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留学生失去跨文化交流能力了吗 林晓东专栏 LinXiaoDong column


做具有跨文化交流能力的中国公民(二) Do transcultural communication skills of Chinese citizens(two)


本期关键词:跨文化交流影响因素 Current keywords:Intercultural communication influence factors


阅读链接:本报7月20日第八版《留学生亟需提高跨文化交流能力》   Reading link:On July 20, the eighth edition《Students need to improve the intercultural communication ability》


In recent years,Every year the Chinese to foreign countries take part in all kinds of activities about 20 million people,Chinese has become a citizen of the world。China is in the world is more and more important role,Chinese students must also motivate yourself,Cultivate intercultural communication ability。


s作者 林晓东 翻译 李道全 The author LinXiaoDong LiDaoQuan translation

  过去40年中关于人类动机的研究基本上达成了共识:在人类的学习和成长过程中,兴趣起到了关键作用。一般来说, 人们面对另一种全新的文化环境或多或少会遇到困难,那么,兴趣自然会影响人们在困难面前的行为。

Over the past 40 years about the research of the motives of human basically reached consensus:In human learning and growth process,Interest plays a key role。Generally speaking, People face another kind of new cultural environment more or less will encounter difficulties,so,Interest will naturally influence people in the face of difficulty behavior。


美国教授眼里中国留学生不喜欢交往 In the American professor eyes Chinese students don't like communication


I once and three from the United States ivy league director of the office of the international students talked about in recent years Chinese students,They pointed out that without exception,Chinese students to communicate with people seem to be less and less interested in,In the 1990 s to Chinese students,At least 60% attended"Host family"project。The project is set up in order to help them to contact with people in the United States,Then the deep understanding of American culture。Recent years,Although the United States university, as always, support and encourage Chinese students depth contact American culture,But only less than 15% of Chinese students said they would like to attend。These data indicate that,Chinese students become less eager to contact the American culture。


Columbia University teachers college"Practice teaching"Project director also once talked about,Mobilize the Chinese foreign students to attend the activities is a very difficult thing。She said:"I really don't know how to do ability to let China students to participate in the public activity department。They seem to want to finish his homework,And then with own stay together。"She said:"alas,Chinese students in fact don't understand to participate in the activities would bring about some advantage for them。If they through these activities,Depth contact American culture,Know how to use these cultural rules and American colleagues and leaders with people,They won't came to me in sackcloth and ashes said they in the teaching practice of various don't go smoothly。"I really agree with her point of view,If Chinese students want to study in the United States is engaged in the teaching or similar such work to communicate with people,You must learn to get along with the American culture depth interaction。


中国留学生不愿了解美国文化的几个原因 Chinese students don't want to know about American culture for several reasons


There are many reasons why may explain why Chinese students will gradually lose interest in deep understanding of American culture。


The first,Internet technology greatly enrich the students' knowledge in contemporary China,Their knowledge and understanding of the United States of the channel has a much wider than before。so,They may take it for granted that,For the American culture have enough understanding。however,The study found that,People in the real environment of learning efficiency and depth is far more than from the reading and listening to lectures get。


The second,In China's comprehensive national strength in the process of gradually strong,Our attitude may appear a subtle change。After 30 years of reform and development,China has become the world's major economic and political powers。In recent years,Every year the Chinese to foreign countries take part in all kinds of activities about 20 million people,Chinese has become a citizen of the world。Every Chinese people are absolutely have reason for the country's strong and proud。however,This kind of mentality change may be more or less cut us to other countries、Other cultures to ascertain。As the international communication office of the CPC(The state council information office)The original director Mr. ZhaoQiZheng said,"The more powerful China,Chinese citizens is necessary to learn about the world。We must guard against,Try to avoid the narrow nationalism mood"。


I had such a cross-cultural communication topic:The six grade Chinese students divided into two groups,Arrange a group of students from different cultures and the students' cooperation to complete a task,Arrange another group of students from the same culture students' cooperation finish one and the same operation。Before a group of students not only in the operations behave more creative,And more able to find their own shortcomings,The more efficient points out that it should be the direction of improvement。The result of the subject from a side proved the point of view of Mr. Zhao。Students are able to in cross-cultural cooperation know yourself better。China is in the world is more and more important role,Chinese students must also motivate yourself,Cultivate intercultural communication ability。


The third,Many Chinese students think that his side have enough Chinese friends,Communicate with them is enough。Through the questionnaire survey,We found that students generally feel and Chinese friends together,Mentally easier to obtain satisfaction。Some people think that there is no need to actively with the United States people contact。In the 21st century,Our daily study,Work even entertainment become more international。sometimes,People of different culture must be together to work efficiently。This trend for Chinese students to try to jump out of yourself"Feeling comfortable psychological space",To actively seek intercultural communication opportunities。


The fourth,Only children from the lack of communication opportunities。Now most of Chinese students are themselves only children,size,Parents in order to let their children more"safety"To grow,Often help children to solve problems in communication。Because someone help,Some children don't think and the importance of communication,In cross-cultural environment is lack of communicating with the interest。


The fifth,Exam-oriented education is to reduce the students intercultural communication one of the reasons for the motivation。Many students have been based on examination as the center,China international students in the United States in academics on little surprise,Because they did not see the intercultural communication studies to their benefits。

  我们都知道,美国的大学只用英语进行教学和课堂活动。成绩是否优秀取决于学生能否恰当地使用英语与老师和同学进行准确的思想沟通。我的一位博士生通过研究发现,除了课堂活动,英语优秀的比英语蹩脚的中国学生至少要多花45%的时间从事跨文化交流活动。我的研究进一步发现,在美国如果只注重英语语言的学习而忽略跨文化的交流,一般很难准确把握一些语言在特定语境中的含义。比如,我的一位美国同事说,她有一天急急忙忙赶去参加一个会议,路上恰巧碰到一个中国学生,她礼貌地问了句"how are you!"。这只是一句礼貌的问候,并不是想具体知道你的故事。而这位中国学生却滔滔不绝地讲起她的烦心事,全然没读懂对方急急忙忙的表情。假设能够在学习英语语言的同时,增加跨文化交流的机会,那么我们会出现这么低级的文化误解么?

We all know that,American university for English teaching and classroom activities。Whether grades excellent depends on whether students properly use English with teachers and students communicate accurate thought。One of my doctoral through the study found,In addition to the classroom activities,Good English than Chinese students of English poor at least spend 45% of their time engaged in cross-cultural communication activity。My research further found,In the United States if only pay attention to English language learning and ignores the cross-cultural communication,Generally it is difficult to grasp some language in particular in the context of meaning。For example,One of my American colleagues said,She has a day rush out to attend a meeting,The road happened to run into a Chinese students,She politely asked a sentence"How are you!"。This is just a polite greetings,And not to specific know your story。The Chinese students but spout up her troubles,Utterly didn't understand each other in a great hurry of expression。Hypothesis can in learning the English language at the same time,Increase the chance of intercultural communication,Then we will appear so low cultural misunderstanding yao?


怎样激励自己主动与不同文化背景的人交流 How to motivate yourself actively with people of different culture exchange


I have a daughter,From her when I was a her attention to the cultivation of initiative and different culture the ability of dealing with people。In her just two years old,I will take her to the community park to play,I asked her to must be in 20 minutes after the new friends and introduce to me,Otherwise, they go home at once。The first not have trouble making friends,The second also have no,The good news is that,The third time she did it!Now she had on the primary school,The teacher said that she was a conflict with classmates played very mature,And can very quickly into the new environment。therefore,I think,To cultivate students with different cultural background of the ability of dealing with people should start small。


As Columbia University teachers college students in China's reputation tutor,I often discuss with Chinese students they encounter all kinds of questions。I have asked them,What method can motivate Chinese students active and American culture contact。Some say,This active contact American culture enthusiasm basically is innate,Some people are very positive,Some people are wasn't dare to interest。It seems,It is not only the lack of intercultural communication strategy,It is a question of attitude。Such students often like to say:"I don't think and American communication than oneself read a book to learn more","Anyway I am you will come back to China,And spend time in cross-cultural communication,Return not equal to make some Chinese friends"。


在此,我提出三种提高跨文化交流主动性的方法。 In this,I put forward three kinds of improving intercultural communication method of the initiative。


The first,Through the case analysis let students understand the intercultural communication to the development of their own benefits,Such as through the video or story to contrast the cultural exchange success and failure。


The second,Through the practice interactive let students experience cross-cultural communication to the development of their own benefits。if,We can let people of different culture evaluation of students' homework。


The third,To introduce students"Change environment"Self motivation strategy。specifically,The students to the teacher put forward a kind of incentive system to stimulate their intercultural communication practice,Then the teacher according to the students' performance in rewards and punishment。If students obtain the reward,So they will put their progress due to"Change environment"attempt,Such form a benign circulation,Students gradually cultivate interest in intercultural communication。


In a word,If students can put their success to intercultural communication ability,So they will be more willing to seek intercultural communication opportunities。


(作者系美国哥伦比亚大学教育学院终身教授,email:xlin@exchange.tc.columbia.edu) (The author is American Columbia University education college lifetime professor,email:xlin@exchange.tc.columbia.edu)

(来源:中国教育报) (Source: China education report)
