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暑假在娃身上花两万八 家长晒账单“伤不起”(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

调查 survey
  这个暑假你为孩子花了多少钱 This summer for the child you how much money

  10000元到30000元 2.63%

10000 yuan to 30000 yuan by 2.63%

  30000元到50000元 10.53%

30000 yuan to 50000 yuan by 10.53%

  50000元以上 2.63%

50000 yuan of above 2.63%

  5000元到10000元 26.32%

5000 yuan to 10000 yuan by 26.32%

  5000元以下 57.89%

5000 yuan of the following 57.89%


The new term is about to begin,In public opinion for college students' high school cost when be left speechless with wonder or fear,Many primary and high school students parents also busy accounting children summer vacation the bill。recently,Xuzhou a parents on the Internet the sun drying out the bill,exclaimed“Scared his jump”Less than two months,Unconsciously has spent 28200 yuan for the child。Her the bill on the Internet caused a net friend resonance,She has done online survey data show,Summer for the children spend 5000 yuan reach 42%,Most of the spent more than 50000 yuan。Many netizens call“Hurry up, to send their child to kindergartens, schools”。


核算账单 Accounting bill


暑假花费两万多,家长“吓了一跳” Summer vacation spending more than twenty thousand,parents“shocked”


Net friend“Birds sing”The son was the sixth grade,Recently while she was busy for son“retrieving”,While accounting son a summer vacation the bill,Although feeling this summer vacation cost a lot,But the bill is good after formal,She was shocked。

  1、游学 7月初,听朋友说游学对孩子有好处,朋友非要拉着我们让孩子出去游学,说是做个伴,孩子听朋友说后非常开心,孩子爸爸怕影响孩子的积极性,觉得也能开拓眼界。就报名了:2万元,10天左右。

1、Studies in early July,Listen to the friend say to benefit children travel,Friends don't want to pull we let the children travel out,Say be a companion,The children listen to the friend say after very happy,The child father afraid of impact on the child's enthusiasm,Think can also develop the field of vision。Just sign up:20000 yuan,10 days or so。


2、Remedial class the end of July to see(children)Play heart too heavy,Do my homework is not consciously,Home elders too pet,We have no time to help him,Quote a one-on-one coaching:100 yuan for 1 hour,Up to now probably spent 3000 yuan。

  3、零食 因为(孩子)成天在家,零食比平时要多买很多。基本一个礼拜去一次超市,每次都先往食品柜台跑,去一次不低于200,用掉两张超市卡,1000来块钱。

3、Snacks for(children)At home all day,Snacks more than usual buy a lot of。Basic a week to a supermarket,Every time to run counter to food,Go to a not less than 200,Use off two supermarket card,1000 dollars。

  4、日常开支 放假中午吃饭也在家里吃的,我妈中餐晚餐顿顿做好的,孩子不在家时肯定随便凑合了,我每个月多补贴了我妈一些家用。老人家比较省的,也不会一天到晚开空调的,小的在,基本空调是不关的,电费也是噌噌往上涨。这样算算一个月要比平日里多四五百的开销。

4、Daily spending holidays at noon to eat at home to eat,My mom Chinese dinner repeatedly do well,Children are not at home must manage casually,I every month subsidies for my mom some household。Old man's house is the province,Wouldn't a day to night of the open air conditioning,Small in,Basic air conditioning is none of the,Electricity is ChengCheng to rise。So have to calculate a month than in the normal more than the cost of the -。

  5、玩具 晚上吃完饭天热就会逛下商场,衣服什么倒是不要的,玩具每次去都不肯放,我妈拗不过他的,零零碎碎也买了近千。其中有过生日的,狮子大开口,要个游戏机,XBOX360游戏机,价值至少2000元以上,我只懂PSP~作死作活好两天,他爸给他买了,看到价格吓了一跳,2K(2000)多元。

5、Toy evening meal hot day will stroll down market,What clothes is don't,Every time they go to a toy refused to put,My mother ao however his,Odds and ends also bought nearly。There are the birthday,Lion big openings,For a game,XBOX360 game,Worth at least 2000 yuan of above,I only know PSP to die for live good two days,His father bought him,See prices jumped out,2 k(2000)multiple。

  6、游泳卡 为了让他多运动,办了张游泳卡,60次的,700块。

6、Swimming card in order to let him to take more exercise,Do a swimming card,60 times,700 pieces of。


“Birds sing”The accurate calculation of the son's this summer for the total expenditure:Travel 20000、Class 3000、Snacks 1000、Daily 500(Only calculation than usual out overhead)、Toy 1000、Birthday gift 2000、Swimming card 700,A total of 28200 yuan。


Although money spend out,but“Birds sing”There are plenty to bitter:“I'm not the boss,Each month work for someone take salary。Children don't know how to make money is not easy to is normal。(but)My husband said,Children so small,Total can't let him go to summer jobs,Let him realize it is difficult to make money。In the children use the money to this thing,I told the family opinion is divided,I also fundamental to convince them。”


调查显示:42%的暑期账单超过5000元 Investigation shows that:42% of the summer bill more than 5000 yuan


“Birds sing”Will his bill put in xuzhou a well-known in the BBS,And an online survey。What happened to her triggered a net friends resonance,So far,More than 2300 users click,More than 100 net friend to participate in research。


Investigation shows that,Summer for the children spend 5000 yuan of the following accounts for 58%,That is 42% of the net friend bill summer more than 5000 yuan,the,Spend 5000-10000 account for 26%,Spend the most reached 50000 yuan。The reporter interviewed part of the participants in the survey found that net friend,Even if spend on below 5000,Most of the family expenses also is in 3000 yuan of above。


Reporter found that further investigation,Many users to provide summer in the bill,There are several expenditure has become a must for the children spending projects,Including tourism、Remedial class(Or class)、award。And in these costs,A lot of people and tend to drive up standards。For example,Travel expenses,Not a few net friend chose the price is in ten thousand yuan of above studies;In the class,Various interest、Olympic math class、Cohesion class、training,From the total cost of after yuan to 67000 dollars。Even their children to be reward expenses,From common toys、Game to IPAD、Apple computer,Expenses are also concentrated in one thousand yuan of above。


Be worth what carry is,Not a few net friend said some expenses can't avoid。Net friend“Love to eat fish cat”Told reporters,Her children holiday main follow my grandparents live,The old man a look to the son,Usually won't open air conditioning, one day does not take,In order to let the children don't feel boring,They also spend money with broadband,When having a meal at ordinary times repeatedly without chicken duck fish。In addition,The old man every two days with the grandson to the supermarket procurement snacks。“Although my children did not spend high price for tourism or class,But each month home spending than usual normal more than 1000 yuan。”


专家建议家长:多花精力 少花钱 The experts advise parents to:Spend energy less money


“Summer bill high,Many are parents vanity and bandwagon caused by psychological。”Xuzhou 34th middle school vice President、National secondary psychological consultants XuChengNing told reporters,With the development of the living conditions improve,Parents also can afford some higher cost consumption project,Such as tourism、Remedial class, etc,Some parents to take care of themselves and their children“face”,Formed between each other "keep up with the joneses" wind,Lead to frequently for children deal or no deal,“The choice of the tourism study Tours,Is remedial class for high,Reward children will choose apple three-piece suit。This is not a right view of consume reflect。”He thinks,Parents should set up a right view of consume,If the children spend in learning specialty knowledge and growth,Spending more and will support,But some only used in beer and skittles on the high consumption,Will restraint,Otherwise not only feel great burden,But also to the child establish a correct concept of consumption。


Xuzhou qingnian road primary school province superfine teacher WangXiaoQian also think,Children summer vacation well,Does not depend on how much consumption,But parents how much energy。She thinks,Now many parents busy working,Usually don't have much time with their children,In the summer,They are more should cherish the time,Many children together。“Many parents give children to classes,Send children out studies,Or simply thrown into the old man there,Even if they spent more money,Can't let children gain true happiness。”


The surveyed two experts think,Summer vacation as children rare relax adjustment time,For the child shall be moderate arrange some consumption project。Reporter than they offer a good summer activities list and net friends provide summer vacation the bill,Find both difference not small。

  专家建议暑假活动包括:购书、旅游、学习、体育锻炼、社交活动等。在网友们贴出的暑期账单中,很少有人列出为孩子购书的开支;旅游项目中,专家建议重要的是以亲子游形式,线路根据家庭经济实际状况,最好选择中短途休闲游,谨慎对待各种高价游学;学习项目中,专家建议家长辅导孩子学习最好的办法是形成互动,对于一般补习班,根据孩子实际情况少量选择,对于高价提高班,建议最好不要报;体育锻炼中,专家建议家长每天都要带着孩子走出家门,参加各种形式的锻炼,而不是买几张游泳票或健身卡,让孩子进行单一的体育锻炼。(扬子晚报记者 马志亚 实习生 杨庆庆)

Experts suggest summer activities include:acquisition、tourism、learning、Physical exercise、Social activities。In the net friends posted summer in the bill,Few people list for the children purchase expenses;Tourism project,Experts suggest important in parent-child swimming form,Line according to the family economic actual condition,Best choice ZhongDuanTu leisure,Careful with various high studies;Learning project,The experts advise parents to counseling children learn the best way is to form interaction,For general cram school,According to the actual situation a few children choose,High prices for intensive,The proposal had better don't quote;Physical training,The experts advise parents to everyday want to take their children out of the house,Take part in all kinds of forms of exercise,Rather than buy a few pieces of swimming ticket or fitness card,Let the child have a single physical exercise。(Yangzi evening news reporter MaZhiYa interns YangQingQing)

  作者:马志亚 杨庆庆

The author:MaZhiYa YangQingQing
