour,College students will mention some very interesting gossip,For example,After two teaching buildings between the double bridge,College students said,The bridge was fluctuation are transparent bridge deck,Then the school rebuilding。 “otherwise,The girls wear skirts today will be exposed it。 ”The interpretation of the humor and wit humor,Let Mr Li and daughter can close contact campus culture。

  巧的是,就在当天,李先生在哥伦比亚大学里碰到三个来自中国的游学团。 “看上去都是初中生模样,导游手中拿着的旗帜显示他们分别来自北京、广州和武汉。 ”因为都来自中国,李先生特别留意这三个团,他发现游学团没有跟大学方面接触,全程由一名外籍导游和一名中国领队引导,对于学校的介绍也停留于公开的文字资料,学生们在每一个标志性建筑前都被要求拉开一张横幅,上面写有“**游学团”等字样,然后拍照留影。 “感觉就像写一个 ‘到此一游’。 ”

Artful is,In the day,Mr. Li in Columbia University met three from China study Tours。 “All look like is a junior high school student,Guide hand flag show that they were from Beijing、Guangzhou and wuhan。 ”Because all from China,Mr. Li special attention to these three group,He found no study Tours with the university contact,The whole by a foreign tour guide and a Chinese leader guide,For the introduction of the school and stay in the open text information,The students in each landmark building before they were asked to open a banner,write“* * study Tours”Such words,Then take pictures were。 “It felt like write a ‘it’。 ”

  跟其中一个团的学生交流后李先生得知,他们此次前来美国的游学费用为每人3.8万元,全程不超过一周,安排了美国多所名校。几乎去每所学校都跟当天在哥伦比亚大学一样,用时不超过一小时。事实上,早在六年前李先生和女儿就已经体验过“游学”。当时,女儿小学毕业,正是小升初的暑假。为了让女儿度过一个有意义的暑假,又能够对她的成长起到一定的帮助,李先生做了大量功课,最终选择了一家资质齐备、从业经验丰富的培训机构,将女儿送去了伦敦。 “现在看来,那次游学还是很正规的。 ”李先生说。女儿跟着几名同学到了伦敦后,有当地的家庭在机场迎接,每天吃住和外出都有专人陪伴,真正算是深入英国普通百姓的生活。在当时来看,这样的游学收获颇丰。然而,毕竟女儿年纪太小。到了最后那个礼拜,想家已经严重影响了她的生活,无心外出。一年以后,英国的那段经历已经从记忆中淡出,似乎只是一次简单的旅游。

With one of the group's student exchange that after Mr. Li,They came to the United States the travel cost is 38000 yuan per person,The whole not more than a week,Arrange the many well-known colleges and universities。Almost every school to go with the same at Columbia University,When no more than an hour。In fact,As early as in six years ago Mr Li and her daughter will have experienced“travel”。At that time,Daughter elementary school graduation,It is another summer vacation。In order to let the daughter had a great summer vacation,And to her growth have some help,Mr. Li, do a lot of homework,Finally chose a complete qualifications、Experience the abundant training institutions,Will send daughter went to London。 “Now it seems,The travel or very normal。 ”Mr. Li said。Daughter followed several classmates after to London,Is there a local family to meet at the airport,Eat to live and go out every day is neglected to accompany,Is really deep of life of the common English people。At that time to see,Such studies the harvest quite abundantly。however,After all, very young daughter。At the end of the week,Want to home has been seriously affected her life,Centerless out。A year later,Britain has that experience from memory fade out,Just seems to be just a simple travel。


“But this time out completely different,She had a clear purpose,Intimate feeling has different cultural atmosphere,Can make its own judgment。”After five years of two studies,Father gave Mr. Li different harvest。


 ■ 记者调查 S journalists to investigate

  游学团低龄化现象严重 Study Tours DiLingHua phenomenon seriously


In many parents eyes,A walk to foreign universities、Take a look at,To feel the advanced western education,Was his dream when he was young,Now with economic conditions,Parents hope to dream in children realize。In such a market under the psychological needs,All kinds of study Tours project blossom everywhere,Participants from year to year jumps。however,Reporter survey found,Attractive advertising behind,Market study Tours mess cluster。


 “00后”成游学团新兴力量 “After,”To study Tours emerging power


“See the United States east coast seven ivy league elegant demeanour,Experience in British culture,Admissions officer face to face with a detailed study abroad application techniques……”This is a lot of institutions solicit students go abroad to study a travel when advertisement。Reporters from several study abroad、Language training institutions to know,Beauty with previous years、British、Macao“of”Occupy travel hot line is different,This year the London Olympic Games by influence,Apply for British studies about the difficulty and risk of increase,This year the studies in the United States、Australia、Japan and other mature、Hot line。Some of the training institutions and even in five month ago newspaper full summer all the items。


In the list,“After,”Emerging power。In a study in the middle of August institutions a study Tours in the list,Total number of 20 people group,Born after 2000 children up to 14。Many parents said,In the conditions allow,Willing to let children more experience。

  令人惊讶的是,在一家培训机构里,记者甚至看到一项针对幼儿园小朋友的“游学”项目。目的地是澳洲,为期8天,费用为4万元。 “主要是让孩子与当地的幼儿园小朋友一起学习玩耍。”工作人员介绍,“还可以到农庄里挤牛奶、剪羊毛等。 ”这么小的孩子能学到什么?工作人员解释说,置身于不同的文化环境里,体验当地的民俗,这是一个全新的学习过程。

Surprisingly,In a training institution,Reporters even see a study of kindergarten children“travel”project。Destination is Australia,eight-day,Cost is 40000 yuan。 “Main is to let children and local kindergarten children learning to play together。”Staff introduced,“Still can squeeze the milk to the farm、Shearing, etc。 ”So the little children to learn?Staff explains,Place oneself in different cultural environment,Experience the local folk custom,This is a new learning process。


 受奥运会影响价格略有上涨 The Olympic Games by influence prices rose slightly


Due to apply for to deal with the difficulty of the British travel increases,Lead to the United States to、The number of Australian travel more concentrated,The ticket price is also the corresponding general goes up,Even the visa in advance booking time also than ever before,The cost of travel this year than in previous years rise slightly。Studies in the cost,Fare largest proportion。The cost of travel,Than the average price of the tour group travel to a much higher,In the United States, for example,Just 10 days stroke,Offer basic in 30000 yuan of above。Los Angeles two weeks boarding school camp、Harvard University explore things coast camp、“Genius trip”TOP school camp etc.,Prices differ to 30000 yuan from 80000 yuan。

  行程安排“游”多过“学” scheduling“swim”More than“learn”


The so-called travel,When to learn as the main goal,Visit around the prestigious university,And the world famous close contact,Into the,Feeling their learning atmosphere,This is travel party。


Reporter in several study institution、Travel agency、Training agency's web site to see,Although travel line full of beautiful things in eyes,But after careful observation found,Almost all of the travel tourism accounts for more than half of the time,Some even have a large number of shopping arrangement。


With a us travel line as an example,In the two-week trip,Although assigned a Columbia University、Harvard University and Princeton university to visit,But time is controlled in three hours,compared,Disney、Universal studios、Las Vegas, entertainment shopping,But in stroke occupies a major position。Travel process“swim”Became main purpose,“learn”Is incidental distribution products。


 ■ 业内人士 S the personage inside course of

  加拿大渥太华某旅行社:少学多游控制成本 Ottawa, Canada a travel agency:Learn less swim more cost control

  “前两天我们刚接待了深圳一所小学的游学团,很多小朋友只有一两年级,几乎整个行程都在玩。 ”李小姐在加拿大渥太华的一家旅行社工作,这两年旅行社的主营业务从接待旅行团逐渐转为了在七八月以及中国的农历春节期间接待游学团。李小姐说,由于加拿大冬天寒冷,选择冬天到加拿大游学的并不多,但暑假期间就呈现井喷状态。

“The first two days we have just received the shenzhen a primary school study Tours,Many children only one or two grade,Almost the whole trip are playing。 ”Miss li in Ottawa, Canada a travel agency work,This two years for the main business of travel agencies from reception to the tour group gradually in the Philippines and China's lunar during the Spring Festival reception study Tours。Miss li said,Due to the Canadian winter cold,Choose winter to Canada studies is not much,But summer vacation appears blowout state。

  李小姐告诉记者,一般去加拿大游学的都是学校组织的游学团,这些学校直接与他们旅行社联系,由一两名老师带队到加拿大,然后由旅行社方面安排线路。 “其实在加拿大仅仅是游的话价格并不高,学倒是成本比较高。 ”李小姐说,若是在加拿大安排学生上课的话,首先要租借教室,在这个时期能否借到相应的教室是一个比较大的问题,此外,外教老师的费用比较高,一般来游学的,都会倾向于少学多游。

Miss li told reporters,General travel to Canada is the school organizes study Tours,The schools directly with their travel agency contact,By a two teacher led to Canada,Then the travel arrangements line。 “In fact in Canada is only swim words price is not high,Learning is cost is higher。 ”Miss li said,If arrange students to take a class in Canada words,First of all to loan the classroom,In this period can borrow corresponding the classroom is a bigger problem,In addition,The cost of the foreign teacher is quite high,The general to travel,Will tend to little more than learning to swim。

  “每个地方过来的费用也都不一样,同样的线路,可能深圳或其他地方过来费用就比较低,一般一个孩子费用在两万五千元,但上海好像就要高出一万元左右。 ”对于这个价格差异,李小姐也无法解释。不过,李小姐觉得,游学对于孩子来说还是有好处的,在她接待的这些孩子中,有很多参加过多次游学,确实开阔了眼界,人也显得比较健谈。

“Every place over expenses are not the same,The same line,May the shenzhen or other place over cost is lower,Generally a child cost twenty-five thousand yuan,But Shanghai appears to be more than ten thousand yuan。 ”To the price difference,Miss li also can't explain。but,Miss li think,Travel for children or good,In her reception of these children,There are many attended many studies,Really open horizon,People also appears more talkative。


 上海本土旅行社:利润空间催生主办机构暴增 Shanghai local travel agency:Profit space has the organizer jumps


HuangXiaoQiong is Shanghai a travel agency is in charge of the overseas tour line manager,She said,Travel hot almost from 2005、2006 start。Wasn't a few lines,The United States、Canada and Australia is to have more three places,Then everyone feel“travel”Profit space than the average line to high,And a huge market,The two years appears blowout state。Along with the market of refining,The main study Tours consumer groups already from undergraduate,Slowly turn to high school students、pupils,Even the kindergarten。

  李先生是上海一家旅行社赴美、赴英海外游线路的负责人,对于游学团的利润空间,他毫不讳言“蛋糕很大”。以一个报价4万多元的美国游学项目为例,费用包含签证费、培训费、参观活动费、往返国际机票费、司机导游小费、保险费及在境外的吃、住、行。 “去美国往返机票显示为1万至1.5万元,提前预订甚至可以低到六七千元,由于是集体活动,在美国的吃、住、行均摊到每个人身上每天800元到1000元,十四天行程每个人最多14000元。 ”照这样算,如果参加这个项目,每个人的实际成本为3万元,主办机构可得到至少1万元的利润,一个团的利润就能达数十万元。

Mr. Li is Shanghai to a travel agency、To the British overseas tour line of the person in charge,Study Tours to the profit space,He call a spade a spade“Cake large”。With a price 40000 yuan of American studies program, for example,The fee includes visa fee、training、Visit activities、Round international air ticket fee、The driver guide tips、Insurance premium and the outside to eat、live、line。 “A round trip ticket to go to the United States show for 10000 to 15000 yuan,Advance reservation can even low to 67000 yuan,Because is collective activity,In the United States eat、live、Line capitation to everyone every 800 yuan to 1000 yuan,Fourteen days stroke everyone up to 14000 yuan。 ”At this calculate,If take part in this project,Each person's actual cost for 30000 yuan,The organizer can get at least 10000 yuan in profits,A regiment of profit can reach hundreds of thousands of yuan。

  由于国际游学游背后藏着巨大的利润空间,不少中小学校、留学机构、咨询公司甚至企业单位都开始搀和进游学团的队伍。 “目前我国在开办游学项目上,无论是法律还是政令上都尚未有明确的条款来约束监管,也就是说准入门槛较低,市场较为无序。很多游学机构并未得到认证,甚至有些中介机构都未在工商部门注册。 ”黄晓琼说。

The international travel swim hiding behind the huge profit space,Many small and medium-sized school、Study abroad institutions、Consulting company even enterprise unit began to mix into and study abroad in the group team。 “At present our country start travel projects,Whether laws or decrees are not have clear clause to constraint supervision,That is access threshold to be low,Market more disordered。Many travel agencies have not been the authentication,Even some intermediary agencies are not registered in the ministry of commerce。 ”HuangXiaoQiong said。

  由于缺乏资质,一些游学主办机构往往形成一个导游,加一个带队老师,再加一个中巴司机的带队模式,对于孩子们在游学过程中出现的问题也就应接不暇了。 “游学过程中,带队老师非常重要,优秀的语言能力和强烈的责任心都是最起码的要求。 ”黄晓琼说,因为缺乏必要的培训,一些游学团中带队老师却仅起到一个“领队”的作用,在沟通与照料方面都欠缺能力。

Due to the lack of qualification,Some studies the organizer often form a tour guide,Add a led the teacher,Add a between the driver's led the mode,For the children in the process of studying the problems is swamped。 “In the process of studying,Led the teacher is very important,Excellent language skills and strong sense of responsibility is the minimum requirement。 ”HuangXiaoQiong said,Because of the lack of necessary training,Some study Tours before the teacher but only have a“manager”role,In communication and care are lack of ability。


In fact,Excellent project should be able to travel into the local community and common people's life,In a travel destination at least stay more than two weeks,And with the locals eat to live,Real life in another environment。Such ability can learn language things outside,To understand the Chinese and western values invisible culture。Because some the organizer lack of long time accumulation,Not enough local residents foundation,Cannot arrange the children are in the local families。Until the last,Studies are often divided into two stages,A few days residents live in home,A few days, living in a hotel,This is the purpose of the study Tours and produced the deviation。


 ■ 专家观点 S expert views

  低龄游学要谨慎 培养孩子何必舍近求远 Be careful studies young child why to cooperate


Children travel exactly have the necessary?Studies DiLingHua development on a child's growth will produce what kind of impact?East China normal university(Micro bo)Professor ZhangMingGong think,The original intention of studying this is kindness,But DiLingHua must be careful,To the child's culture is a system engineering。


ZhangMingGong mentioned,Parents send their children abroad to study Tours,The general is nothing but have two kind of mentality。The first,Exercise the life of the child learning ability,The second,Feel the foreign land cultural atmosphere。In fact,Let the children from their parents in the case,In the strange place learn to let go of self,Into the collective,Adapt to rules,This understandable,But children under high school,Outlook on life、World outlook and values are still have not been formed,Independent living skills also lack,The communication ability of the poor and the social adaptability,Alone in overseas to travel,When fresh strength after a fall,Easily in the psychological and physiological appear on certain negative emotions。Development to final,Appear even difficult to learn,Crying to go home wait for a phenomenon,But just the opposite。

  另一方面,这一年龄段的孩子,观察能力和吸收能力都有限,对异域的文化捕捉未必会如家长想象般敏锐,且“惊鸿一瞥”的接触,对孩子今后的影响也未必深远。 “送到国外去,还不如好好领略一下博大精深的中国本土文化。 ”张明红说,对孩子的锻炼哪里都可以,中国文化博大精深,打好本土文化基础再去学习各国文化,更有利于孩子成长。

On the other hand,This one age paragraph the children,Observation ability and absorptive capacity is limited,To different region culture capture may not like if their parents think sharp,and“A special glance”contact,To the child the influence is not profound。 “To go abroad,As well to enjoy the extensive and profound Chinese native culture。 ”ZhangMingGong said,To the child's exercise where can be,Chinese culture broad and profound,Good local culture foundation to learn the cultures,More conducive to children to grow up。

  ■ 记者手记

S reporter notes


 放平心态 我们游学去 Put the flat mentality we travel to



  Study abroad,是游学的英译,根据字面上的理解,是到国外去学习,通过一个在全新环境里的学习和游玩,开拓视野,感受文化的融合。早在公元前,我们伟大的思想家、教育家孔子就曾经通过自己周游列国的经历来表现治学的精神,在那个时代,孔子的这个经历也应该算是一种游学。

Study abroad,Is the translation studies,According to the understanding of literal,Is to go abroad to learn,Through a in the new environment of study and play,Widen our sight,Feel the cultural integration。As early as in the,Our great thinker、Educator Confucius once through their travel the world experience to express the spirit of learning,At the time,Confucius's this experience should also be regarded as a kind of travel。


However today,From this ancestor age has basic studies,But has changed taste,Parents become the competition between hard power,Competition between children vanity a pattern。This strong demand desire,Also stimulated the enthusiasm of the business innovation,From Japan to the United States,Then from Britain to other European countries,The road travel is more walk more far,Participants age layer also more and more small,Now even the preschool children also is pulled into the war ring。

  我有个朋友,对于那句“不能让孩子输在起跑线上”的话深信不疑,两年前不听劝阻,硬是花了三万元的赞助费和每月支付四千多元的钱让孩子读了个双语学校的国际班。今年暑假,孩子的幼儿园推出澳洲亲子游学夏令营,16天的行程,一个家庭的花费在6万元左右。虽然费用高昂,但朋友却依然坚持带着才刚满5岁的孩子到澳洲体验了一回。对于这6万元最后能学到点什么,5岁的宝宝回答是:“我学会了剪羊毛。 ”

I have a friend,For the other“Can't let children lose in the starting line”Words convinced,Two years ago does not listen to discourage,Just spent thirty thousand yuan as sponsor fee and monthly payment four thousand multivariate money let children read a bilingual school international class。This summer,The child's kindergarten roll out Australia parent-child travel summer camp,16 day of travel,The cost of a family in 60000 yuan。Although the high cost,But a friend but still insist on with just full 5 years old the child to the Australian experience once。For the 60000 yuan finally can learn something,5 years old baby the answer is:“I learned to cut wool。 ”


For the author actually is,The heart is quite agree with this travel from“swim”The mode of middle school into things。The so-called“Read books do not view”,From the process can do learn some practical things,It is helpful for the future,This absolute than boring at home“Two ear not smell things outside the window”good。But this all the benefits of the premise,Is their own take what kind of state of mind to travel,Not only will the transferred to others,His heart to travel,Can really something。
