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搜狐教育主持人 Sohu education host:刘飞校长的一些教学经历,您当老师的经历能跟我们分享一下吗?

LiuFei the headmaster's some teaching experience,You when the teacher's experience can share with us?


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):最初校长分配工作,问我喜欢哪一科目,我回答数学、生物。没想到校长让我教语文。

First the principal distribution work,Ask my favorite subjects,I answered mathematics、biological。Didn't expect the headmaster let me teach Chinese。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您从教多少年了?

Teaching you how many years?


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):1986年到今年已经27年了,也是老教师了。

1986 to this year is already 27 years,Is the old teacher。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您一直教语文课吗?

You have been taught Chinese classes?


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):一直到2003年。

Until 2003。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您认为最完美的快乐是什么?

You think the most perfect happiness is what?


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):做自己,能够尽心尽力做好自己,不容易。

Do oneself,To try to do well in his heart,Not easy to。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您最希望自己拥有哪种才华?

Would you most like to own what kind of talent?


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):幽默,幽默对于一个教师非常关键,能增加亲和力,在师生之间、干群之间、教师之间是一个很好的润滑剂。

humor,Humor for a teacher is very key,Can increase affinity,In between the teachers and students、Between cadres and、Teachers are a very good lubricant。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您认为自己最大的成就是什么?

Do you think your greatest achievement is what?


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):这个岁数还谈不到成就,对于自己20余年工作梳理,在管理方面自己提出“易知易行”的管理理念,这可能是目前梳理的最到位的方面。我认为教育本身不复杂,通过“易知易行”引导老师、引导自身理解教育的真谛。

Age also talk about less than achievement,For more than 20 years his work card,On the management side put forward“Easy to know and”Management concept,This may be the carding of the most in the aspect。I think education itself is not complicated,Through the“Easy to know and”Guide teacher、Guide their own understanding of the true meaning of education。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您最珍惜的财富是什么?

Your most treasured wealth is what?


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):真情,亲情、友情。



搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您最奢侈的东西是什么?

You the most luxurious thing???????


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):时间,最需要的是想干的事情很多,但真干起来之后时间不够,越干越觉得可干的事情多。

time,Need most is want to do lots of things,But really dry up and don't have enough time,The dry more think to do more things。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:一般采访女校长呼家楼的马骏校长还有窦贵梅校长,马骏校长说最奢侈的是衣服,窦校长说我最奢侈的是化妆品,一般采访男校长说的很抽象,比如时间。

General interview headmistress HuGuLou a fair of the principal and DouGuiMei the headmaster,A fair the principal said the most extravagant is clothes,Sinus President said I the most extravagant is cosmetics,General interview schoolmaster say is very abstract,For example, time。


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):这个可能是性别差异。

This may be gender difference。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您最喜欢男性身上什么样的性格?

You like most men what kind of character?


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):真诚。



搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:女性?



刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):善良。



搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您使用过最多的词语是什么?

You use the most words is what?


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):责任。



搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您最喜欢的旅行是哪次?

Your favorite travel is which times?


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):几年前到庐山,诵读毛主席 “天生一个仙人洞,无限风光在险峰”的诗句,感受伟人那种坦荡的心胸,印象特别深。

A few years ago to lushan,Read chairman MAO “Born a fairy cave,Unlimited scenery in the perilous peaks”verses,Feel great that straight mind,Special deep impression。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您最痛恨别人身上什么特点?

You hate others what characteristics?


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):虚伪。



搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:如果让您选择,您希望什么重现?

If let you choose,What you wish to return?


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):第一节课。

The first class。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您的座右铭是什么?

Your motto is what?


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):似水,至柔居下利他无争;若山,稳定包容坚定执著。我很喜欢山很喜欢水,观山水,悟人生。像水,水流过的地方万物可以生长,水往低处走与世无争,这种心境对于自我调节很有帮助。同时作为一个管理者或者作为教师必须有山的情怀,很坚定很执着,而且山能包容。

water,Soft to the next altruism no dispute;If the mountain,Stable tolerance firm attachment。I like mountain like water,View landscape,Life enlightenment。Like water,Water flows through a place all things can grow,Lower water to go stand aloof from worldly success,This kind of mood for self adjusting to have the help very much。At the same time as a manager or as a teacher must have the state of mind of the mountain,Very firm very persistent,And mountain can tolerate。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您觉得自己最像哪种植物?

You feel the most like what kind of plant?


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):芳草。我们作为芳草地国际学校的老师,我们在品味芳草,芳草有它的特点,自信,没有花香没有树高,从不寂寞从不烦恼,他的朋友遍及天涯海角,很乐群,自信乐群,如果说一种植物,我更希望像芳草。

the。We as FangCaoDe international school teacher,We in the taste,The has its own characteristics,confidence,No sweet without tree height,Never lonely never worry,His friends all over the ends of the earth,Very music group,Confidence music group,If a plant,I like the more hope。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:除了教师以外,您最喜欢哪种职业?

In addition to outside teachers,Which do you like best professional?


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):作为男同志没当兵很遗憾,我特想当一名军人,做一名职业军人。

As a male comrades have no soldier regret,I really want to be a soldier,Do a professional soldier。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您最喜欢哪本书?

Which book you like best?


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):《成为有思想的教师》肖川。

《A thought of teachers》XiaoChuan。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:能否分享一下您工作时间每天的生活点滴,比如您会几点钟起床去办公室会干什么,几点钟去教学区看工作的状态,或者晚上睡觉之前会读哪些读物?

Can share your working hours a bit of every day life,For example you will a few o 'clock will go to the office,The time to look at the state of school districts work,Or before you go to sleep at night will read what reading?


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):早晨六点钟起床,七点钟之前到学校,来了以后处理一下学校小区的事情。一般在7:40去早餐,中层干部一块儿去早餐,沟通一下隔天的工作和今天的想法。如果有可能的话争取听一听课,第三节课以后做一些日常工作。中午有可能看看青年报或者《参考消息》,下班没点。我非常反对加班加点,但是从现在的工作强度来看你不加班加点根本完不成工作,学校普通老师七八点钟回去是常事,我们得去催。

Get up at six o 'clock in the morning,Before seven o 'clock to the school,To the later processing the school district of things。Commonly 7:40 to breakfast,Middle-level cadres to go to breakfast,Communicate the next day's work and today's idea。If possible to listen to a lecture,The third quarter after class to do some daily work。Noon may look at youth daily or《Reference news》,Didn't work at。I'm very opposed to work overtime,But from now work strength to see you do not work overtime fundamental to finish the work,Ordinary school teacher seven eight o 'clock back is common,We have to push。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:刘校长作为管理者如何让芳草地国际学校的老师们始终保持工作激情,时间长了会有职业的倦怠。

LiuJiaoChang as managers how to make FangCaoDe international school teachers always keep working passion,For a long time will have professional burnout。


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):实际任何一个职业,特别是教师这个职业出现职业倦怠是很正常的事情,原来我们的老书记说过这样一句话,他这样形容教育,不在重复中升华就在重复中消沉,我们怎么能够升华?具体的做法在整体推动工作过程中,让老师保持一种比较高的工作热情很关键,具体方法各校有各校的方式,但我认为定位很关键。我提出过这样的观点,要把老师看成普通人,只不过这个人道德方面有更高的要求,传道授业解惑,还老师的本来面目,让他生活事业均衡。我们这么看老师,老师当然更积极回报学校,处理好家庭和事业的关系,对于我们构建一个良好的氛围很有帮助。

The actual any a professional,Especially the teachers in this career appear job burnout is very normal thing,It turned out that our old secretary said such a word,He that describe education,Not the one I just repeated sublimation in repeat in depression,How can we sublimation?The specific methods to promote the overall work process,Let the teacher keep a more high enthusiasm for the work is very key,Methods the schools have the overall way,But I think that positioning is a key point。I have presented the view,The teacher as ordinary people,Just this person moral has higher request,Impart facts and theories to reassure,Also the teacher's true colors,Let his life career equilibrium。So we see the teacher,The teacher of course more positive return school,To deal with the relationship between family and career,For us to construct a good atmosphere to have the help very much。


I often communicate with the teacher,A person cannot too pay attention to family,Pays more attention to family,The child looked down upon you,Also cannot too pay attention to business,Too much stress on business this person with the family it doesn't matter,You are not our school to the family。Only life career balance,He was able to have a very good development environment,There is a very good state of mind。Mood good job nature。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:访谈的最后请校长给我们说几句您的期望,期望芳草地国际学校的学子有什么样的发展和未来。

The end of the interview, please give us the headmaster said a few words of your expectations,Expect FangCaoDe international school students have what kind of development and future。


刘飞(芳草地国际学校校长): LiuFei(FangCaoDe international school principal):我特别希望芳草地国际学校的孩子像芳草那样能够自信乐群充满活力,我特别希望孩子们能把芳草的优良传统继承下来,因为芳草很注重创新实践,我们的孩子应该是会学善用、充满好奇的,这样的孩子他的实践能力创新能力一定强,这也是我对芳草地国际学校的孩子的希望。

I really hope that FangCaoDe international school children like the music that can be confident of full of vitality,I especially want their children to the fine tradition of the inherited,Because the very focus on innovation practice,Our children should learn to make good use of、curious,Such children his practice ability innovation ability must be strong,This is also I to FangCaoDe international school children of hope。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:最后,非常感谢刘校长同我们分享您的教育理念,后期还会有精美的专题给大家做呈现。希望大家继续关注,谢谢!

finally,Thank you very much LiuJiaoChang share with us your education concept,Later will also have exquisite project for everyone to do present。We hope you continue to pay attention to,thank you!


 相关阅读: readings:


芳草地国际学校校长刘飞:建立兼容并包的多元校园 FangCaoDe international school principal LiuFei:Establish compatible and package multiple campus


芳草地国际学校校长刘飞:培养有个性的孩子 FangCaoDe international school principal LiuFei:Cultivate a personality of children


芳草地国际学校校长刘飞:教育应培养不走捷径的人 FangCaoDe international school principal LiuFei:Education should cultivate not short-cut people


芳草地国际学校校长刘飞的普鲁斯特问卷 FangCaoDe international school principal of LiuFei Proust questionnaire
