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深圳神童弟13岁上南科大 哥22岁耶鲁读博--亲稳网络舆情监控室

深圳神童弟13岁上南科大 哥22岁耶鲁读博 去年3月份南方科技大学首届45名学生入学时,13岁的深圳男孩王嘉乐因其早慧格外引人注目。 By march of last year the south university of science and technology the first 45 students,13 year old boy WangJiaLe shenzhen for its ZaoHui were particularly noticeable。


SMW before the reporter learns,WangJiaLe brother,The 22-year-old WangHaoBin from American school graduated from the university of California, Berkeley,Be admitted to Yale university read bo。Their mother thinks that is the secret of tutor teach students in accordance with their aptitude,WangHaoBin also think,The ideal family education should be in“The Wolf dad”and“Sheep dad”between,Find the most suitable for their children's balance。


弟弟:多次跳级高考超重本线 brother:Many advanced placement the university entrance exam overweight this line


In the beginning、The high school stage multiple advanced placement,And in the last year at the age of 13 into the south of shenzhen university WangJiaLe boy,Admission more than a year to achieve good results,At the end of last year at the“China merchants bank scholarship”Activities become the leader,Not only get the first scholarship,Still hold back to multiple specifies awards。


The south before admitted to university,WangJiaLe is shenzhen yao hua experimental school students。He learned a year junior high school curriculum,And with a year after high school。In 2010 he as shenzhen the youngest candidates to participate in college entrance examination,Score more than double this line。In 2011,,He was admitted to the south university,The first 45 students become one。South university professor LiYuanJie said,WangJiaLe age are small,But very good,In south hkust him to write a very quality papers,Be a international conference reception。


哥哥:从高中到读博,都在世界牛校 brother:From high school to read bo,In the world cow school


And WangJiaLe brother,Born in 1990 WangHaoBin,Shenzhen high school was the last session of junior high school supernormal class of students,The total score the second examination,Once took the national mathematics league cup China the first prize。After the fierce competition,Become the 22 is Singapore's top high school admission raffles institution of China of students。Once won the Singapore mathematics competition first prize、Many scientific research competition first prize、School bilingual speech contest、Singapore students charity game first。He still school calligraphy club President。

  高中毕业后,多所美国大学向王浩斌伸出“橄榄枝”,他选择了美国排名第一公立学校 加州大学伯克利分校。

After graduating from high school,,Many American university to WangHaoBin stretched out“Olive branch”,He chose the United States ranked the first public schools at the university of California, Berkeley。

  到大一暑假,他就把本科的数学课上完了。大二开始上一些经济方面的课,三年本科中修完了数学、经济双专业以及大部分统计专业的课程,获评伯克利最高荣誉毕业生。还入选美国phi betakappasociety(美国最有名望的人才库,16位美国总统入选这个组织,如布什、克林顿等)。在校期间,仍任伯克利书法社社长。

To freshman year summer vacation,He put the undergraduate course math finished。Big began to some economic class,Three years to repair the undergraduate course finished mathematics、Economic double major, and most of the statistical professional course,HuoPing Berkeley graduate highest honor。In the United States also phi betakappasociety(America's most famous talent pool,16 the President of the United States in the organization,Such as the bush、Clinton, etc)。During the period of school,Still let Berkeley calligraphy club President。

  大学期间,他还结识了他的导师大卫·罗默及克里斯蒂娜·罗默夫妇。克里斯蒂娜·罗默是奥巴马上一任白宫经济顾问团队的主席,而大卫·罗默则是学术界非常著名的宏观经济学大师。因为自身的兴趣,也因为两位导师对货币政策领域的深入研究,王浩斌的毕业论文以中国的货币政策、国营民营企业商业信贷的研究为题。这篇论文及研究生G R E考试1600分的满分在他申请耶鲁大学博士学位时,起到了极为关键的作用。

During the university,He also met his teacher David romer and cristina romer couple。Cristina romer is the Obama White House immediately next economic consultant team chairman,And David romer is academia very famous master of macroeconomics。For their own interest,Also because of two supervisors to monetary policy areas of further research,WangHaoBin graduation thesis to China's currency policy、State-owned private enterprise business credit research issues。This essay and graduate G R E examination 1600 points the full marks in his application for doctor's degree of Yale university,Played a key role。


家教秘笈 Tutor secret


妈妈:家长要注意观察孩子特点 mother:Parents should pay attention to observe the child characteristics


Has already fly to Yale university WangHaoBin share his successful experience。He suggested that young people must constantly to elder people consult,In the understanding of exploring the most suitable for their own a way。When it comes to myself to family education,WangHaoBin think parents influence to him deeper is precept,“They told me that success or not is not important,The most important thing is to have their own pursuit of pay sincere efforts。”for“The Wolf dad”、“Tiger mother”and“Sheep dad”Education idea of the dispute,He thinks the ideal tutor is in“The Wolf dad”and“Sheep dad”Find the most suitable for their child between the balance point。WangHaoBin mother would say,Different children to use different education method,“Every child has its own characteristics,Parents should pay attention to observe,Methods butt,Convergence is very big。”


“they(parents)Told me that success or not is not important,The most important thing is to have their own pursuit of pay sincere efforts。”


WangHaoBin think parents influence to him deeper is precept


Collection &composition:SMW reporter ZhuangShuXiong
