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recently,Sun yat-sen university announced the opening“Harry potter and genetics”Elective course,Dalian maritime university set up“Ship security”course。With a lot of universities“Tide class”By exposure,Time cause public opinion to the university curriculum attention。


本报记者 柯进 Our reporter KeJin


提升课堂吸引力“潮课”不断推陈出新 Ascension class attraction“Tide class”constantly


Xiamen university physical education teaching students to climb trees,Sun yat-sen university plans to open“Harry potter and genetics”course……In recent years,Some was popular in the novel、The movie or network“star”Even the game,And some discipline knowledge fusion,Have entered the college classroom,Become a lot after 80、After 90 college students chase after hold in both hands to the elective course。


“In recent years,In order to improve the college classroom attraction,All kinds of after the trend of The Times of new course continue to come into the college classroom。”Central China normal university education college professor LeiWanPeng think,now,Part of the university classroom appear some accord with students flavors of the new curriculum,Is a good phenomenon,It reflects more and more teachers are according to the student the characteristics of The Times,Continuously introducing new elements,Innovation classroom teaching,Trying to change the traditional classroom presentation,Improve class attraction。This innovation practice is worth popularizing,But avoid utilitarian tendency。


And sun yat-sen university college students will be familiar harry potter into similar genetics course,Last September,Guangdong riverhead vocational technology school will popular network“Triple kill”Game introduced into classroom,And for the students of opened the elective course“Triple kill strategy tutorial”,Quite popular with the students。Each semester,The school open elective system less than 10 minutes,Elective places already full。


In fact,Subject knowledge and students love to see and hear form two“face”Stick the proximity to the,Not only the network game“Triple kill”。after,Dalian maritime university of navigation offers“Ship security”Compulsory course of,This course is for the outside world“Pirates research”course。the,Some content is to teach students about meet pirates emergency measures and the use of related tools。Gulf of Aden incident,The college had opened“Pirates protection”Lecture series,From naval escort formation how to guarantee the safety of ship Angle against pirates teaching method。


大学既植根于市场又要高于市场 University is rooted in the market and higher than the market


Subject knowledge and willingness to accept each other between the students“crowds”Lead to classroom silence,The university has been a kind of class“Common fault”。


“Now the university,Like the rats in the bellows syrian-backed:A head is the lack of attractive,Interaction between teachers and students‘Buy gas’;Another head is unit of choose and employ persons constantly complain that the university cultivate people with bad,Requires schools in the curriculum and the teaching process,We should have market consciousness、Business sense。”LeiWanPeng think,University should be the value of the stick to the university,With the market to keep a certain distance between,Their own to keep certain stability,Professional and curriculum cannot be completely and the market is been,Not to follow the fashion way to the pursuit of students employment、Professing, and other short-term effect,And higher education should respect the essential rule of law and talent training,With the same to cope with the market of change。


for“Tide class”The disputes,a“Tide class”Teachers said,In the past,Give students speak discipline knowledge,They don't want to listen to,Have a plenty of sunk to see the English words,Some reading novels。now,The students are familiar with the game into after class,Not only subjects taught students smoothly,And more important is the classroom according to the market demand,Join a lot on students' employment useful skills。


Sun yat-sen university HuangDaRen think before the headmaster,That graduation,In fact are professional education pursuit。Although higher education has entered the phase of popularization,But this does not mean that normal universities and colleges of undergraduate course will be active to close to the market demand,Be market“kidnapping”,And should be based on education and talent cultivation of different target,Have relatively independent of the short-term employment outside the market value pursuit。


“University to rooted in the market and to have higher than the market consciousness,Cannot fully follow the market is going。The current,Domestic higher education have a bad phenomenon is,Ignore vocational education and general education undergraduate course the difference between。If the average undergraduate colleges and universities curriculum too closely the market demand,On the one hand may make ordinary undergraduate education evolved into vocational education,On the other hand may make the university in order to adapt to the market demand,The course、Professional system always in constant change of,This does not conform to the higher education's own development regularity and high-level talent cultivation rule。”HuangDaRen said。


“潮课”反映学科发展和学生需求的变化 “Tide class”Reflect the subject development and the change of students' needs


“The current‘Tide class’Behind emerge in endlessly,In fact wycombe discipline development、The transformation of social division of labor and the education object the change of demand,Requires universities and professional courses are in urgent need of review and adjustment。”LeiWanPeng think,To break the predicament,The urgent task is to,The curriculum in the school teaching under the guidance of the steering committee,To give full play to the teacher's enthusiasm,The curriculum emphasizes that teachers of autonomy。For example,Although early on the market can't find the black and white TV set,But before two years have university incredibly back to college students set up a door“Black and white TV set maintenance”course,“Something like this,In some university also exist”。


The university is concerned,What kind of“Tide class”Can open,What kind of old course、Old professional can shut,What then for what reference?


“Any course can't literally open,Also cannot simply take the student preferences for the standard,And the development of the discipline to be considered at the same time、The integrity of the knowledge system,And whether it helps students' long-term development。”Hubei some academic affairs division chief said,The current professional and curriculum is all according to the school discipline characteristic、The social people from all walks of life in different periods development characteristics, such as design out,Open every subject to prior after school study repeatedly、Audit strictly。


But in fact,Also is filled with the colleges and universities“Tide class”With the international general education of“A covering”。“In fact,China and the United States higher education,In the professional、The curriculum is different。This is the national conditions and teaching system caused by different,And there is no good or bad difference points。For example,In the United States,Undergraduate education stage emphasize that the general education,Professional study is actually in the graduate student stage of completion。But in our country,Higher education should be in the undergraduate stage is to set up the general course,To set up professional course。The proportion between them、Discretion how to take hold,This is the current really need to study and urgent to solve the problem。”HuangDaRen said,“Course how to set up,Believe that every school can control their educational goals,Independent decision。”


(Source: China education report)


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